导师姓名 | 金首文 | 性别 | 男 | 职称 | 副教授 | ||||
学 位 | 博士学位 | 毕业院校、时间、专业 | 2007年博士研究生毕业于浙江大学有机化学专业 | ||||||
学科专业 | 林产化工、合成化学(有机及超分子化合物的合成)、材料化学(竹炭及木材改性) | ||||||||
研究方向 | 1.合成化学(有机及超分子化合物的合成);2.竹炭及木材的化学改性;3.林产原料的化学转化与利用。 | ||||||||
近 三 年 主 要 科 研 成 果 | |||||||||
序号 | 项目、著作及论文名称 | 完成及发表日期 | 成果排序 | 鉴定、采用部门或发 表刊物与出版单位 | |||||
一、项目 正在开展的科研项目: (1)唑类超分子配合物的合成及其发光和催化性能的研究(浙江省教育厅项目,编号Y201017321, 2010.11-2012.12,经费1.0万元)(主持)。 (2)具有发光性能的超分子的设计、合成及结构研究(浙江农林大学预研基金,编号2292000060,2010.10-2011.12,经费0.5万元)(主持)。 (3)环保型净化竹炭制备技术中试及产品加工示范,国家科技部农业科技成果转化,2010GB2C200175,2010.1-2012.12, 经费80万元,排名第四)。
主持且已经完成的科研项目: (1)含氮多臂配体与过渡金属的组装行为研究(浙江林学院启动基金,2007.7-2008.12,经费4万元)。 (2)喹诺酮类药物中间体的合成(企业横向,2008.2-2008.10,经费1.0万元) (3)2-氯-4-氨基-6,7-二甲氧基喹唑啉的合成路线改进(企业横向,2009.5-2009.8,经费0.5万元) | |||||||||
二、论文 近年以通讯作者发表的文章 1. Shouwen Jin, Daqi Wang, Xueli Wang, Ming Guo, Qijun Zhao, “Structural Characterization of a Cu(I) Coordination Polymer Constructed by Weak Intermolecular Cu–Cl···Cl–Ar Interaction”, J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym.,18, 2008, 300 - 303. 2. Shouwen Jin, Daqi Wang, ZhiJun Jin, LiQuan Wang, “Two Supramolecular Complexes with Hy dro gen-bonds of N–H···O and C–H···O between Dicarboxylic Acids and Bis-imidazoles”, Polish J. Chem., 83, 2009, 1937 – 1944. 3. Shouwen Jin, Daqi Wang, Ying Sun, Huaru Cao, Yan Mao, GuoChun Zhang, “Synthesis and structure of photoluminescent di- and trinuclear copper(I) complexes assembled from alkane-bridged bis-imidazole”, J. Mol. Struct., 927, 2009, 78 – 81. 4.Shouwen Jin, Li Liu, Daqi Wang, Yanlong Feng, Jian Zhong Zhou, Xiangang Qian, Guochun Zhang, Xiudong Chu, Hongping Zhong, Yan Jiang, “Structural Characterization of Di- and Mono-Imidazolyl Substituted 1,8-Naphthyridine Derivatives”, J. Chem. Crystallogr., 39, 2009, 489 – 493. 5.Shouwen Jin, Wenbiao Zhang, Daqi Wang, Hongfang Gao, Jian Zhong Zhou, Rongpo Chen, Xiaolei Xu, “Crystal and Molecular Structure of the 1:2 Adduct Formed Between N,N’-Butylenebis(imidazole) and Carboxylic Acid Derivatives”, J. Chem. Crystallogr., 40, 2010, 87 – 92. 6.Shouwen Jin, Daqi Wang, Wenzhou Li, Wenbiao Zhang, Liquan Wang, ZhiWen Zheng, “Synthesis, Structure and Photoluminescence Properties of Mixed-Valent Trinuclear Copper Complex Assembled from Bis(N-imidazolyl)methane”, J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym., 20, 2010, 83 – 86. 7.Shouwen Jin, Daqi Wang, “One Porous Supramolecular Complex Assembled from Ionic and Neutral Hydrogen-bonds of N–H···O and C–H···O”, J. Chem. Crystallogr., 40, 2010, 914 – 918. | |||||||||
8.Shouwen Jin, Daqi Wang, “Syntheses and structural characterization of inorganic–organic hybrid solids of bis-imidazolium chlorocadmate complexes”, J. Coord. Chem., 63, 2010, 3042 – 3059. 9. Shouwen Jin, Wenbiao Zhang, Li Liu, Hongfang Gao, Daqi Wang, Rongpo Chen, Xiaolei Xu,“Hydrogen bonded supramolecular architectures of organic salts based on 5,7-dimethyl-1,8-naphthyridine-2-amine and acidic compounds”, J. Mol. Struct., 975,2010,128 – 136. 10. Shouwen Jin, Daqi Wang, Zhiwen Zheng, Jie Chen, Chao Feng, Xianghua Ye, and Yiping Zhou,“Syntheses and Structural Characterization of 1D Chain and 1D Ladder Coordination Polymers Assembled from Exo-bidentate Imidazolyl Ligands”, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 636, 2010, 1617 – 1624. 11. Shouwen Jin, Daqi Wang, Bin Sheng, Yibin Li, Fengbo Yu, SongSong Ji and MiaoDa Su, “Synthesis and structural characterization of three saccharinate–metal complexes with exo-bidentate bis(imidazole) derivatives”, J. Coord. Chem., 64, 2011, 617 – 629. 12. Shouwen Jin, Daqi Wang, “Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Hydrazine Bridged Imidazole and its Fumarate Salt”, J. Chem. Crystallogr., DOI10.1007/s10870-011-9999-4 13. Shouwen Jin, Daqi Wang, “Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Four Zinc Complexes Containing 3,5-Dimethylpyrazole and Carboxylate Ligands”, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. DOI:10.1002/zaac.201000380. 14. Shouwen Jin, Wenbiao Zhang, Li Liu, Daqi Wang, Haidong He, Tao Shi and Feng Lin, “Five binary supramolecular organic salts constructed from 2-aminoheterocyclic compounds and carboxylic acid derivatives through strong and weak non-covalent interactions”, J. Mol. Struct., 991 (2011) 1–11. 三、成果 [1] 近期申请发明专利4项。 | |||||||||
对所招学生的要求: 1.踏实肯干,有吃苦精神。 2.选择“合成化学” 研究方向的,可接受化学、木材、林化、环境、材料等相关、相近专业调剂生。 3.选择“林产化工” 研究方向的,欢迎”环境工程、环境科学、生物技术、生态、化学等专业同学。 4.选择“材料化学”研究方向的,应具备材料的基本分析测试方法。 | |||||||||
通讯方式: 办公室电话: 0571-63740010 通讯地址: 浙江临安市环城北路88号 邮政编码: 311300 邮件地址: jinsw@zafu.edu.cn | |||||||||
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