



姓名 出生年月 职称/职务 学历/学位 所在部门 研究方向 联系方式
郭然 1984 年 2 月
慢性疼痛的神经生物学机制 guoranxs@126.com


·博士:2015 年 9 月-2018 年 6 月,苏州大学,麻醉学;
·硕士:2010 年 9 月-2013 年 12 月,南京医科大学,麻醉学;
·学士:2003 年 9 月-2008 年 7 月,徐州医科大学,麻醉学。

·2018 年 8 月-至今,浙江省人民医院,主治医师;
·2008 年 8 月-2015 年 8 月,东南大学附属江阴医院,医师、主治医师。


1.“胆汁酸-TGR5-NLRP3” 通路调控背根神经节炎症反应缓解吗啡耐受的机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2020 年-2022 年。

1.Guo Ran; Chen Li Hua ; Chungen Xing ;Liu Tong; Pain regulation by gut microbiota: molecular
mechanisms and therapeutic potential ,

2.Guo Ran ; Zhou Feng Ming ; Su Cun Jin ; Liu Teng Teng; Zhou Yan; Fan Li; Wang Zhi Hong; Liu
Xu; Huang Ya; Liu Tong; Yang Jianping ; Chen Li Hua .Epigallocatechin-3-gallate attenuates acute
and chronic psoriatic
itch in mice: Involvement of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects and suppression of ERK and Akt
signaling pathways. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2018, 496(4): 1062-1068.
3.Guo Ran ; Xue Qin ; Qian Yanning ; Hu Yongming; Tan Jie,The Effects of
Ephedrine and Phenylephrine on Placental Vascular Resistance During Cesarean Section Under Epidual
Anesthesia . Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics.2015,73(3): 687-693.
4.Miao Xiuhua ; Huang Ya ; Liu Teng Teng; Guo Ran ;Wang Bing; Wang Xue
Long; Chen Li Hua; Zhou Yan; Ji Ru Rong; Liu Tong ,TNF-alpha/TNFR1 Signaling is Required for the
Full Expression of Acute and Chronic Itch in Mice via Peripheral and Central Mechanisms .
Neuroscience Bulletin. 2018, 34(1):42-53.
5.Tian Bin ; Wang Xue Long ; Huang Ya ; Chen Li Hua; Cheng Ruo Xiao;Zhou Feng Ming; Guo Ran; Li Jun
Cheng ; Liu Tong ,Peripheral and spinal 5-HT receptors participate in cholestatic itch and
antinociception induced
by bile duct ligation in rats. Scientific Reports. 2016, 6(1): 0-36286. 6.Kong Mingjian ; Guo Ran;
Chen Jianqing; Li Peng; Wu Zhen ,A Randomized Study to Compare the Analgesic Efficacy of
Ultrasound-Guided Block of
Fascia Iliaca Compartment or Femoral Nerve After Patella Fracture Surgery.Cell Biochemistry and
Biophysics. 2015, 72(2): 567-570.



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