

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-16


通讯地址 浙江省杭州市临安区武肃街666号学2-410

教育背景 博士(2013/09-2016/05): 中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所,动物营养与饲料科学
硕士(2010/09-2013/06): 中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所,草业科学
学士(2006/09-2010/06): 内蒙古农业大学,草业科学

工作经历 2016/07 - 至今:浙江农林大学动物科技学院?动物医学院,讲师
2017/07 - 2020/06:浙江大学动物科学学院,博士后

课程教学 1.动物健康管理(双语)(本科)

研究方向 1.动物应激生理与动物福利

科研项目 1.内质网CHOP信号介导热应激猪肠道屏障损伤的机制研究。国家自然科学青年基金面上项目(**,25.0万元,2019.01-2021.12)

发表论文 SCI收录
1.Cui Yanjun #, Sirui Qi # Wenming Zhang, Jiangdi Mao, Renlong Tang Chong Wang, Jianxin Liu, XinM Luo, and Haifeng Wang *, Lactobacillus reuteri ZJ617 culture supernatant attenuates acute liver injury induced in mice by Lipopolysaccharide, journal of nutrition, 2019, 149 (11), 2046-2055.
2.Cui Yanjun, Chong Wang, Yue Hao , Xianhong Gu * and Haifeng Wang * Chronic Heat Stress Induces Acute Phase Responses and Serum Metabolome Changes in Finishing Pigs, Animals,2019, 9, 395.
3.Cui, Yanjun #,Yue Hao #, Jielei Li, Yanli Gao and Xianhong Gu *, Proteomic changes of the porcine skeletal muscle in response to chronic heat stress. Journal of the science of food and agriculture, 2018, 98 (9): 3315-3323.
4.Cui, Yanjun #, Li Liu #, Xiaoxiao Dou #, Chong Wang #, Wenming Zhang, Kan Gao, Jianxin Liu, Haifeng Wang *,Lactobacillus reuteri ZJ617 maintains intestinal integrity via regulating tight junction, autophagy and apoptosis in mice challenged with lipopolysaccharide. Oncotarget, 2017, 44 (8): 77489-77499.
5.Cui, Yanjun , Yue Hao, Jielei Li, Weiguang Bao, Gan Li, Yanli Gao,Xianhong Gu *, Chronic Heat Stress Induces Immune Response, Oxidative Stress Response, and Apoptosis of Finishing Pig Liver: A Proteomic Approach,International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016, 17 (5): 1-24.
6.Cui, Yanjun , Xianhong Gu *, Proteomic changes of the porcine small intestine in response to chronic heat stress, Journal of Molecular Endocrinology,2015, 55(3): 277-293.
7.Yue Hao, Cui Yanjun, and Xianhong Gu*, Genome-wide DNA methylation profiles changes associated with constant heat stress in pigs as measured by bisulfite sequencing, scientific reports, 2016, 36 (6): 1-13
8.Yue Hao, Yuejing Feng, Peige Yang, Cui Yanjun, Jiru Liu, Chunhe Yang, Xianhong Gu*, Transcriptome analysis reveals that constant heat stress modifies the metabolism and structure of the porcine longissimus dorsi skeletal muscle, Molecular Genetics & Genomics, 2016, 291 (6): 2101-2115
9.Yue Hao, Jiru Liu, Peige Yang, Yuejing Feng, Cui Yanjun, Chunhe Yang, Xianhong Gu*, The microRNA expression profile in porcine skeletal muscle is changed by constant heat stress, Animal Genetics, 2016b, 47 (3): 365–369

1.鲍伟光, 郝月, 崔艳军,顾宪红*,敌草快和硫辛酸对育肥猪肠道结构及消化功能的影响 动物营养学报:2016,28 (10):3264~3274
2.鲍伟光,顾宪红,郝月,崔艳军,王占斌*,硫辛酸和敌草快对育肥猪生长性能、血浆和空肠氧化还原状态及空肠细胞凋亡的影响,动物营养学报:2016, 28 (11):3650~3659

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