


姓名 陈哲灵
出生年月 1992 年 7 月
职称/职务 主治医师
学历/学位 研究生/博士
所在部门 浙江省人民医院肿瘤内科
研究方向 恶性肿瘤的综合治疗;肿瘤的基础-临床转化研究

联系方式 383974903@qq.com


·博士:2010 年 9 月-2018 年 6 月,西安交通大学侯宗濂医学实验班(八年制),肿瘤学。

·2020 年 1 月-至今,浙江省人民医院,主治医师;
·2018 年 9 月-2019 年 12 月,浙江省人民医院,住院医师。


1.Rho 通过调控 MYH9 介导乳腺癌侵袭转移的机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2019 年-2021 年。

1.Chen K, Zhou Y, Jin W, Zhu Q, Lu C,Niu N, Wang Y, Mou Y, Chen Z. Laparoscopic
pancreaticoduodenectomy versus open pancreaticoduo- denectomy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinom:
Oncologic outcomes and

long-term survival. Surgical Endoscopy, 2019.
2.Xiao Wang, Dan Su, Zhiquan Qin, Zheling Chen. Identification of FOXN4 as a tumor suppressor of
breast carcinogenesis via the activation of TP53 and deactivation of Notch signaling. Gene.
Available online 17 August 2019
3.Chen K, Quan J , Yang J, Chen Z .The potential markers of endocrine resistance
amongHR+?/HER2+?breast cancer patients.Clin Transl Oncol. 2019 Jun 17. doi:
4.Yang J , Zhang X , Chen Z , Shen Y , Wang F , Wang Y , Liu Y , Liu P , Yang J .Angiomotin-p130
inhibits β-catenin stability by competing with Axin for binding to tankyrase in breast cancer.Cell
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5.Chen ZL, Yang J, Shen YW, Li ST, Wang X, Lv M, Wang BY, Li P, Zhao W, Qiu RY, Liu Y, Liu PJ, Yang
J. AmotP130 regulates Rho GTPase and decreases breast cancer cell mobility [J]. Journal of Cellular
and Molecular Medicine, 2018, 22(4):2390-2403.
6.Chen ZL , Zhao A , Li P , Zhang M , Yang J , Zhang L , Zhao X , Yang J , Wang L.Clinical use of
trastuzumab combined with different chemotherapy regimensin multi-line treatment of advanced human
epidermal growth factor receptor2-positive gastric cancer: A case report. Oncol Lett. 2018
7.Chen ZL, Yang J, Li ST, Lv M, Shen YW, Wang BY, Li P, Yi M, Zhao XA, Zhang LX, Wang L, Yang J.
Invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast: a special histological type compared with invasive ductal
carcinoma [J]. PLoS One, 2017, 12(9): e0182397.
8.Chen ZL, Ren YH, Du XL, Yang J, Shen YW, Li ST, Wu YY, Lv M, Dong DF, Li EX, Li W, Liu PJ, Yang
J, Yi M. Incidence and survival differences in esophageal cancer among ethnic groups in the United
States [J]. Oncotarget, 2017, 8(29): 47037–47051.
9.Chen ZL, Shen YW, Li ST, Li CL, Zhang LX, Yang J, Lv M, Lin YY, Wang X, Yang J. The efficiency
and safety of trastuzumab and lapatinib added

to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in Her2-positive breast cancer patients: a randomized meta-analysis
[J]. OncoTargets and Therapy, 2016, 9:3233-3247.
10.Ke Chen, Zheling Chen, Weiwei Jin, Qicong Zhu, Chao Lu, Yuanyu Wang, Yucheng Zhou, Yiping Mou.
EUS- versus ERCP-guided biliary drainage for malignant biliary obstruction: evidence from
randomized controlled studies. Annals of pancreatic cance.


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