

浙江师范大学 免费考研网/2014-03-06




  指导专业:(0701) 数学(一级)
  1.图的无圈染色和存活率研究 (11071223),国家自然科学基金项目,2011.1-2013.12,主持
  2.图的染色与标号 (10771197), 国家自然科学基金项目,2008.1-2010.12,主持
  3.组合结构中几类参数的研究 (10471131), 国家自然科学基金项目,2005.1-2007.12,主持
  4.数学天元基金 (10826109), 国家自然科学基金专项项目,2008.11-12, 主持
  5.对外交流与合作基金 (10471131), 国家自然科学基金项目, 2005.6-7, 主持
  6.通讯网络与图的约束染色 (SI07-06), 科技部“中法先进研究计划项目”,2007.1-2008.12, 主持
  8.图的染色与连通性问题研究 (M103094), 浙江省自然科学基金项目, 2004.1-2005.12, 主持
  9.通讯网络与图的约束染色 (2007GG110), 浙江省外国专家局财政资助引进国外技术、管理人才项目,2007.1-2008.12, 主持
  10.图的若干参数及算法研究 (61170302), 国家自然科学基金项目, 2012.1-2015.12,第二
  12..图和超图的均匀染色 (Y607467), 浙江省自然科学基金项目, 2008.1-2009.12, 第二
  13.超图理论与极值问题 (Y604167), 浙江省自然科学基金项目, 2006.1-2007.12, 第二
  14.图的能量中的若干问题研究 (Y12A010011), 浙江省自然科学基金项目, 2012.1-2013.12, 第二
  15.可平面图的3可选择性研究与应用 (20070441), 浙江省教育厅科研项目重点项目, 2008.1-2009.12, 第二

  1.Chen Min, Andre Raspaud, Wang Weifan, 8-Star-choosability of a graph with maximum average degree less than 3, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 13(3)(2012), 97-110.
  2.Shu Qiaojun, Wang Weifan, Acyclic chromatic indices of planar graphs with girth at least five, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 23(1)(2012), 140-157.
  3.Shu Qiaojun, Wang Weifan, Wang Yiqiao, Acyclic edge coloring of planar graphs without 5-cycles, Discrete Applied Mathematics 160(7-8)(2012), 1211-1223.
  4.Wang Weifan, Huang Jing, Sun Haina, Huang Danjun, (2,1)-Total number of joins of paths and cycles, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 16(2)(2012), 605-619.
  5.Huang Danjun, Wang Weifan, Adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring of planar graphs with large maximum degree, Science Sinica Mathematics 42(2)(2012), 151-164.
  6.Chen Min, Andre Raspaud, Wang Weifan, Vertex-arboricity of planar graphs without intersecting triangles, European Journal of Combinatorics 33(5)(2012), 905-923.
  7.Wang Weifan, Bu Yuehua, Mickael Montassier, Andre Raspaud, On backbone coloring of graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 23(1)(2012), 79-93.
  8.Kong Jiangxu, Wang Weifan, Zhu Xuding, The surviving rate of planar graphs, Theoretical Computer Science 416 (2012), 65-70.
  9.Li Chao, Wang Weifan, Andre Raspaud, Upper bounds on the linear chromatic number of a graph, Discrete Mathematics 311(4)(2011), 232-238.
  10.Wang Weifan, Zhu Xuding, Entire coloring of plane graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 101(6)(2011), 490-501.
  11.Wang Weifan, Shu Qiaojun, Acyclic chromatic indices of K_{4}-minor free graphs, Sciences in China (Series A) 41(8)(2011), 733-744.
  12.Wang Weifan, Wang Yiqiao, Adjacent vertex distinguishing edge colorings of K4-minor free graphs, Applied Mathematics Letters 24(12) (2011), 2034-2037.
  13.Bu Yuehua, Lih Ko-Wei, Wang Weifan, Adjacent vertex distinguishing edge-colorings of planar graphs with girth at least 6, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 31(3)(2011), 429-439.
  14.Wang Weifan, Shu Qiaojun, Wang Kan, Wang Ping, Acyclic chromatic indices of planar graphs with large girth, Discrete Applied Mathematics 159(12)(2011), 1239-1253.
  15.Wang Weifan, Yue Xubin, Zhu Xuding, The surviving rate of an outerplanar graph for the firefighter problem, Theoretical Computer Science 412(8-10)(2011), 913-921.
  16.Wang Yiqiao, Chen Yongzhu, Wang Weifan, A new sufficient condition for a planar graph of maximum degree six to be Class 1, Sciences in China (Series A) 40(11) (2010), 1129-1136.
  17.Wang Weifan, Stephen Finbo, Wang Ping, The surviving rate of an infected network, Theoretical Computer Science 411(40-42)(2010), 3651-3660.
  18.Cai Leizhen, Wang Weifan, Zhu Xuding, Choosability of toroidal graphs without short cycles, Journal of Graph Theory 65(1)(2010), 1-15.
  19.Wang Yingqian, Miao Xianghua, Lu Huajing, Wang Weifan, On 3-colorability of planar graphs without adjacent short cycles, Sciences in China (Series A) 53(4)(2010), 1129-1132.
  20.Wang Weifan, Wang Yiqiao, Adjacent vertex distinguishing edge-colorings of graphs with smaller maximum average degree, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 19(4)(2010), 471-485.
  21.Wang Yiqiao, Wang Weifan, Adjacent vertex distinguishing total colorings of outerplanar graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 19(2)(2010), 123-133.
  22.Wang Weifan, Wang Ping, Adjacent vertex distinguishing total colorings of K_4-minor free graphs, Sciences in China (Series A) 39(12)(2009), 1462-1472.
  23.Cai Leizhen, Wang Weifan, The surviving rate of a graph for the firefighter problem, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 23(4)(2009), 1814-1826.
  24.A.Raspaud, Wang Weifan, Linear coloring of planar graphs with large girth, Discrete Mathematics 309(18) (2009), 5678-5686.
  25.Bu Yuehua, D.W.Cranston, M.Montassier, A.Raspaud, Wang Weifan, Star coloring of sparse graphs, Journal of Graph Theory 62(3)(2009), 201-219.
  26.Wang Weifan, Chen Min, Planar graphs without 4-cycles are acyclically 6-choosable, Journal of Graph Theory 61(4)(2009), 307-323.
  27.Shen Lan, Wang Yingqian, Wang Weifan, Lih Ko-Wei, On the 9 total colorability of planar graphs with maximum degree 8 and without intersecting triangles, Applied Mathematics Letters 22(9)(2009), 1369-1373.
  28.Lih Ko-Wei, Daphne Der-Fen Liu, Wang Weifan, On (d,1)-total numbers of graphs, Discrete Mathematics 309(12)(2009), 3767-3773.
  29.Wang Weifan, Chen Dong, (2,1) -Total number of trees with maximum degree three, Information Processing Letters 109(14)(2009), 805-810.
  30.Lu Huajin, Wang Yingqian, Wang Weifan, Bu Yuehua, M.Montassier, A.Raspaud, On the 3-colorability of planar graphs without 4-, 7- and 9-cycles, Discrete Mathematics 309(13) (2009), 4596-4607.
  31.Chen Yongzhu, Zhu Weiyi, Wang Weifan, Edge choosability of planar graphs without 5-cycles with a chord, Discrete Mathematics 309(8)(2009), 2233-2238.
  32.Wang Weifan, The edge-face coloring of graphs embedded in a surface of characteristic zero, Discrete Mathematics 309(11)(2009), 3523-3533.
  33.Bu Yuehua, Chen Dong, A.Raspaud, Wang Weifan, Injective chromatic number of planar graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 157(4)(2009), 663-672.
  34.Chen Yongzhu, Wang Weifan, A sufficient condition for a planar graph to be Class 1, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 32(1)(2009), 112-120.
  35.Wang Weifan, Luo Xiaofang, Some results on distance two labelling of outerplanar graphs, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series 25(1)(2009), 21-32.
  36.Huang Jing, Sun Haina, Wang Weifan, Chen Dong, (2,1)-Total labelling of trees with sparse vertices of maximum degree, Information Processing Letters 109(3)(2009), 199-203.
  37.Wang Weifan, Li Chao, Linear coloring of graphs embeddable in a surface of nonnegative characteristic, Sciences in China (Series A) 52(5) 2008, 991-1003.
  38.Chen Min, Wang Weifan, Acyclic 5-choosability of planar graphs without 4-cycles, Discrete Mathematics 308(24)(2008), 6216-6225.
  39.Chen Yongzhu, Wang Weifan, Diameters of uniform subset graphs, Discrete Mathematics 308(24)(2008), 6645-6649.
  40.Wang Weifan, Wang Yiqiao, Adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring of graphs with lower average degree, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 12(4)(2008), 979-990.
  41.Chen Yongzhu, Zhu Weiyi, Wang Weifan, Improper choosability of graphs of nonnegative characteristic, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 56(2008), 2073-2078.
  42.Wang Weifan, Cai Leizhen, Labelling planar graphs without 4-cycles with a condition on distance two, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(12)(2008), 2241-2249.
  43.Chen Min, Wang Weifan, On 3-colorable planar graphs without short cycles, Applied Mathematics Letters 21(9)(2008), 961-965.
  44.M.Montassier, A.Raspaud, Wang Weifan, Wang Yingqian, A relaxation of Havel's 3-color problem, Information Processing Letters 107(3-4)(2008), 107-109.
  45.A.Raspaud, Wang Weifan, The vertex-arboricity of planar graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics 29(2008), 1064-1075.
  46.Wang Weifan, Lih Ko-Wei, Coupled choosability of plane graphs, Journal of Graph Theory 58(1)(2008), 27-44.
  47.Wang Weifan, Lih Ko-Wei, Note on coloring the square of an outerplanar graph, Ars Combinatoria 86(2008), 89-95.
  48.Wang Weifan, Chen Min, On 3-colorable planar graphs without prescribed cycles, Discrete Mathematics 307(22)(2007), 2820-2825.
  49.Chen Dong, Wang Weifan, (2,1)-Total labelling of outerplanar graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(18)(2007), 2585-2593.
  50.Wang Weifan, Chen Yongzhu, A sufficient condition for a planar graph to be class 1, Theoretical Computer Science 385(1-3)(2007), 71-77.
  51.Wang Weifan, Chen Min, Planar graphs without 4, 6 and 8-cycles are 3-colorable, Sciences in China (Series A) 50(11)(2007), 1552-1562.
  52.Luo Xiaofang, Chen Min, Wang Weifan, On 3-colorable planar graphs without cycles of four lengths, Information Processing Letters 103(4)(2007), 150-156.
  53.Wang Weifan, Planar graphs that have no short cycles with a chord are 3-choosable, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 11(1)(2007), 179-186.
  54.M.Montassier, A.Raspaud, Wang Weifan, Acyclic 5-choosability of planar graphs without small cycles, Journal of Graph Theory 54(3)(2007), 245-260.
  55.Wang Weifan, Total chromatic number of planar graphs with maximum degree ten, Journal of Graph Theory 54(2)(2007), 91-102.
  56.Chen Min, A.Raspaud, Wang Weifan, Three-coloring planar graphs without short cycles, Information Processing Letters 101(3)(2007), 134-138.
  57.Wang Weifan, Lih Ko-Wei, On the sizes of graphs embeddable in surfaces of nonnegative Euler characteristic and their applications to edge choosability, European Journal of Combinatorics 28(1)(2007), 111-120.
  58.M.Montassier, A.Raspaud, Wang Weifan, Acyclic 4-choosability of planar graphs without cycles of specific lengths, Algorithms and Combinatorics, in:Topics in Discrete Mathematics, Springer 2006, pp.473-491.
  59.Zhang Zhongfu, Wang Weifan, Li Jingwen, Yao Bing, Bu Yuehua, Edge-face chromatic number of 2-connected plane graphs with high maximum degree, Acta Mathematica Scientia 26B(3)(2006), 477-482.
  60.Lih Ko-Wei, Wang Weifan, Coloring the square of an outerplanar graph, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 10(4)(2006), 1015-1023.
  61.Bu Yuehua, Wang Weifan, Some sufficient conditions for a planar graph of maximum degree six to be Class 1, Discrete Mathematics 306(13)(2006), 1440-1445.
  62.Chen Min, Wang Weifan, The 2-dipath chromatic number of Halin graphs, Information Processing Letters 99(2)(2006), 47-53.
  63.Wang Weifan, Wang Yiqiao, L(p,q)-labelling of K_4-minor free graph, Information Processing Letters 98(6)(2006), 169-173.
  64.M.Montassier, A.Raspaud, Wang Weifan, Bordeaux 3-coloring Conjecture and 3- choosability, Discrete Mathematics 306(6)(2006), 573-579.
  65.Wang Weifan, Edge-partitions of graphs of nonnegative characteristic and their game coloring numbers, Discrete Mathematics 306(2)(2006), 262-270.
  66.Wang Weifan, The L(2,1)-labelling of trees, Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(2006), 598-603.
  67.Wang Weifan, Lih Ko-Wei, List coloring Halin graphs, Ars Combinatoria 77(2005), 53-63.
  68.Wang Weifan, Zhang Kemin, Entire chromatic number and \Delta-matching of outerplane graphs, Acta Mathematica Scientia 25B(4)(2005), 671-680.
  69.Wang Weifan, Edge choosability of planar graphs without short cycles, Sciences in China (Series A) 48(11)(2005), 1531-1544.
  70.Wang Weifan, Lih Ko-Wei, Equitable list coloring of graphs, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 8(2004),747-759.
  71.Lih Ko-Wei, Tong Li-Da, Wang Weifan, The linear 2-arboricity of outerplanar graphs, Ars Combinatoria 73(2004), 13-22.
  72.Wang Weifan, Vertex-pancyclicity of edge-face-total graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 143(2004), 364-367.
  73.Wang Weifan, Lih Ko-Wei, The edge-face choosability of plane graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics 25(7)(2004), 935-948.
  74.Wang Weifan, Lih Ko-Wei, Labelling planar graphs with conditions on girth and distance two, SIAM Journal onDiscrete Mathematics 17(2)(2004), 264-275.
  75.Lih Ko-Wei, Wang Weifan, Zhu Xuding, Coloring the square of a K_4-minor free graph, Discrete Mathematics 269(2003), 303-309.
  76.Lih Ko-Wei, Tong Li-Da, Wang Weifan, The linear 2-arboricity of planar graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics 19(2003), 241-248.
  77.Chou Chun-Yen, Wang Weifan, Zhu Xuding, Relaxed game chromatic number of graphs, Discrete Mathematics 262(1-3)(2003), 89-98.
  78.Wang Weifan, Equitable total coloring of graphs with maximum degree 3, Graphs and Combinatorics 18(3)(2002), 677-685.
  79.He Wenjie, Hou Xiaoling, Lih Ko-Wei, Shao Jiating, Wang Weifan, Zhu Xuding, Edge-partitions of planargraphs and their game coloring numbers, Journal of Graph Theory 41(4)(2002), 307-317.
  80.Lih Ko-Wei, Song Zengmin, Wang Weifan, Zhang Kemin, Edge-pancyclicity of coupled graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 119(3)(2002), 259-264.
  81.Wang Weifan, Lih Ko-Wei, Choosability and edge choosability of planar graphs without intersecting triangles, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 15(4)(2002), 538-545.
  82.Wang Weifan, Lih Ko-Wei, A new proof of Melnikov's conjecture on the edge-face coloring of plane graphs, Discrete Mathematics 253(1-3)(2002), 87-95.
  83.Wang Weifan, Lih Ko-Wei, Choosability and edge choosability of planar graphs without five cycles, Applied Mathematics Letters 15(5)(2002), 561-565.
  84.Lih Ko-Wei, Wang Weifan, The Whitney's triangulations of plane graphs, Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications 34(2002), 55-57.
  85.Wang Weifan, Lih Ko-Wei, Choosability, edge-choosability and total choosablity of outerplane graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics 22(1)(2001), 71-78.
  86.Wang Weifan, Lih Ko-Wei, The 4-choosability ofplanar graphs without 6-cycles, The Australasian Journal ofCombinatorics 24(2001), 157-164.
  87.Wang Weifan, Lih Ko-Wei, Structural properties and edge choosability of planar graphs without 6-cycles, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 10(3)(2001), 267-276.
  88.Lih Ko-Wei, Song Zengmin, Wang Weifan, Zhang Kemin, A note on list improper coloring planar graphs, Applied Mathematics Letters 14(3)(2001), 269-273.
  89.Wang Weifan, Zhang Kemin, A seven-color theorem on edge-face coloring of plane graphs, Acta Mathematica Scientia 21B(2)(2001), 243-248.
  90.Wang Weifan, Zhang Kemin, Colorings of hypergraphs, Advances in Mathematics (China) 29(2)(2000), 115-136.
  91.Wang Weifan, Zhang Kemin, Equitable coloring of line graphs and complete r-partite graphs, Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences (English Series) 13(2)(2000), 190-194.
  92.Wang Weifan, Upper bounds of entire chromatic number of plane graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics 20(4)(1999), 313-315.
  93.Wang Weifan, Zhang Kemin, \Delta-matching and edge-face chromatic numbers, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 22(2)(1999), 236-242.
  94.Wang Weifan, Zhang Kemin, A proof of Melnikov's conjecture for the case \Delta=4, Chinese Science Bulletin 43(3)(1998), 330-331.
  95.Wang Weifan, Zhang Kemin, Edge-face chromatic number of plane graphs with high maximum degree, The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 18(1998), 235-244.
  96.Wang Weifan, Zhang Kemin, The total chromatic number of pseudo-outerplanar graphs, Applied Mathematics - A Journal of Chinese Universities, Series B 12(4)(1997), 455-462.
  97.Wang Weifan, Liu Jiazhuang, On the vertex face total chromatic number of planar graphs, Journal of Graph Theory 22(1)(1996), 29-37.
  98.Wang Weifan, On the colorings of outerplanar graphs, Discrete Mathematics 147(1995), 257-269.
  99.Wang Weifan, The edge-face entire chromatic number of plane graphs with lower degree, Applied Mathematics - A Journal of Chinese Universities Series A 8(3)(1993), 300-307.
  100.Zhang Zhongfu, Wang Jianfang, Wang Weifan, Wang Liuxing, The complete chromatic number of some planar graphs, Science in China, Series A 36(10)(1993), 1169-1177.

  1.图染色的若干结果, 浙江省高校优秀科研成果奖, 二等奖,排名第一,2005年
  4.浙江省高校“三育人”先进个人, 2008年

  指导在研博士研究生2人,已毕业3人(挂靠苏州大学)。指导在研普通硕士研究生6人,已毕业18人。指导在研教育硕士4人,已毕业7人。2名硕士生的毕业论文被评为“浙江省优秀硕士学位论文”, 6名硕士生的毕业论文被评为“浙江师范大学优秀硕士学位论文”。和法国波尔多第一大学A.Raspaud教授联合指导的博士研究生陈敏荣获教育部“2010年度国家优秀自费留学生奖学金” 。

