


李志红 博士|副教授|硕士Th导师 ■ 个人基本情况 姓 名: 李志红 性 别: 男 出生年月: 1989 年 12 月民 族: 汉族 职称职务: 副教授 政治面貌: 共产党员最高学历: 研究生 最高学位: 博士 工作单位: 电子系|电气与电子工程学院|温州大学 通信地址: 浙江省温州市茶ft高教园区 温州大学南校区 1 号楼邮政编码: 325035 电子邮箱: zhihong@wzu.edu.cn; zhihonghnu@hotmail.com; 学术主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhihong-Li-2 ■ 主要研究方向 ● 光电信息检测与传感(Photoelectric information detection and sensing); ● 光纤传感技术(Fiber-optic sensing technology); ● 激光与光电子技术(Laser and Optoelectronic technology); ■ 主要工作经历 李志红,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,2016 年毕业于湖南大学,现任职于温州大学电气与电子工程学院。目前依托电气数字化设计技术国家地方联合工程实验室“光电信息检测与传感技术”、“微纳结构与光电器件”研究所等科研平台,主要从事光纤传感技术、光电信息 检测与传感技术、激光与光电技术等领域的研究与教学工作。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目 1 项、温州市基础研究计划 1 项,参与国家自然科学基金 3 项、浙江省自然科 学基金 1 项、温州市科技计划 1 项等项目。近年来以第一/通讯作者身份在 Optics Letter、Optics Express、IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology、 IEEE/OSA Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics、IEEE Photonics Journal、IEEE Access、Applied Physics Express、Journal of Applied Physics、 Journal of Optical Society of American B、IEEE Sensors Journal、Applied Optics、 Journal of the Optical Society of America A 等学术期刊发表SCI 论文20 余篇,以第一发明人申请国家发明专利 10 余项(已授权 6 项);担任 Optics Letter、 IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology、Annalen der Physik、IEEE Access、 Applied Optics 、Optics Communications 、Journal of the Optical Society of America A 等学术期刊审稿专家;多次获温州大学优秀毕业论文指导教师。 主要工作经历如下: 1、 2020.01 – 至今,副教授,温州大学 电气与电子工程学院; 2、 2016.07 – 2019.12,讲师,温州大学 物理与电子信息工程学院; ■ 近年主要教学科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于氧化石墨烯增强倾斜光纤光栅泄漏模谐振的生物传感研究,No. 61905180,2020.01-2022.12,主持(1/1) 2. 温州市基础性科研项目,面向储能设备在线状态监测的倾斜光纤光栅传感技术,No. 2019G0005,2020.01-2021.06,主持(1/3) 3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,光源的相关色温和 Duv 的计算方法及其在 LED 光谱优化中的应用研究,No. 61775169,2018.01-2021.12,参与(3/5) 4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,3D 打印物体表面外貌和视觉感知色差表征方法研究,No. 61775170,2018.01-2021.12,参与(5/9) 5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,微纳阵列复合表面结构的制备及其在光电子器件中应用研究,No. 61805179,2019.01-2021.12,参与(3/5) 6. 浙江省自然科学基金,光学环形谐振腔中的孤子及光频梳的特性研究, No. LY19F050013,2019.01-2021.12,参与(2/6) ■ 近年发表学术论文情况 1、期刊论文 2021 年 [1]. Zhihong Li*, and Haiyong Zhu, Fiber-Optic Surface Waveguide Modes Excited by Inter/Intra Mode Transition for Refractometric Sensitivity Enhancement, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 27(5), 5600308, 2021. [2]. Zhihong Li*, and Haiyong Zhu, Sensing performance of surface waveguide modes excited in long-period fiber grating with gold–silicon nanocoatings, Optics Letters, 46(2), 266-269, 2021. [3]. Zhihong Li*, Francesco Chiavaioli*, In-fiber comb-like linear polarizer with leaky mode resonances, Optics and Laser Technology, 133, 106518, 2021. [4]. Zhihong Li*, Haiyong Zhu, and Chaolong Fang, Flexibly Tunable Surface Waveguide Resonances in Cylindrical Waveguide-Metal-Waveguide Configuration Assisted by Tilted Fiber Grating, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2020.3042608, 2021. 2020 年 [5]. Zhihong Li*, Qikai Bao, Jiayin Zhu, Xiukai Ruan, and Yuxing Dai, Generation of leaky mode resonance by metallic oxide nanocoating in tilted fiber-optic gratings, Optics Express, 28(7), 9123-9135, 2020. [6]. Runlin Wang#, Zhihong Li#, Xia Chen, Nan Hu, Yongguang Xiao, Kaiwei Li, Tuan Guo, Mode splitting in ITO-nanocoated tilted fiber Bragg gratings for vector twist measurement, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2020.3000171, 2020. [7]. Li Zhang, Yanmin Duan, Yinglu Sun, Yijun Chen, Zhihong Li, Haiyong Zhu, Ge Zhang, Dingyuan Tang, Passively Q-switched multiple visible wavelengths switchable YVO4 Raman laser, Journal of Luminescence, 228, 117650, 2020. 2019 年 [8]. Zhihong Li*, Xiukai Ruan and Yuxing Dai, Leaky Mode Combs in Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37(24), 6165-6173, 2019. [9]. Zhihong Li*, Xiukai Ruan and Yuxing Dai, Simultaneous excitation of leaky mode resonance and surface plasmon resonance in tilted fiber Bragg grating, Applied Physics Express, 12(11), 112005, 2019. [10]. Zhihong Li*, Yubing Shen, Zhuying Yu, Xiukai Ruan, Yaoju Zhang, and Yuxing Dai, Polarization-Dependent Tuning Property of Graphene Integrated Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating for Sensitivity Optimization: A Numerical Study, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37(9), 2023-2035, 2019. [11]. Zhihong Li*, Zhuying Yu, Yubing Shen, Xiukai Ruan, and Yuxing Dai, Graphene Enhanced Leaky Mode Resonance in Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating: A New Opportunity for Highly Sensitive Fiber Optic Sensor, IEEE Access, 7, 26641-26651, 2019. [12]. Zhihong Li*, Zhuying Yu, Boteng Yan, Xiukai Ruan, Yaoju Zhang, and Yuxing Dai, Theoretical analysis of tuning property of the graphene integrated excessively tilted fiber grating for sensitivity enhancement, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 36(1), 108-118, 2019. [13]. Yijie Li, Jiang Tao, Xin He, Yaoju Zhang, Chaolong Fang*, Zhihong Li, Jie Lin, and Youyi Zhuang, Cylindrical Lens Array Concentrator with a Nanonipple-Array Antireflective Surface for Improving the Performances of Solar Cells, Optics Communication, 439, 118-24, 2019. 2018 年 [14]. Zhihong Li*, Qianqian Luo, Boteng Yan, Xiukai Ruan*, Yaoju Zhang, Yuxing Dai, Zhennao Cai, and Tao Chen, Titanium dioxide film coated excessively tilted fiber grating for ultra-sensitive refractive index sensor, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36(22), 5285-5297, 2018. [15]. Zhuying Yu, Boteng Yan, Zhihong Li*, Xiukai Ruan, Yaoju Zhang, and Yuxing Dai, Graphene induced sensitivity enhancement of thin-film coated long period fiber grating, Journal of Applied Physics, 124(18), 184503, 2018 [16]. Zhihong Li*, Jie Shen, Qiuping Ji, Yaoju Zhang, Xiukai Ruan*, Yuxing Dai, and Zhennao Cai, Turning the Resonance of the Excessively Tilted LPFG Assisted Surface Plasmon Polaritons: Optimum Design Rules for Ultra- Sensitive Refractometric Sensor, IEEE Photonics Journal, 10(1), 7101214, 2018. [17]. Zhihong Li*, Jie Shen, Qiuping Ji, Yaoju Zhang, Xiukai Ruan, Yuxing Dai, and Zhennao Cai, Tuning the resonance of polarization-degenerate cladding mode LP1,j in excessively tilted long period fiber grating for highly sensitive refractive index sensing, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 35(3), 397-405, 2018. [18]. Zhihong Li*, Boteng Yan, Qianqian Luo, Xiukai Ruan, Yaoju Zhang, Yuxing Dai, and Tao Chen, Sensitivity Enhancement of Excessively Tilted Fiber Grating by Inner Cladding Perturbation, IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(16), 6615- 6620, 2018. [19]. Chaolong Fang, Jun Zheng, Yaoju Zhang*, Yijie Li, Siyuan Liu, Weiji Wang, Tao Jiang, Xuesong Zhao, and Zhihong Li, Antireflective Paraboloidal Microlens Film for Boosting Power Conversion Efficiency of Solar Cells, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10(26), 21950-21956, 2018. [20]. Yijie Li, Yaoju Zhang*, Jie Lin, Chaolong Fang, Yongqi Ke, Hua Tao, Weiji Wang, Xuesong Zhao, Zhihong Li, and Zhenkun Lin, Multiscale Array Antireflective Coatings for Improving Efficiencies of Solar Cells, Applied Surface Science, 462, 105-11, 2018. [21]. Yaoju Zhang*, Jun Zheng, Chaolong Fang*, Zhihong Li, Xuesong Zhao, Yijie Li, Xiukai Ruan, Yuxing Dai, Enhancement of Silicon-Wafer Solar Cell Efficiency with Low-Cost Wrinkle Antireflection Coating of Polydimethylsiloxane, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 181, 15-20, 2018. 2017 年 [22]. Tao Chen*, Jun Tu, Xiaochun Song, and Zhihong Li, Sensor for Measuring Extremely Large Strain Based on Bending Polymer Optical Fiber, Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 60(2), 301-306, 2017. 2016 年 [23]. Zhi-Hong Li, Tao Chen, Zhao-Gang Zhang, Yan-Ming Zhou, Dan Li, and Zhong Xie*, Highly sensitive surface plasmon resonance sensor utilizing a long period grating with photosensitive cladding, Applied Optics,55(6), 1470- 1480, 2016. [24]. Zhihong Li, Xiukai Ruan, Yuxing Dai, Zhaogang Zhang, Yanming Zhou, Tao Chen, and Zhong Xie*, Numerical analysis of high-sensitivity refractive index sensor based on LPFG with bandpass transmission,IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(20), 7500-7507, 2016. [25]. Tao Chen, Zhihong Li, Xiaochun Song, Yanming Zhou, Haiyan Guo, and Zhong Xie*, Crack detection and monitoring in viscoelastic solids using polymer optical fiber sensors, Review of Scientific Instruments, 87(3), 035005, 2016. 2015 年 [26]. Zhihong Li, Tao Chen, Zhaogang Zhang, Yanming Zhou, Dan Li, and Zhong Xie*, Spectral response of long-period fiber gratings to cladding refractive index perturbation, Optics Engineering, 54(9), 096105, 2015. [27]. Tao Chen, Zhong Xie*, Zhi-Hong Li, Yan-Ming Zhou, and Hai-Yan Guo, Study on the Monotonicity of Bending Loss of Polymer Optical Fiber, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 29(10), 2032-2037, 2015. 2、会议论文 [28]. 李志红*,杨现鑫,朱海永,光纤表面波导模及其传感特性,第二届全国光子技术论坛,P-027-B,2020/11/27~30. ■ 近年授权发明专利情况 [1]. 李志红; 李丽; 包琪恺; 胡贵军; 阮秀凯; 戴瑜兴; 一种倾斜光纤光栅梳状起偏器, 2020-11-06, 中国, ZL201911281886.0. [2]. 李志红; 罗倩倩; 严博腾; 阮秀凯; 张耀举; 戴瑜兴; 蔡振闹; 二氧化钛薄膜涂覆倾斜光纤光栅折射率传感器及检测系统, 2020-11-03, 中国, ZL201810494921.6. [3]. 李志红; 严博腾; 罗倩倩; 阮秀凯; 张耀举; 戴瑜兴; 含内包层调制倾斜光纤光栅 折射率 传感 装置 及方法 , 2020-10-27, 中国 , ZL201810603168.X. [4]. 李志红; 阮秀凯; 戴瑜兴; 准分布式温度传感系统的信号解调方法, 2020-10-09, 中国, ZL201910740352.3. [5]. 李志红; 严博腾; 罗倩倩; 阮秀凯; 张耀举; 戴瑜兴; 基于倾斜光纤 光栅表面等离子体共振的传感装置及其参数优化方法, 2020-01-21, 中国, ZL201710933690.X. [6]. 李志红; 罗倩倩; 严博腾; 沈杰; 姬秋萍; 阮秀凯; 张耀举; 戴瑜兴;蔡振闹; 一种高灵敏倾斜光纤光栅低折射率传感检测装置, 2019-10- 25, 中国, ZL201710605558.6. [7]. 杨卫波,卢玉锋,阮秀凯,崔桂华,蔡启博,李长军,李志红. 一种基于支持向量回归机的颜色空间转换的颜色校正方法. ZL201810657575.9, 2020-12-29. [8]. 阮秀凯,岳虹宇,包乐磊,崔桂华,周志立,李长军,闫正兵,蔡启博,李志红.基于多光谱LED 照明的物体光谱反射率重建方法. ZL201811407518.1, 2020-11-06. [9]. 阮秀凯,倪钏,崔桂华,周志立,李长军,闫正兵,蔡启博,李志红. 光谱不对称单色 LED 的光谱分布函数拟合方法. ZL201811407517.7, 2020-10- 09. [10]. 蔡启博,阮秀凯,刘文斌,闫正兵,黄世沛,朱翔鸥,吴平,崔桂华,杨卫波,李志红,李晗. 一种测量继电器成品触点间距的 X 射线无损检测方法. ZL201710358002.1, 2020-06-16. [11]. 阮秀凯,赵杭芳,周志立,戴瑜兴,闫正兵,朱海永,肖海林,韦文生,谈燕花,李理敏, 李志红 . 基于聚类算法的相干光通信盲均衡方法. ZL201710358012.5, 2020-03-20. [12]. 阮秀凯,周月,朱海永,戴瑜兴,蔡启博,谈燕花,肖海林,李志红,张耀举,崔桂华. 正交频分复用 60 千兆赫毫米波光载无线电系统的补偿方法. ZL201710358001.7, 2019-04-02. ■ 近年本科Th培养情况 1. 指导本科生发表论文 [1]. Zhuying Yu(俞珠颖, 15 级通信工程专业), Boteng Yan(严博腾, 15 级电子信息工程(两岸合作)专业), Zhihong Li*, Xiukai Ruan, Yaoju Zhang, and Yuxing Dai, Graphene induced sensitivity enhancement of thin-film coated long period fiber grating, Journal of Applied Physics, 124(18), 184503, 2018. (SCI III 区) [2]. Jie Shen(沈杰, 14 级电子信息科学与技术专业), Qiuping Ji(姬秋萍, 14 级电子信息科学与技术专业), Yaoju Zhang, Xiukai Ruan, Yuxing Dai, Zhennao Cai, and Zhihong Li*, Theoretical Design of Band Pass Filter Utilizing Long Period Fiber Grating Having Cladding Refractive Index Perturbation, Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 52(6), 489-495, 2018. (EI 收录) 2. 指导本科生参与科研项目 [1]. 蒋韬等(16 级通信工程专业),2018 年浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划暨新苗人才计划项目,柱面阵列聚焦器提高双面晶 Si 太阳能电池效率研究,No. 2018R429020,2018.06-2020.06 [2]. 丁泽威等(17 级计算机科学与技术专业),温州大学 2018 年大学生创新创业训练计划项目,一种改进的计算智能模型研究及其应用,No. DC2018073,2018.12-2019.12 [3]. 沈杰、姬秋萍等(14 级电子信息科学与技术专业),温州大学 2016 年大学生创新创业训练计划项目,基于包层折变型 TLPFG 的 SPR 传感研究,No. DC2016060,2016.12-2017.12 3. 指导本科生获优秀毕业论文 [1]. 罗倩倩,15 级电子信息工程(两岸合作)专业,《二氧化钛薄膜涂覆极大倾角光纤光栅传感特性研究》,温州大学优秀毕业论文,2019 届 [2]. 赵彬,15 级通信工程专业,《中小企业核心网络的设计与仿真》,温州大学优秀毕业论文,2019 届 [3]. 邹雨叶,16 级电子信息工程专业,《石墨烯集成倾斜光纤光栅光谱调控及传感特性》,温州大学优秀毕业论文,2020 届 ■ 近年研究Th培养情况 ● 目前指导 2020 级硕士研究生 1 名,研究方向:光纤传感技术。 ● 欢迎物理学、光学工程、电子科学与技术、光电信息科学与技术、电子信息工程、通信工程、计算机科学与技术等相关专业的学生报考研究生。 ■ 学术兼职情况 [1]. 中国人工智能学会终身会员; [2]. 担任Optics Letter、IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology、Annalen der Physik、IEEE Access、Applied Optics、Optics Communications、 Journal of the Optical Society of America A 等学术期刊审稿专家; (2021 年 2 月更新)

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