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Hongjun Shi, Ph. D.

邮箱: shihongjun@westlake.edu.cn

Hongjun Shi, Ph. D.

邮箱: shihongjun@westlake.edu.cn



  施红军 (1975-),江苏通州人。2006年获Victoria University of Wellington生物医学一等荣誉学士学位(人类遗传学)。2012年获University of Otago病理学博士学位。2012-2017年在澳大利亚张任谦心脏研究所(Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute) 发育和干细胞生物学部从事博士后研究,2015年升为高级博士后研究员,新南威尔士大学讲师,主要致力于先天性心脏病致病机理的研究。


  出生缺陷,尤其是先天性心脏病在普通人群中有相当高的发病率(1-3%),而其中已知病因的疾病类型仅占极少数,这严重限制了我们对该疾病的预防和干预。施红军博士的研究团队通过分析发病儿童及其亲属的全基因组序列, 继而利用转基因小鼠为疾病模型,发现并验证了多个全新的先天性心脏病致病基因并初步阐述其致病机制。其研究还揭示了特定的环境因素,如妊娠期缺氧,B族维生素不足,个别处方药物使用等,可引发胚胎细胞内质网应激反应和能量代谢紊乱,破坏心脏发育。这些环境因素若与FGF, NOTCH等心脏发育关键信号通路变异相互作用,还会显著提高发病率和疾病严重程度。实验室将在现有成果基础上开展胚胎学,遗传学,分子细胞生物学和生物信息学等多方面研究,进一步理解心脏发育的调控机制,揭示先天性心脏病的病理机理,为出生缺陷的预防和早期分子诊断提供有效的手段。


  1. Hartmut Cuny, Melissa Rapadas, Jessica Gereis, Ella M. M. A. Martin, Rosemary B. Kirk,Hongjun Shi, Sally L. Dunwoodie. NAD deficiency due to environmental factors or gene–environment interactions causes congenital malformations and miscarriage in mice.Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesFeb 2020, 117 (7) 3738-3747
  2. Gavin Chapman, Julie L M Moreau, Eddie Ip, Justin O Szot, Kavitha R Iyer,Hongjun Shi, Michelle X Yam, Victoria C O’Reilly, Annabelle Enriquez, Joelene A Greasby, Dimuthu Alankarage, Ella M M A Martin, Bernadette C Hanna, Matthew Edwards, Steven Monger, Gillian M Blue, David Winlaw, Helen E Ritchie, Stuart M Grieve, Eleni Giannoulatou, Duncan B Sparrow, Sally L Dunwoodie. (2019) Functional genomics and gene-environment interaction highlight the complexity of Congenital Heart Disease caused by Notch pathway variants.Human Molecular Genetics.13;29(4):566-579
  3. Liu Y, Wang L,Shi H. The biological function of ELABELA and APJ signaling in the cardiovascular system and pre-eclampsia. (2019)Hypertension research. Jul;42(7):928-934.
  4.Shi, H., Enriquez, A., Rapadas, M., Martin, E.M.M.A., Wang, R., Moreau, J., Lim, C.K., Szot, J.O., Ip, E., Hughes, J.N., Sugimoto, K., Humphreys, D.T., McInerney-Leo, A.M., Leo, P.J., Maghzal, G.J., Halliday, J., Smith, J., Colley, A., Mark, P.R., Collins, F., Sillence, D.O., Winlaw, D.S., Ho, J.W.K., Guillemin, G.J., Brown, M.A., Kikuchi, K., Thomas, P.Q., Stocker, R., Giannoulatou, E., Chapman, G., Duncan, E.L., Sparrow, D.B., Dunwoodie, S.L., 2017. NAD Deficiency, Congenital Malformations, and Niacin Supplementation.New England Journal of Medicine377, 544-552.
  5.Shi, H., O'Reilly, V.C., Moreau, J.L., Bewes, T.R., Yam, M.X., Chapman, B.E., Grieve, S.M., Stocker, R., Graham, R.M., Chapman, G., Sparrow, D.B., Dunwoodie, S.L., 2016. Gestational stress induces the unfolded protein response, resulting in heart defects.Development143, 2561-2572.
  6. McInerney-Leo, A. M., Sparrow, D. B., Harris, J. E., Gardiner, B. B., Marshall, M. S., O'Reilly, V. C.,Shi, H., Brown, M. A., Leo, P. J., Zankl, A., Dunwoodie, S. L., and Duncan, E. L. (2015) Compound heterozygous mutations in RIPPLY2 associated with vertebral segmentation defects,Human molecular genetics24, 1234-1242.
  7. Besic, V.,Shi, H., Stubbs, R. S., and Hayes, M. T. (2015) Aberrant liver insulin receptor isoform a expression normalises with remission of type 2 diabetes after gastric bypass surgery,PloS one10, e**.
  8. O'Reilly, V. C., Lopes Floro, K.,Shi, H., Chapman, B. E., Preis, J. I., James, A. C., Chapman, G., Harvey, R. P., Johnson, R. S., Grieve, S. M., Sparrow, D. B., and Dunwoodie, S. L. (2014) Gene-environment interaction demonstrates the vulnerability of the embryonic heart,Developmental biology391, 99-110.
  9. Moreau, J. L., Artap, S. T.,Shi, H., Chapman, G., Leone, G., Sparrow, D. B., and Dunwoodie, S. L. (2014) Cited2 is required in trophoblasts for correct placental capillary patterning,Developmental biology392, 62-79.
  10.Shi, H., Hayes, M. T., Kirana, C., Miller, R. J., Keating, J. P., and Stubbs, R. S. (2013) Overexpression of aminoacylase 1 is associated with colorectal cancer progression, Human pathology 44, 1089-1097.
  11.Shi, H., Hayes, M., Kirana, C., Miller, R., Keating, J., Macartney-Coxson, D., and Stubbs, R. (2012) TUFM is a potential new prognostic indicator for colorectal carcinoma,Pathology44, 506-512.
  12. Kirana, C.,Shi, H., Laing, E., Hood, K., Miller, R., Bethwaite, P., Keating, J., Jordan, T. W., Hayes, M., and Stubbs, R. (2012) Cathepsin D Expression in Colorectal Cancer: From Proteomic Discovery through Validation Using Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, and Tissue Microarrays,International journal of proteomics 245819.
  13.Shi, H., Hood, K. A., Hayes, M. T., and Stubbs, R. S. (2011) Proteomic analysis of advanced colorectal cancer by laser capture microdissection and two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis,Journal of proteomics75, 339-351.
  14.Shi, H. J., Stubbs, R., and Hood, K. (2009) Characterization of de novo synthesized proteins released from human colorectal tumour explants,Electrophoresis30, 2442-2453.
  15. Kirana, C., Ward, T., Jordan, T. W., Rawson, P., Royds, J.,Shi, H. J., Stubbs, R., and Hood, K. (2009) Compatibility of toluidine blue with laser microdissection and saturation labeling DIGE,Proteomics9, 485-490.
  16. Macartney-Coxson, D. P., Hood, K. A.,Shi, H. J., Ward, T., Wiles, A., O'Connor, R., Hall, D. A., Lea, R. A., Royds, J. A., Stubbs, R. S., and Rooker, S. (2008) Metastatic susceptibility locus, an 8p hot-spot for tumour progression disrupted in colorectal liver metastases: 13 candidate genes examined at the DNA, mRNA and protein level,BMC cancer8, 187.



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