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徐鹏,男,毕业于华中科技大学物理学院凝聚态物理专业,获理学博士学位。2007至2009年在新加坡国立大学机械工程系作访问****,2015年在加拿大麦吉尔大学作访问教授,现为中国计量大学理学院教授。\r 主要研究领域为多孔材料的输运特性和机理分析,属于计算物理和工程热物理的交叉学科。获得湖北省优秀博士论文,2010年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学二等奖。主持完成国家自然科学基金主任基金一项、国家自然科学基金青年基金一项、浙江省自然科学基金一项和浙江省钱江人才计划一项。出版学术专著2部,出版学术专刊2期;发表SCI论文50余篇,以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文30余篇;在Applied Mechanics Reviews等权威期刊发表综述论文4篇。论文引用次数1580余次,2篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,H指数24。\r 现担任全国渗流力学青年委员会委员,SCI期刊Fractals编委,Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,Fractals和Journal of Chemistry的客座编辑;International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Drying Technology, Heat and Mass Transfer, Chemical Engineering & Technology, Applied Thermal Engineering等多个SCI国际期刊的评审人。\r 主讲《计算物理基础》、《科学计算课程设计》、《误差理论与数据处理》等课程。
1. 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目,低渗透多孔介质的多尺度输运和多物理场耦合特性研究,2016/01-2018/12;\r2. 浙江省自然科学基金青年基金项目,非定常冲击射流强化传热的物理机理和应用研究,2016/01-2018/12;\r3. 国家自然科学基金项目,脉动冲击射流湍流特性和强化传热的机理研究,2018/01-2018/12;
1. 湖北省优秀博士论文(2010)\r2. 2010年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学二等奖,第二完成人,2010-095)\r3. 2011年度湖北省自然科学三等奖(第二完成人)
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于分形理论的肺器官非线性气体渗流特性的细观研究、2013/01-2015/12、25万;\r2. 浙江省自然科学基金项目,支气管分叉网络中颗粒多相流的输运特性研究、2011/01-2012/12、8万;\r3. 浙江省钱江人才计划B类项目,分形微通道网络的传热机理研究、2011/08-2013/07、10万;\r
著作\r1. 郁伯铭, 徐鹏, 邹明清, 蔡建超, 郑仟. 《分形多孔介质输运物理》(国家出版基金项目), 科学出版社, 2014.\r\r专刊\r1. Peng Xu, Jianchao Cai, A. P. Sasmito, S.V. Jangam, Boming Yu. Transport Phenomena in Porous Media and Fractal Geometry. Journal of Chemistry, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2015.\r2. Jianchao Cai, Behzad Ghanbarian, Peng Xu, Derek Elsworth, Moran Wang. Advanced Theoretical and Numerical Approaches and Applications to enhanced gas recovery. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Elsevier, 2016.\r3. Shuai Liu, Xiaochun Cheng, Peng Xu. Advanced Fractal Computing Theorem and Application. Fractals, World Scientific, 2017.\r\r期刊论文\r1.Peng Xu*, Shuxia Qiu, Jianchao Cai, Cuihong Li, Haicheng Liu: A novel analytical solution for gas diffusion in multi-scale fuel cell porous media, Journal of Power Sources, 2017; 362, pp. 73-79.\r2.Peng Xu*, Haicheng Liu, Agus P. Sasmito, Shuxia Qiu, Cuihong Li: Effective permeability of fractured porous media with fractal dual-porosity model, Fractals, 2017; 25 (4), p. **.\r3.Peng Xu*, Cuihong Li, Haicheng Liu, Shuxia Qiu, Boming Yu: Fractal features of the effective gas transport coefficient for multiscale porous media, Earth Science-Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2017; 42(8), pp.1373-1378.\r4.Shuxia Qiu, Peng Xu*, Liping Geng, A.S. Mujumdar, Z. Jiang, J. Yang: Enhanced heat transfer characteristics of conjugated air jet impingement on a finned heat sink, Thermal Science, 2017; 21 (1A), pp. 279-288.\r5.J.C. Kurnia, A.P. Sasmito, Peng Xu, A.S. Mujumdar: Performance and potential energy saving of thermal dryer with intermittent impinging jet, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017; 113, pp.246-258.\r6.J. Cai, B. Ghanbarian, Peng Xu, D. Elsworth, M. Wang, Z. Zhang, D. Wood: Virtual Special Issue: Advanced theoretical and numerical approaches and applications to enhanced gas recovery, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 01/2017; 37, pp. 579-583.\r7.J.C. Kurnia, Peng Xu, A.P. Sasmito: A novel concept of enhanced gas recovery strategy from ventilation air methane in underground coal mines–A computational investigation, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016; 35, pp. 661-672.\r8.Peng Xu*, Agus Pulung Sasmito, Boming Yu, Arun Sadashiv Mujumdar: Transport Phenomena and Properties in Tree-like Networks (Review). Applied Mechanics Reviews 06/2016; 68, p.040802.\r9.Cuihong Li, Peng Xu*, Shuxia Qiu, Yan Zhou: The gas effective permeability of porous media with Klinkenberg effect. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 07/2016; 34, pp.534-540..\r10.Peng Xu*, Agus P. Sasmito, Cuihong Li, Shuxia Qiu: Global and local transport properties of steady and unsteady flow in a symmetrical bronchial tree. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 06/2016; 97, pp. 696-704. \r11.Peng Xu*, Cuihong Li, Shuxia Qiu, Agus P. Sasmito: A fractal network model for fractured porous media. Fractals 04/2016; 24(2), p. **.\r12.Peng Xu*, Agus P. Sasmito, Shuxia Qiu, Arun S. Mujumdar, Long Xu, Liping Geng: Heat transfer and entropy generation in air jet impingement on a model rough surface. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 02/2016; 72, pp. 48-56. \r13.Peng Xu*, Agus Sasmito, Arun Mujumdar: A computational study of heat transfer under twin turbulent slot jets impinging on planar smooth and rough surfaces. Thermal Science 01/2016; 20, pp. S47-57. \r14.Weiwei Yan, Xingli Liu, Jie Wu, Yikun Wei, Peng Xu: Numerical Simulation on the Reduction of Flow Heterogeneity in the Biofilter Media. International Journal of Modern Physics C 12/2015; 38(6), pp. 247-282.\r15.Zhou-Ting Jiang, Wen-Hui Dou, Yu Shen, Ting-Ting Sun, Peng Xu: Residual occurrence and energy property of proteins in HNP model. Chinese Physics B 11/2015; 24(11), pp. 379-388. \r16.Peng Xu*, Jianchao Cai, Agus Pulung Sasmito, Sachin Vinayak Jangam, Boming Yu: Transport Phenomena in Porous Media and Fractal Geometry. 10/2015; 2015, p. 486501. \r17.Peng Xu*: A discussion on fractal models for transport physics of porous media (Review). Fractals 06/2015; 23(3), p. **. (ESI高被引论文)\r18.Long Xu, Shiqing Liu, Peng Xu, Miaogen Chen: The vibrational properties of the high power ultrasonic focused radiator with rodlike and tubular structures in a composite vibration. Applied Acoustics 01/2015; 87, pp. 72-82.\r19.Peng Xu*, Shuxia Qiu, Boming Yu, Zhouting Jiang: Prediction of relative permeability in unsaturated porous media with a fractal approach. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 09/2013; 64, pp. 829-837. \r20.Shuxia Qiu, Peng Xu*, Xianwu Qiao, Arun S. Mujumdar: Flow and mixing characteristics of pulsed confined opposed jets in turbulent flow regime. Heat and Mass Transfer 02/2013; 49(2), pp. 277-284. \r21.Peng Xu*, Boming Yu, Xianwu Qiao, Shuxia Qiu, Zhouting Jiang: Radial permeability of fractured porous media by Monte Carlo simulations. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 01/2013; 57(1), pp. 369-374. \r22.Ying Jiang, Peng Xu*, Arun S. Mujumdar, Shuxia Qiu, Zhouting Jiang: A Numerical Study on the Convective Heat Transfer Characteristics of Pulsed Impingement Drying. Drying Technology 08/2012; 30(10), pp. 1056-1061. \r23.Shuxia Qiu, Peng Xu*, Zhouting Jiang, Arun S. Mujumdar: Numerical Modeling of Pulsed Laminar Opposed Impinging Jets. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 06/2012; 6(2), pp. 195-202.\r24.Peng Xu*, Shuxia Qiu, MingZhou Yu, Xianwu Qiao, Arun S. Mujumdar: A study on the heat and mass transfer properties of multiple pulsating impinging jets. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 03/2012; 39(3), pp. 378-382. \r25.Peng Xu*, Ming-Zhou Yu, Shu-Xia Qiu, Bo-Ming Yu: Monte Carlo Simulation of A Two-phase flow in an Unsaturated Porous Media. Thermal Science 01/2012; 16(5), pp. 1382-1385. \r26.Zhou-ting Jiang, Peng Xu, Ting-ting Sun: A study on the structural transition of a single polymer chain by parallel tempering molecular dynamics simulation. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 01/2012; 30(1), pp. 45-55.\r27.Yanjun Liu, Boming Yu, Peng Xu, Jinsui Wu: Study of the effect of capillary pressure on permeability. Fractals 11/2011; 15(01), pp. 55-62. \r28.Peng Xu*, Boming Yu, Shuxia Qiu, Hee Joo Poh, Arun S. Mujumdar: Turbulent impinging jet heat transfer enhancement due to intermittent pulsation. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 07/2010; 49(7), pp. 1247-1252.\r29.Xiang-Qi Wang, Peng Xu, Arun S. Mujumdar, Christopher Yap: Flow and thermal characteristics of offset branching network. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 02/2010; 49(2), pp. 272-280. \r30.Peng Xu*, Arun S. Mujumdar, Hee Joo Poh, Boming Yu: Heat transfer under a pulsed slot turbulent impinging jet at large temperature differences. Thermal Science 01/2010; 14(1), pp. 271-281. \r31.Peng Xu, X.Q. Wang, A.S. Mujumdar, C. Yap, B.M. Yu: Thermal characteristics of tree-shaped microchannel nets with/without loops. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 11/2009; 48(11), pp. 2139-2147. \r32.Peng Xu, A. S. Mujumdar, B. Yu: Drying-Induced Cracks in Thin Film Fabricated from Colloidal Dispersions (Review). Drying Technology 04/2009; 27(5), pp. 636-652. \r33.Peng Xu, Z. Wu, A. S. Mujumdar, B. Yu: Innovative Hydrocyclone Inlet Designs to Reduce Erosion-Induced Wear in Mineral Dewatering Processes. Drying Technology 02/2009; 27(2), pp. 201-211. \r34.Peng Xu, Boming Yu, Shuxia Qiu, Jianchao Cai: An analysis of the radial flow in the heterogeneous porous media based on fractal and constructal tree networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 11/2008; 387(26), pp. 6471-6483. \r35.Mingqing Zou, Boming Yu, Jianchao Cai, Peng Xu: Fractal Model for Thermal Contact Conductance. Journal of Heat Transfer 10/2008; 130(10), pp. 1542-1547. \r36.Meijuan Yun, Boming Yu, Peng Xu, Jinsui Wu: Geometrical Models for Tortuosity of Streamlines in Three‐Dimensional Porous Media. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 06/2008; 84(3), pp. 301-309. \r37.Peng Xu, Arun S. Mujumdar, Boming Yu: Fractal Theory on Drying: A Review (Review). Drying Technology 05/2008; 26(6), pp. 640-650. \r38.Mei-Juan Yun, Bo-Ming Yu, Peng Xu, Jian-Chao Cai: Fractal Analysis of Power-Law Fluid in a Single Capillary. Chinese Physics Letters 02/2008; 25(2), pp. 616-619. \r39.Peng Xu, Boming Yu: Developing a new form of permeability and Kozeny–Carman constant for homogeneous porous media by means of fractal geometry. Advances in Water Resources 01/2008; 31(1), pp. 74-81. (ESI高被引论文)\r40.Yongjin Feng, Boming Yu, Kaiming Feng, Peng Xu, Mingqing Zou: Thermal conductivity of nanofluids and size distribution of nanoparticles by Monte Carlo simulations. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 01/2008; 10(8), pp. 1319-1328. \r41.Mingqing Zou, Boming Yu, Yongjin Feng, Peng Xu: A Monte Carlo method for simulating fractal surfaces. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 12/2007; 386(1), pp. 176-186. \r42.Mu Chen, Boming Yu, Peng Xu, Jun Chen: A new deterministic complex network model with hierarchical structure. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 11/2007; 385(2) , pp. 707-717. \r43.Yanni Tang, Boming Yu, Yifan Hu, Jianchao Cai, Yongjin Feng, Peng Xu: A self-similarity model for dielectric constant of porous ultra low-k dielectrics. Journal of Physics D Applied Physics 08/2007; 40(17), pp. 5377-5382. \r44.Yongjin Feng, Boming Yu, Peng Xu, Mingqing Zou: The effective thermal conductivity of nanofluids based on the nanolayer and the aggregation of nanoparticles. Journal of Physics D Applied Physics 05/2007; 40(10), pp. 3164-3171.\r45.Jun Chen, Boming Yu, Peng Xu, Yonghua Li: Fractal-like tree networks increasing the permeability. Physical Review E 05/2007; 75(5 Pt 2), p. 056301. \r46.Yongjin Feng, Boming Yu, Mingqing Zou, Peng Xu: A Generalized Model for the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Unsaturated Porous Media Based on Self-Similarity. Journal of Porous Media 01/2007; 10(6), pp. 551-568. \r47.Peng Xu, Boming Yu: The scaling laws of transport properties for fractal-like tree networks. Journal of Applied Physics 12/2006; 100(10), p. 104906. \r48.Jie Xu, Boming Yu, Mingqing Zou, Peng Xu: A new model for heat conduction of nanofluids based on fractal distributions of nanoparticles. Journal of Physics D Applied Physics 10/2006; 39(20), pp. 4486-4490. \r49.Peng Xu, Boming Yu, Yongjin Feng, Yanjun Liu: Analysis of permeability for the fractal-like tree network by parallel and series models. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 09/2006; 369(2), pp. 884-894.\r50.Peng Xu, Boming Yu, Meijuan Yun, Mingqing Zou: Heat conduction in fractal tree-like branched networks. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 09/2006; 49(19-20), pp. 3746-3751. \r51.Peng Xu, Boming Yu, Yongjin Feng, Mingqing Zou: Permeability of the fractal disk-shaped branched network with tortuosity effect. Physics of Fluids 07/2006; 18(7), p. 078103.\r \r授权专利\r1. 徐鹏, 邱淑霞, 乔宪武, 张蕾, 陈琦. 一种分形射流喷嘴阵列. 发明专利, ZL8.9.\r3. 徐鹏, 张蕾, 邱淑霞, 乔宪武, 张琦. 一种方波脉冲射流发生器. 发明专利, ZL8.1. \r2. 邱淑霞, 徐鹏, 乔宪武, 张蕾. 间歇式冲击射流分形肋片冷却装置. 实用新型, ZL5.8. \r4. 徐鹏, 邱淑霞, 乔宪武. 分形鳍片散热器. 实用新型, ZL7.2.\r5. 徐鹏, 邱淑霞, 乔宪武. 脉冲射流肋片冷却装置. 实用新型, ZL1.5.\r
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