

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-16

朱斐,汉族,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,浙江省中青年学科带头人,中国细胞生物学学会和中国海洋生物工程学会会员。主要从事经济甲壳动物先天性免疫机制和流行性病原的防治研究。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和浙江省自然科学基金面上项目,作为主要成员参与科技部973项目、国家863项目、农业部公益性行业(农业)科研专项等项目。至今共发表SCI论文40余篇,分别发表在Frontiers in Immunology、Aquaculture、Scientific Reports、Developmental Comparative Immunology、Fish Shellfish Immunology、Marine Biotechnology、Experimental Cell Research等专业权威SCI期刊上,获得国家发明专利二项。同时担任国家自然科学基金地区合作项目和青年基金项目评委及Reviews in Aquaculture、Emerging Microbes & Infections、Aquaculture、Frontiers in Immunology、Scientific Reports、Fish Shellfish Immunology等SCI期刊的审稿人。 欢迎有志于海洋生物学和先天性免疫研究的同学加盟,欢迎生物相关专业的同学报考本试验室的研究生。

通讯地址 浙江省杭州市临安区武肃街666号学2-305
E-mail:E-mail: zhufei@zafu.edu.cn

教育背景 1998.09-2002.07 大连海洋大学水产养殖农学学士
2002.09-2005.05 大连海洋大学水生生物理学硕士
2006.03-2009.03 浙江大学动物营养与饲料农学博士

工作经历 2009.07-2011.06 浙江大学生物学博士后(优秀)
2011—至今 浙江农林大学 2012年晋升浙江农林大学副研究员,2013年起任硕士研究生导师

课程教学 1.《水产动物疾病》本科生

获奖荣誉 1.2020年获浙江农林大学“育人奖”先进个人

研究方向 主要从事经济甲壳动物的病害与免疫学研究,探索无脊椎动物病毒感染与宿主细胞分子免疫相互作用的机制,借助先进的分子和细胞生物学研究方法,挖掘还未被揭示的先天性免疫机理,尤其是细胞吞噬机理的研究,同时以此为靶向来筛选一些提高先天性免疫力的分子制剂。同时从绿色养殖环境保护的角度出发深入研究养殖环境污染物对甲壳动物的免疫毒理学。

科研项目 主持的项目
3.浙江省自然科学基金面上项目―microRNA-125/133在拟穴青蟹感染白斑综合征病毒免疫反应中的作用机制 (LY20C190001)


发表论文 1.Wenxin Jin, Yongyong Lai, Fei Zhu. Effect of dietary fucoidan on innate immune response of Procambarus clarkii and disease resistance against white spot syndrome virus. Aquaculture 2021, 534: 736233.
2.Xiongchao Ma, Fei Zhu, The role of myosin-9 in Scylla paramamosain against Vibrio alginolyticus and white spot syndrome virus infection. Aquaculture 2021, 531: 735854.
3.Yongyong Lai, Qingri Jin, Fei Zhu. Differential expression of microRNAs in mud crab Scylla paramamosain in response to white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2020, 105: 1-7.
4.Yongyong Lai, Fei Zhu, Yinglei Xu. WSSV proteins and DNA genome released by ultrasonic rupture can infect crayfish as effectively as intact virions. Journal of Virological Methods 2020, 283: 113917.
5.Fei Zhu. A review on the application of herbal medicines in the disease control of aquatic animals. Aquaculture 2020, 526: 735422.
6.Xinyue Jiang, Wenxin Jin, Fei Zhu. Dietary Hizikia fusiforme enhance survival of white spot syndrome virus infected crayfish Procambarus clarkii. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2020, 103: 88-94.
7.Qingri Jin, Guangyan Tian, Jun Wu, Hulin Jiang, Fei Zhu. Identification and characterization of hemocyte microRNAs in mud crab Scylla paramamosain in response to Vibrio parahemolyticus infection. Aquaculture 2020, 524: 735288.
8.Yuebo Zhao, Kaini Zheng, Fei Zhu. Molecular characterization of troponin C (TnC) in Scylla paramamosain and its role in white spot syndrome virus and Vibrio alginolyticus infection. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2020, 98: 522-533.
9.Yongyong Lai, Ming Luo, Fei Zhu. Dietary Bacillus amyloliquefaciens enhance survival of white spot syndrome virus infected crayfish. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2020, 102: 161-168.
10.Baozhen Sun, Zhi Wang, Ziyan Wang, Xiongchao Ma, Zhu Fei*. A proteomic study of hemocyte proteins from mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) infected with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) or Vibrio alginolyticus. Frontiers in Immunology, 2017, 8: 468.
11.Qian Xiyi, Lai Yongyong, Zhu Fei. Molecular characterization of carboxypeptidase B-like (CPB) in Scylla paramamosain and its role in white spot syndrome virus and Vibrio alginolyticus infection. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2019, 94:434-446.
12.Qian Xiyi, Zhu Fei. Hesperetin protects crayfish Procambarus clarkii against white spot syndrome virus infection. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2019, 93:116-123.
13.Ma Xiongchao, Zhu Fei, Jin Qinri. Antibiotics and chemical disease-control agents reduce innate disease resistance in crayfish. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2019, 86:169-178.
14.Zhu Fei, Qian Xiyi, Ma Xiongchao. Comparative transcriptomic analysis of crab hemocytes in response to white spot syndrome virus or Vibrio alginolyticus infection. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2018, 80:165-179.
15.Wang Zhi, Sun Baozhen, Zhu Fei. Molecular characterization of glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase (QPCT) in Scylla paramamosain and its role in Vibrio alginolyticus and white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2018, 78: 299-309.
16.Ziyan Wang, Baozhen Sun, Zhu Fei*. Molecular characterization of diphthamide biosynthesis protein 7 in Marsupenaeus japonicus and its role in white spot syndrome virus infection. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2018, 75: 8-16.
17.Wang Zhi, Sun Baozhen, Zhu Fei. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate protects Kuruma shrimp Marsupeneaus japonicus from white spot syndrome virus and Vibrio alginolyticus. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2018, 78:1-9.
18.Xiongchao Ma, Baozhen Sun, Zhu Fei*. Molecular cloning of Kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus endonuclease-reverse transcriptase and its positive role in white spot syndrome virus and Vibrio alginolyticus infection. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2018, 73: 297-308.
19.Sun Baozhen, Qian Xiyi, Zhu Fei. Molecular characterization of shrimp harbinger transposase derived 1 (HARBI1)-like and its role in white spot syndrome virus and Vibrio alginolyticus infection. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2018, 78: 222-232.
20.Wang Zhi, Zhu Fei*. MicroRNA-100 is involved in shrimp immune response to white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and Vibrio alginolyticus infection. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 42334.
21.Wang Zhi, Zhu Fei*. Different roles of a novel shrimp microRNA in white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and Vibrio alginolyticus infection. Developmental Comparative Immunology, 2017, 79: 21-30.
22.Zhi Wang, Baozhen Sun, Zhu Fei*. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate inhibit replication of white spot syndrome virus in Scylla paramamosain. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2017, 67: 612-619.
23.Baozhen Sun, Zhi Wang, Zhu Fei*. The crustin-like peptide plays opposite role in shrimp immune response to Vibrio alginolyticus and white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2017, 66: 487-496.
24.Zhi Wang, Baozhen Sun, Zhu Fei*. The shrimp hormone receptor acts as an anti-apoptosis and anti-inflammatory factor in innate immunity. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2017, 72: 581-592.
25.Wang Zhi, Zhu Fei*. Minichromosome maintenance protein 7 regulates phagocytosis in kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicas against white spot syndrome virus. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2016, 55: 293-303.
26.Sun Baozhen, Quan H, Zhu Fei*. Dietary chitosan nanoparticles protect crayfish Procambarus clarkii against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2016, 54: 241-246.
27.Zhu Fei*, Jin M. The effects of a thermophile metabolite, tryptophol, upon protecting shrimp against white spot syndrome virus. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2015, 47(2): 777-781.
28.Zhu Fei*, Wang Z, Sun BZ. Differential expression of microRNAs in shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus in response to Vibrio alginolyticus infection. Developmental Comparative Immunology 2015, 55: 76-79.
29.Zhu Fei, Zhou Y, Jiang C, Zhang Xiaobo*. Role of JAK-STAT signaling in maturation of phagosomes containing Staphylococcus aureus. Scientific Reports 2015, 5: 14854.
30.Zhu Fei*, Wanfu Yue, Yongxia Wang. The nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) activation is required for phagocytosis of Staphylococcus aureus by RAW 264.7 cells. Experimental Cell Research 2014, 327(2): 256-263.
31.Sun Baozhen, Zhi Wang, Zhu Fei*. Molecular cloning of kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus phosphopyruvate hydratase and its role in infection by white spot syndrome virus and Vibrio alginolyticus. Aquaculture 2016, 455: 87-96.
32.Zhu Fei, Xiaobo Zhang*. The Wnt signaling pathway is involved in the regulation of phagocytosis of virus in Drosophila. Scientific Reports 2013, 3: 2069.
33.Zhu Fei, Xiaobo Zhang*. Protection of Penaeus japonicus against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) with β-1,3-D-glucan-encapsulated vp28-siRNA particles (GeRPs). Marine Biotechnology 2012, 14: 63-68.
34.Zhu Fei, Huahua Du, Zhi-Guo Miao, Hai-Zhi Quan, Zi-rong Xu*. Protection of Procambarus clarkii against white spot syndrome virus using inactivated WSSV. Fish Shellfish Immunology 2009, 26: 685–690.
35.Zhu Fei*, Haizhi Quan. A new method for quantifying white spot syndrome virus: Experimental challenge dose using TaqMan real-time PCR assay. Journal of Virological Methods 2012, 184: 121-124.

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