Prof. Lican Huang
Prof. Lican Huang works on challenges about Cloud Computing and P2P computing. He has worked on e-Science and Grid computing since the beginning of 2000’s. He was honored in Marquis Who’s Who in the World 2006, Marquis Who’s Who in the Science and Engineering 2006-2007, and Marquis Who’s Who in Asia 2006-2007 due to his achievement of proposing Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture for e-Science and Grid and VIRGO protocols. He serves as program committee member of many international conferences. He has contributed over 100 technical papers to various conferences and refereed journals. He is senior IEEE member.
Prof. Huang now is a Professor at Zhejiang Sci-Tech University (ZSTU) and founder of yvsou.com(www.yvsou.com). Prior to joining ZSTU, Prof. Huang worked as a Senior Research Associate in the School of Computer Science at Cardiff University since 2004. Before working at Cardiff University, he developed many large software systems in several companies, as technical leader or department manager. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Zhejiang University in 2003, Bachelor’s From Nanchang University in 1982, and Master’s from Hangzhou University in 1984.
1 Huang,L, “Method for searching related node subset on the basis of
P2P”, Chinese Patent, August 12, 2009: CN7
2 Huang,L, “Method for building P2P network with semanteme”,
Chinese Patent , December 30, 2009: CN2
and other 4 patents
Seleected Publications
Lican Huang , Yuan’an Liu , “e_Science, Grid and Scalable Architecture”, ISBN 7-5635-0942-9, 2005
Book Chapters
Lican Huang “Virtual Hierarchical Tree Grid Organizations (VIRGO) “, in Handbook of Research on P2P and Grid Systems for Service-Oriented Computing: Models, Methodologies and Applications, IGI Global, 2010 , DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-686-5.ch030
Lican Huang:
Constructing Large Scale Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems from Semantic P2P Networks. Internet of Things and Inter-cooperative Computational Technologies for Collective Intelligence 2013: 257-277
Edit Books
Guest Editorial. JCP 9(9): 1999 (2014)
lican huang , et.al. ICNDC2010 proceedings, IEEE CPS, 2010
lican huang , et.al. ICNDC2011 proceedings, IEEE CPS, 2011
lican huang , et.al. ICNDC2012 proceedings, IEEE CPS, 2012
lican huang , et.al. ICNDC2013 proceedings, IEEE CPS, 2014
Journal Papers
Lican Huang, A.Akram, R.J.Allan, D.W.Walker, O.F.Rana and Y.Huang A Workflow Portal Supporting Multi-Language Interoperation and Optimisation, the Journal Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2007, Volume 19, Issue 12 , Pages 1583 – 1595
Yong Liu,…,lican huang “Modeling Complex Architectures based on Granular Computing on Ontology ”, submitted
Lican Huang A P2P service discovery strategy based on content catalogues , Data Science Journal Vol(6), 2007, pp S492-S499
Lican Huang Framework for Mobile Grid Computing by Hybridizing Structural and Un-structural P2P Technologies , International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications, Vol 2 (4), pp427-432, 2007
David W. Walker, Lican Huang, Omer F. Rana, and Yan Huang , “Dynamic Service Selection in Workflows Using Performance Data”, the journal of Scientific Programming, Volume 15, Number 4, 2007 , pp 235-247
Lican Huang, Wu Zhaohui and Pan Yunhe, “Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture for e-Science Grid”, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 2003, 17(3):329-347
Lican Huang, Wu Zhaohui, Pan Yunhe, “A Grid Architecture for Scalable e-Science and its Prototype”, Journal of Software 2005 16(4), 577-586
Lican Huang, Wu Zhaohui, Pan Yunhe, “Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture– an overlay network topology for high performance services’ discovery”, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE 2004 5(5), 539-549
Yong Liu, Yunliang Jiang, Lican Huang:
Modeling Complex Architectures Based on Granular Computing on Ontology. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 18(3): 585-598 (2010)
Yunliang Jiang, Yong Liu, Wenliang Huang, Lican Huang:
Performance analysis of a mobile agent prototype system based on VIRGO P2P protocols. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 26(2): 447-467 (2014)
Conference papers
Huang Lican , High Performance Computation Based on Semantic P2P Network, SC2 2015, Chengdu
Huang Lican; Xu Xin; Zhao Yuhong; Gao Junzhou , Feature Weighting Scheme for Text Categorization Based on Rough Set , Networking and Distributed Computing (ICNDC), Year: 2010 , Pages: 186 – 188
Huang Lican; Zhao Yuhong; Xu Xin; Fu Fan, Prediction of Investment on Inventory Clearance Based on Improved BP Neural Network, Networking and Distributed Computing (ICNDC), Year: 2010 , Pages: 73 – 75
Huang Lican; Hu Ya , GPU Based Parallel Computing on Blast Program,Networking and Distributed Computing (ICNDC), Year: 2010 , Pages: 379 – 380
Huang Lican; Lou Yintian, Improved SPEED Protocol for Wireless Mesh Sensor Network, Distributed Computing (ICNDC), Year: 2010 , Pages: 41 – 42
Huang Lican; Instant Messaging Based on Semantic P2P Network, Networking and Distributed Computing (ICNDC), Year: 2013 , Pages: 33 – 35
Huang Lican; e-Learning Based on Semantic P2P Networks ,Networking and Distributed Computing (ICNDC), Year: 2012 , Pages: 105 – 107
Huang Lican; Large Scale Cooperative Multiagent System Based on Semantic P2P NetworkNetworking and Distributed Computing (ICNDC), Year: 2010 , Pages: 381 – 386
Lican Huang, Semantic P2P Network for e-healthcare, NCM2009, Korea
Lican Huang, Semantic P2P Network for e-Business, IITA2009, China
Lican Huang, VIRGO_DFS: a Framework of Large Scalable Distributed File System based on Virtual Hierarchical P2P network, IEEE world congress on software Engineering ,2009, Xiamen,China, pp114-118.
Lican Huang, A P2P Framework of Virtual Society based on Virtual Hierarchical Tree Grid Organizations(VIRGO), SP2PN2009 in conjunction with NISS2009, Beijing China, IEEE CPS publishing. DOI 10.1109/NISS.2009.189, pp1393-1396
Lican Huang, Locating Interested Subsets of Peers for P2PSIP, SP2PN2009 in conjunction with NISS2009, Beijing China, IEEE CPS publishing. DOI 10.1109/NISS.2009.85, pp1408-1413
Lican Huang: Resource Discovery Based on VIRGO P2P Distributed DNS Framework ICCS 2008, LNCS 5103 pp:501-509
Lican Huang, VIRGO P2P Based Distributed DNS Framework for IP V6 Network,in the proceedings of NCM2008, CPS publishing
Lican Huang,Yong Liu, Domain Classification by Granular Computing used in a P2P Approach for Web Service Discovery, to appear in the proceedings of Cyberwords2008
Lican Huang: Resource Discovery Based on a Novel Distributed DNS Framework. CCGRID 2008 (abstract) France
Lican Huang, Production Rule Based Dynamic Flexible Workflow, the 3rd IEEE International Conference on E-Science and Grid Computing, 2007, India
Lv, Xiaohua, Huang, Zhenhua, Huang, Lican, Xu, Jianlong, Xue, Yongsheng, “An efficient and flexible approach to maintenance-cost view selection “, IET Conference Publications, n 529 CP, p 790-797, 2007, China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies, CIICT 2007
Lican Huang, David W.Walker, Omer F. Rana and Yan Huang, Dynamic Workflow Management Using performance Data, IEEE CCGrid2006
Lican Huang A P2P service discovery strategy based on content catalogues, CODATA 2006, Bejing, China http://www.codata.org/06conf/presentations/K6/HuangLican.pdf
Lican Huang, Framework for Workflow Parallel Execution in Grid Environment , in the Proceedings of ICCS 2007, LNCS 4489, 228-235, Bejing, China
Lican Huang, “VIRGO: Virtual Hierarchical Overlay Network for Scalable Grid Computing”, Proc. European Grid Conference (EGC2005), in LNCS 3470, pp911-921, February 14-16, 2005, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Lican Huang, David W. Walker, Omer F. Rana and Yan Huang, “Dynamic Invocation, Optimisation and Interoperation of Service-oriented Workflow”, CCGRID2005 WIP section, Cardiff 2005
David W. Walker, Omer F. Rana, Yan Huang, and Lican Huang, “Workflow Optimisation for e-Science Applications”, 27th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI), Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2005
Lican Huang, David W. Walker, Yan Huang, Omer F. Rana , “Dynamic Web Services Selection for Workflow Optimization”, UK e-Science Programme All Hands Meeting 2005 (AHM2005)
Lican Huang,et.al“ A Scalable Semantic Grid Framework — VDHA_Grid“, IEEE SMC 2004
ShuiGuang Deng, Zhen Yu, Zhaohui Wu, Lican Huang, “Enhancement of workflow flexibility by composing activities at run-time”, SAC 2004: 667-673
ShuiGuang Deng, Zhaohui Wu, Zhen Yu, Lican Huang, “A Secure Process-Service Model”, International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 627- 630
Lican Huang, Chen Weidong , Wu Zhaohui and Pan Yunhe. “Literature Resource Portal Based on Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture”. in the IEEE proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications(ICCIMA’03), 2003, XI’AN, P.R.CHINA IEEE Computer Society Press
Lican Huang, Wu Zhaohui and Pan Yunhe “A Scalable and Effective Architecture for Grid Services’ Discovery”. in the proceedings of 1st workshop on Semantics in Peer-to-Peer and Grid Computing at the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference, 2003, Budapest, Hungary.
Lican Huang, Wu Zhaohui, Chen weidong, Xu Congfu and Pan Yunhe “Virtual Scientific Discussing Service Model Based on Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture”. In the proceedings of the third China Conference of Virtual Reality and Visualization Application (CCVRC’03), 2003, CHANGSA, P.R.CHINA(in Chinese)
Lican Huang, Wu zhaohui, Distributed Heterogeneous Inspecting System and its implementation, LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 2480: 370-380 2002
Lican Huang “VDHA_Grid: A Scalable Grid System”, the proceedings of The Joint International Computer Conference 2003(JICC2003) , pp54-62
Lican Huang, Zhaohui Wu, “A PKI-Based Scalable Security Infrastructure for Scalable Grid”, GCC (2) 2003: 1051-1054
Wu Zhaohui, Chen Huajun, Lican Huang et al. ”Dart-InfoGrid: Towards an Information Grid Supporting Knowledge-based Information Sharing and Scalable Process Coordination”, CNCC, 2003.(in Chinese)
Lican Huang, Zhaohui Wu, Yunhe Pan, Virtual and dynamic hierarchical architecture for e-Science Grid, LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 2659: 316-329 2003
Lican Huang, Zhou Xuezhong, Wu Zhaohui and Pan Yunhe “Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture and its Usage in an e-Science Application for Providing Knowledge Services”, the proceedings of the Joint International Computer Conference 2002(JICC2002) , NIBO, P.R.CHINA Zhejiang University Press pp 159-165
Lican Huang, Wu Zhaohui and Pan Yunhe. “Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture for e-Science and Related Protocols”, in the proceedings of 2002 International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science (DCABES2002), WUXI, P.R.CHINA pp130-134
Lican Huang, Wu Zhaohui and Pan Yunhe. “Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture for Chinese University e-Science Grid”, in the proceedings of 2002 International workshop on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2002), HAI’NAN , P.R.CHINA Publishing House of electronics Industry, pp297-311
Lican Huang and Wu Zhaohui “The Architecture of Centralized Monitoring and Controlling System and Its High-Performance and Interoperability Protocol”, in the proceedings of the 9th IEEE international conference of telecommunication ICT 2002, VOL (3), BEIJING, P.R.CHINA pp. 117-123
Lican Huang and Wu Zhaohui “An SC-SS interconnected protocol between heterogeneous and distributed monitoring and controlling systems”. in the proceedings of the sixth international conference for young computer scientist ICYCS2001, HANGZHOU, P.R.CHINA International Academic Publishers, pp.188-192,2001
Lican Huang , Wu Zhaohui “ A Simple and Rapid Method for constructing DNA Physical MAP with the AID of Microcomputer, ICYCS2001, HANGZHOU, P.R.CHINA International Academic Publishers, pp.1332-1335,2001
Lican Huang, Wu Zhaohui and Pan Yunhe, Xuezhong “Knowledge Services Provider Based on Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture”, in the proceedings of 2002 International workshop on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2002), HAI’NAN , P.R.CHINA Publishing House of electronics Industry, pp245-255
Huang Lican, Wu Zhaohui and Pan Yunhe “VIRTUAL AND DYNAMIC HIERARCHICAL ARCHITECTURE OF E-SCIENCE GRID AND RELATIVE PROTOCOLS”, In the proceedings of UK e-Science Programme All Hands Meeting(Poster), Sheffield, UK, September 2-4, 2002, http://www.allhands.org.uk/2002/proceedings/Conference-Digest-AHC-2002.pdf
“Research on Scalable Architecture for e-Science Grid”, PhD thesis, School of computer science and technolgy, Zhejiang University, November 2003.( in Chinese)
Keynote Talks:
“P2P: From Unstructured, Structured to Semantic Network “, ServP2P 2009 in conjunction with CCGRID2009, 5-20-2009, Shanghai, China
“Semantic P2P Network-VIRGO”, 06-26-2009, Tsinghua University, Beijiang, China,
“Semantic P2P Network for e-Business”, 07-26-2009, bife2009, Beijiang, China,
“ A new type of P2P networks—Semantic P2P Network VIRGO” , 10-13-2009, Shanghai University, China
“ Semantic P2P Networks: Future Architecture of Cloud Computing and Internet of Things?“, ICNDC2010, Hangzhou, China
“Semantic P2P Networks: Potential Solution for Large Scale Cloud Computing Networks“, ICNDC2011, Beijiang, China
“IM Based on Semantic P2P Network“, ICNDC2013, Hong kong, China
“DSCloud Platform: distributed computing & domain information search platform and its use in education domain.”, ICITEL2015, Hangzhou, China
所属学科 【硕士点】
» 信息与通信工程
» 信号与信息处理
» 计算机科学与技术
» 电子与通信工程领域
» 计算机技术领域
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-10
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简介李蒙副教授本科和硕士毕业于北京航空航天大学,博士毕业于蒙特利尔大学工学院。在加拿大从事博士后研究多年。2018年回国后就职于浙江理工大学信息学院,特聘副教授。现发表期刊和国际会议文章十多篇,SCI论文8篇,其中,在SCI一区以第一作者和唯一通信作者文章5篇。李蒙副教授有多个项目经验,熟悉硬件系统 ...浙江理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-10浙江理工大学信息学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李霖
简介研究领域联系方式通讯地址:杭州市江干区下沙高教园浙江理工大学电子系办公电话:电子邮箱:door@zstu.edu.cn姓名:李霖性别:男所在部门:信息学院行政职务:专业技术职务:副教授栏目基本信息研究成果成果图片育人成果人才称号校521人才培养计划入选所属学科【硕士点】信息与通信工 ...浙江理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-10浙江理工大学信息学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李伟
简介研究领域联系方式通讯地址:办公电话:电子邮箱:姓名:李伟性别:所在部门:信息学院行政职务:专业技术职务:栏目基本信息研究成果成果图片育人成果人才称号所属学科 ...浙江理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-10