

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-16

余兵,1988年4月生,江西贵溪人,特设教授,博士生导师。2019年11月于澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学获得环境修复专业博士学位,2016年5月至2019年7月期间在澳大利亚联邦科学与工业组织(CSIRO)能源中心访问学习。主要从事高级氧化技术降解有机污染物,电催化还原,生物炭基缓释肥及工业碳捕集等课题的研究。在Environmental science & technology, Advanced Functional Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal, Applied Energy,Journal of Hazardous Materials,ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering等期刊发表SCI收录文章30余篇。

1. X An, Z Wu*, W Shi, H Qi, L Zhang, X Xu,B Yu*,Biochar for simultaneously enhancing the slow-release performance of fertilizers and minimizing the pollution of pesticides. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 124865.

2. H Li+,B Yu+, Z Zhuang+, W Sun, B Jia, T Ma*, Small Change in Local Atomic Environment for Big Lift to Single-Atom Catalysis. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, In Press.

3. Y Yang, Z Wu*, R Yang, Y Li, X Liu, L Zhang,B Yu*, Insights into the mechanism of enhanced photocatalytic dye degradation and antibacterial activity over ternary ZnO/ZnSe/MoSe2 photocatalysts under visible light irradiation. Applied Surface Science 2021, 148220.

4. X An, J Yu, J Yu, A Tahmasebi, Z Wu*, X Liu,B Yu*, Incorporation of biochar into semi-interpenetrating polymer networks through graft co-polymerization for the synthesis of new slow-release fertilizers, Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 272, 122731.

5. X An, Z Wu*, HQin, XLiu, Y He, X Xu, T Li,B Yu*, Integrated co-pyrolysis and coating for the synthesis of a new coated biochar-basedfertilizer with enhanced slow-release performance, Journal of Cleaner Production 2020,124642.

6.Z Wu*, X He, Y Xue, X Yang, Y Li, Q Li,B Yu*, Cyclodextrins grafted MoS2/g-C3N4 as high-performance photocatalysts for the removal of glyphosate and Cr (VI) from simulated agricultural runoff, Chemical Engineering Journal2020, 125747

7. X An, Z Wu*, J Yu, L Ge, T Li, X Liu,B Yu*, High-efficiency reclaiming phosphate from an aqueous solution by bentonite modified biochars: A slow releasefertilizer with a precise rate regulation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020, 8 (15), 6090-6099

8. X An, Z Wu*, J Yu, G Cravotto, X Liu, Q Li,B Yu*, Copyrolysis of biomass, bentonite, and nutrients as a new strategy for the synthesis of improved biochar-based slow-release fertilizers. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020, 8 (8), 3181-3190

9.B Yu+, H Li+, J White, S Donne, J Yi, S Xi, Y Fu, G Henkelman, H Yu*, Z Chen*, T Ma*, Tuning the catalytic preference of ruthenium catalysts for nitrogen reduction by atomic dispersion, Advanced Functional Materials 2020, 30 (6), **

10. H Ma,B Yu, Q Wang, G Owens, Z Chen*, Enhanced removal of pefloxacin from aqueous solution by adsorption and Fenton-like oxidation using NH2-MIL-88B, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2020, 583, 279-287

11. Y Fu, P Richardson, K Li, H Yu,B Yu, S Donne, E Kisi, T Ma*, Transition Metal Aluminum Boride as a New Candidate for Ambient-Condition Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis, Nano-Micro Letters 2020, 12 (1), 1-13

12.B Yu, H Yu*, K Li, L Ji, Q Yang, Z Chen, M Megharaj*, Integration of a diamine solvent based absorption and coal fly ash based mineralisation for CO2 sequestration, Fuel Processing Technology 2019, 192, 220-226

13.B Yu, K Li, L Ji, Q Yang, K Jiang, M Megharaj, H Yu*, Z Chen*, Coupling a sterically hindered amine-based absorption and coal fly ash triggered amine regeneration: A high energy-saving process for CO2 absorption and sequestration, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2019, 87, 58-65

14.B Yu, H Yu*, Q Yang, K Li, L Ji, R Zhang, M Megharaj, Z Chen*,Postcombustioncapture of CO2 by diamines containing one Primary and one tertiary amino group: reaction rate and mechanism, Energy & Fuels 2019, 33 (8), 7500-7508

15. L Gan, B Li, Y Chen,B Yu, Z Chen*, Green synthesis of reduced graphene oxide using bagasse and its application in dye removal: A waste-to-resource supply chainChemosphere 2019, 219, 148-154

16. L Ji, H Yu*, R Zhang, D French, M Grigore,B Yu, X Wang, J Yu, S Zhao*, Effects of fly ash properties on carbonation efficiency in CO2 mineralisation, Fuel processing technology 2019, 188, 79-88

17.B Yu, H Yu*, K Li, L Ji, Q Yang, X Wang, Z Chen, M Megharaj*, A diamine-based integrated absorption–mineralization process for carbon capture and sequestration: energy savings, fast kinetics, and high stability, Environmental science & technology 2018, 52 (22), 13629-13637

18.B Yu, L Li, H Yu, M Maeder, G Puxty, Q Yang, P Feron, W Conway*, Z Chen*, Insights into the Chemical Mechanism for CO2(aq) and H+ in aqueous diamine Solutions-an experimental stopped-flow kinetic and 1H/13C NMR study of aqueous solutions of N, N-dimethylethylenediamine for postcombustion CO2capture. Environmental science & technology 2018, 52 (2), 916-926

19. L Ji, H Yu*,B Yu, K Jiang, M Grigore, X Wang, S Zhao, K Li*, Integrated absorption–mineralisation for energy-efficient CO2 sequestration: Reaction mechanism and feasibility of using fly ash as a feedstock, Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 352, 151-162

20.R Zhang, Q Yang*,B Yu, H Yu, Z Liang*, Toward to efficient CO2 capture solvent design by analyzing the effect of substituent type connected to N-atom, Energy 2018, 144, 1064-1072

21. X Li, Q Yang*, P Pearson,B Yu, G Puxty, D Xiao*, The application of trans-1, 4-diaminocyclohexane as a bicarbonate formation rate promoter in CO2 capture, Fuel 2018, 226, 479-489
22. Q He, L Ji,B Yu, S Yan*, Y Zhang*, S Zhao Renewable aqueous ammonia from biogas slurry for carbon capture: chemical composition and CO2 absorption rate, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2018, 77, 46-54

23. L Ji, H Yu*, K Li,B Yu, M Grigore, Q Yang, X Wang, Z Chen, M Zeng, S Zhao*, Integrated absorption-mineralisation for low-energy CO2 capture and sequestration, Applied Energy 2018, 225, 356-366

24. L Ji, H Yu*,B Yu, R Zhang, D French, M Grigore, X Wang, Z Chen, S Zhao*, Insights into carbonation kinetics of fly ash from Victorian lignite for CO2 sequestration, Energy & Fuels 2018, 32 (4), 4569-4578

25.B Yu, H Yu*, K Li, Q Yang, R Zhang, L Li, Z Chen*,Characterisation and kinetic study of carbon dioxide absorption by an aqueous diamine solution, Applied Energy 2017, 208, 1308-1317

26. Y Chen,B Yu, J Lin, R Naidu, Z Chen* Simultaneous adsorption and biodegradation (SAB) of diesel oil using immobilized Acinetobacter venetianus on porous material, Chemical Engineering Journal 2016, 289, 463-470

27. X Jin,B Yu, J Lin, Z Chen*, Integration of biodegradation and nano-oxidation for removal of PAHs from aqueous solution, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2016, 4 (9), 4717-4723

28. X Jin, Z Zhuang,B Yu, Z Chen, Z Chen*, Functional chitosan-stabilized nanoscale zero-valent iron used to remove acid fuchsine with the assistance of ultrasound, Carbohydrate polymers 2016, 136, 1085-1090

29.B Yu, X Jin, Y Kuang, M Megharaj, R Naidu, Z Chen*, An integrated biodegradation and nano-oxidation used for the remediation of naphthalene from aqueous solution, Chemosphere 2015, 141, 205-211

30. X Jin,B Yu, Z Chen*, JM Arocena, RW Thring, Adsorption of Orange II dye in aqueous solution onto surfactant-coated zeolite: Characterization, kinetic and thermodynamic studies, Journal of colloid and interface science 2014, 435, 15-20.

1. 2019年度国家优秀自费留学生奖学金

2. 2016.2-2019.8澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学全额奖学金
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