1998-2001 东北农业大学硕士
2001-2004 哈尔滨工业大学博士
2005-2006加拿大多伦多大学Charlie Boone实验室博士后
2006- 2010瑞典哥德堡大学Thomas Nyström实验室博士后
2013 升任副教授,2015开始担任系里细胞高通量筛选研究中心负责人
科研项目:浙江农林大学人才启动费 100万
1. Beidong Liu*, Lisa Larsson, Antonio Caballero, Xinxin Hao, David Oling, Julie Grantham, and Thomas Nystrom* (2010). The polarisome is required for segregation and retrograde transport of protein aggregates. Cell 140, 257-267.
2. Beidong Liu*, Lisa Larsson, Vanessa Franssens, Xinxin Hao, Sandra M. Hill, Veronica Andersson, Daniel Hoglund, Jia Song, Xiaoxue Yang, David Oling, Julie Grantham, Joris Winderickx, and Thomas Nystrom* (2011). Segregation of protein aggregates involves actin and the polarity machinery. Cell 147, 959-961.
3. Sandra Malmgren Hill, Xinxin Hao, Beidong Liu*, and Thomas Nyström* (2014). Life-span extension by a metacaspase in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Science 344, 1389-1392.
4. Jia Song, Qian Yang, Junsheng Yang, Lisa Larsson, Xinxin Hao, Xuefeng Zhu, Sandra Malmgren-Hill, Marija Cvijovic, Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez, Julie Grantham, Claes M. Gustafsson, Beidong Liu*, and Thomas Nyström (2014). Essential Genetic Interactors of SIR2 Required for Spatial Sequestration and Asymmetrical Inheritance of Protein Aggregates. PLOS Genetics 10, e**.
5. Xiaoxue Yang, Yi Shen, Elena Garre, Xinxin Hao, Daniel Krumlinde, Marija Cvijovi?, Christina Arens, Thomas Nyström, Beidong Liu*, and Per Sunnerhagen* (2014). Stress Granule-Defective Mutants Deregulate Stress Responsive Transcripts. PLOS Genetics 10, e**.
6. Junsheng Yang, Xinxin Hao, Xiuling Cao, Beidong Liu*, and Thomas Nyström* (2016). Spatial sequestration and detoxification of Huntingtin by the ribosome quality control complex. eLife 5, e11792.
7. Sandra M. Hill, Xinxin Hao, Johan Gronvall, Stephanie Spikings-Nordby, Per O. Widlund, Triana Amen, Anna Jorhov, Rebecca Josefson, Daniel Kaganovich, Beidong Liu*, and Thomas Nystrom* (2016). Asymmetric Inheritance of Aggregated Proteins and Age Reset in Yeast Are Regulated by Vac17-Dependent Vacuolar Functions. Cell Rep 16, 826-838.
8. Sarah Hanzen, Katarina Vielfort, Junsheng Yang, Friederike Roger, Veronica Andersson, Sara Zamarbide-Fores, Rebecca Andersson, Lisa Malm, Gael Palais, Benoit Biteau, Beidong Liu, Michel B. Toledano, Mikael Molin* and Thomas Nystrom* (2016). Lifespan Control by Redox-Dependent Recruitment of Chaperones to Misfolded Proteins. Cell 166, 140-151.
9. Lihua Chen, and Beidong Liu* (2017). Relationships between Stress Granules, Oxidative Stress, and Neurodegenerative Diseases. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2017, 10.
10. Beidong Liu* (2014). The Yin and Yang of a metacaspase. Cell Cycle 13, 3471-3472.
11. Thomas Nyström*, and Beidong Liu (2014a). The mystery of aging and rejuvenation—a budding topic. Current Opinion in Microbiology 18, 61-67.
12. Thomas Nyström*, and Beidong Liu (2014b). Protein quality control in time and space – links to cellular aging. FEMS Yeast Research 14, 40-48.
13. Xuefeng Zhu, Lihua Chen, Jonas O. P. Carlsten, Qian Liu, Junsheng Yang, Beidong Liu, and Claes M. Gustafsson* (2015). Mediator tail subunits can form amyloid-like aggregates in vivo and affect stress response in yeast. Nucleic Acids Research 43, 7306-7314.
14. Ju Zheng, Junsheng Yang, Young-Jun Choe, Xinxin Hao, Xiuling Cao, Qian Zhao, Yuejie Zhang, Vanessa Franssens, F. Ulrich Hartl, Thomas Nyström, Joris Winderickx, and Beidong Liu* (2017). Role of the ribosomal quality control machinery in nucleocytoplasmic translocation of polyQ-expanded huntingtin exon-1. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 493, 708-717.
15. Lisa L. Berglund, Xinxin Hao, Beidong Liu, Julie Grantham, and Thomas Nyström* (2017). Differential effects of soluble and aggregating polyQ proteins on cytotoxicity and type-1 myosin-dependent endocytosis in yeast. Scientific Reports 7, 11328.
16. Veronica Andersson, Sarah Hanzén, Beidong Liu, Mikael Molin, and Thomas Nyström* (2013). Enhancing protein disaggregation restores proteasome activity in aged cells. Aging (Albany NY) 5, 802-812.
17. Gernot Fruhmann, David Seynnaeve, Ju Zheng, Karen Ven, Sofie Molenberghs, Tobias Wilms, Beidong Liu, Joris Winderickx, and Vanessa Franssens* (2017). Yeast buddies helping to unravel the complexity of neurodegenerative disorders. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 161, 288-305.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-16
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