指导专业:(0701) 数学(一级)
1.主持数学天元青年基金“组合极值理论中的EKR型性质研究”(10826084), 2009.1-2009.12, 已结题。
2.主持国家自然科学基金青年基金“偏序集及点传递图的EKR性质”(11001249),2011.1-2013.12 在研。
1.Jun Wang, Normalized matching property of a class of subspace lattices. Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 11(2007) 43-50.(SCI)
2.Jun Wang and Huajun Zhang,,Normalized matching property of restricted subspace lattices. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics,22 (2008) 248-255. (SCI)
3.Jun Wang and Huajun Zhang, Q-weighted log-concavity and q-direct product theorem on the normality of posets, Adv.in Appl.Math., 41 (2008) 395-406. (SCI)
4.Yidong Sun and Huajun Zhang, Two kinds of hook length formulas for complete m-ary trees, Discrete Math., 309 (2009) 2584-2588. (SCI)
5.Jun Wang and Huajun Zhang, Cross-intersecting family and primitivity of symmetric systems, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 118 (2011) 455-462. (SCI)
6.Huajun Zhang, Primitivity and independent sets in direct product of vertex-transitive graphs, J. Graph Theory, 67 (2011) 218-225. (SCI)
7.Jun Wang and Huajun Zhang, Intersecting families in a subset of boolean lattices, Electron.J. Combin., 2011.(SCI)
8.H.J. Zhang, Independent sets in direct products of vertex-transitive graphs, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 102 (2012) 832-838.(SCI)
9.Xingbo Geng, Jun Wang and Huajun Zhang, Structure of independent sets in direct products of some vertex-transitive graphs, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 28 (2012) 697-706.(SCI)
10.Jun Wang and Huajun Zhang, Nontrivial independent sets of bipartite graphs and cross-intersecting families, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A. to appear.