

浙江师范大学 免费考研网/2014-03-06



  指导专业:(0812) 计算机科学与技术(一级)

  1.主持省教育厅项目:数据约简对数据的影响及动态数据处理的研究(NO. Y200805421),2008.12-2010.12,已结题。

  1.邓大勇, 黄厚宽,李向军,不一致决策系统中约简之间的比较,电子学报,35(2), 2007,252-255.
  2.Dayong Deng, Houkuan Huang,A New Discernibility Matrix and Function,First International Conference of Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology(RSKT2006), Chongqing, China, July 2006, LNAI4062, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heideberg, 114-121.
  3.Dayong Deng, Houkuan Huang, Liping Yang,Rough Mereology Based on Dependency of Attributes in Information Systems, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 12, 2004,vol(IRSI),35-39.
  4.Dayong Deng, Houkuan Huang, Hongbin Dong,Systhesis of Concepts Based on Rough Set Theory. International Conference on Fuzzy Information and Engineering, ASC40,2007, pp816-824.
  5.Dayong Deng, Houkuan Huang,Dynamic Reduction in Incomplete Decision Systems,Second International Conference of Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology(RSKT2007),Toronto, Canada, May 2007, LNAI4481, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,76-83.
  7.邓大勇,黄厚宽,Rough 集的核属性和相对于等价类的属性重要性,计算机科学,32(8.A)2005,16-19
  8.邓大勇,黄厚宽,动态认识Rough Set,计算机科学,31(10.A)2004,28-30
  9.Xiangjun Li,Shengfeng Tian,Dayong Deng,and Jingnian Chen. A Method of Multi-Agent System Conflict Analysis Based on Rough Set Theory. International Conference on Granular Computing(2005IEEE),Vol(2):180-184.
  10.董红斌; 黄厚宽; 邓大勇, 一种求解多目标优化问题的协同演化算法, 北京交通大学学报, 31(5), 2007, 67-71.
  11.Dayong Deng,Houkuan Huang. Attributes Reduction Based on Rough Sets in Incomplete Decision Systems. International Journal of Computer Science and Knowledge Engineering. 2(2) July-December 2008, pp137-145.
  12.邓大勇,决策系统中不一致的粗糙集分析,计算机科学,35(8A), 2008, 75-78.
  13.Dayong Deng, Attribute Reduction among Decision Tables by Voting, In:Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing,2008, 183-187.
  14.邓大勇,江峰,刘清,Rough 集中不分明关系之间的关系,南昌大学学报(理科版),27(1),2003,95-97.
  15.江峰,刘斓,邓大勇,刘清,Rough 隶属函数关于集合并与交的一种高精度计算方法,南昌大学学报(理科版),28(3),2004,293-296.
  16.Dayong Deng, Jiyi Wang,Xiangjun Li, Parallel Reducts in a Series of Decision Subsystems. Proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization(CSO 2009), Sanya, Hainan, China, April 2009:377-380.
  17.D. Deng. Comparison of Parallel Reducts and Dynamic Reducts in Theory, 计算机科学,36(8A), 2009, 176-178.
  18.Dayong Deng.Parallel Reducts and Its Properties. Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, 2009, 121-125.
  19.Wang Tinghua, Huang Houkuan, Tian Shengfeng and Deng Dayong, Learning General Gaussian Kernels by Optimizing Kernel Polarization. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 18(2),2009:265-269.
  20.Wang Tinghua, Huang Houkuan, Tian Shengfeng and Deng Dayong. Learning by Local kernel Polarization. Neurocomputing 72(2009):3077-3084.
  21.D. Deng .(F,e)-Parallel Reducts in a Series of Decision Subsystems. Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization(CSO2010),2010,372-376.
  22.D.Deng, D.Yan, J.Wang. Parallel Reducts Based on Attribute Significance. LNAI6401, 336-343, 2010.


