


姓名 张琦
出生年月 1982 年 7 月
职称/职务 副主任医师/主任助理
学历/学位 研究生/博士
所在部门 泌尿外科
研究方向 泌尿系肿瘤
联系方式 Clinic@126.com


·博士:2009 年 9 月-2012 年 6 月,温州医科大学,外科学;
·硕士:2001 年 9 月-2008 年 6 月,浙江大学医学院,泌尿外科;
·学士:2001 年 9 月-2008 年 6 月,浙江大学医学院,临床医学。

·2008 年 7 月-至今,浙江省人民医院,泌尿外科,副主任医师,主任助理。


1. 基于 NEDD9-磷酸化蛋白网络的膀胱癌预后标志物研究及临床应用,浙江省科技厅公益技术研究计划,2019 年-2022 年。

1.Qi Zhang, Huiju Wang, Haibing Wei, Dahong Zhang. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is associated with
poor prognosis in urinary bladder carcinoma. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2018,11(2):831-838.
2.Xiao-Long Qi, Ming Zhao, Xiang-Lei He, Da-Hong Zhang, Qi Zhang.
Mucin-poor mucinous tubular and spindle cell renal cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid transformation
and multiple metastases: report of a unique case and review of literature. Int J Clin Exp Pathol.
3.Zhou M, Wang S, Hu L, Liu F, Zhang Q, Zhang D. miR-199a-5p suppresses human bladder cancer cell
metastasis by targeting CCR7.BMC
Urol. 2016 ,16(1):64.
4.Zhang Y, Zhang D, Lv J, Wang S1, Zhang Q. MiR-410-3p promotes prostate cancer progression via
regulating PTEN/AKT/mTOR signalingpathway.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2018,503(4):2459-2465.
5.Zhang Y, Zhang D, Lv J, Wang S, Zhang Q. MiR-125a-5p suppresses bladder cancer progression
through targeting FUT4. Biomed
Pharmacother. 2018,108:1039-1047.
6.Mao Z, Ji A, Yang K, He W, Hu Y, Zhang Q, Zhang D, Xie L. Diagnostic performance of PCA3 and hK2
in combination with serum PSA for prostate cancer. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018,97(42).
7.Zhang Q, Mao Z, Sun J. NF-κB inhibitor, BAY11-7082, suppresses M2 tumor-associated macrophage
induced EMT potential via miR-30a/NF-κ B/Snail signaling in bladder cancer cells. Gene, 2019,710.
8.Zhang Y, Zhang D, Lv J, Wang S, Zhang Q. LncRNA SNHG15 acts as an oncogene in prostate cancer by
regulating miR-338-3p/FKBP1A axis.Gene.
9.Lv J, Zhu Y, Zhang Q. An increased level of MiR-222-3p is associated with TMP2 suppression, ERK
activation and is associated with metastasis and a poor prognosis in renal clear cell carcinoma.
Cancer Biomark. 2020.

10.Shou J, Yu C, Zhang D, Zhang Q. Overexpression of Citron
Rho-Interacting Serine/Threonine Kinase Associated with Poor Outcome in Bladder Cancer. J Cancer.

1.2016 年,腹腔镜技术在泌尿外科的应用及推广,浙江省科技进步二等奖,排
名第 3;
2.2017 年,浙江省人社厅 151 人才第三层次。

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