


张耀举教授简介 一、个人基本情况: 姓 名: 张耀举 性 别: 男 出生年月: 1960.7民 族: 汉族职称职务: 教授 最后学历、学位:研究生、博士 工作单位:温州大学物理与电子信息工程学院 通信地址:温州市茶山大学城温州大学南校区 1A111 室邮政编码:325035 电 话:13857795510 E-Mail: zhangyj@wzu.edu.cn; 二、从事研究的专业领域及主要研究方向 课程教学:目前主要从事《模拟电子技术》、《数字电子技术》、《电子技术综合实践》、《电路分析》、《信息光学》和《传感与检测》等课程的教学工作。研究的专业领域:目前主要从事微纳光电器件和新能源技术研究 目前主要研究方向: (1) 太阳能电池新技术及其应用 (2) 微型继电器设计与制作 (3) 微流控 1 三、主要工作经历及业绩 1978 年 10 月~1981 年 7 月 开封师范专科学校物理学专科生 1985 年 9 月~1987 年 7 月 河南师范大学物理学本科生 1987 年 9 月~1990 年 6 月 河南师范大学物理学硕士研究生,硕士 2002 年 7 月~2002 年 12 月 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所访问学者 2009 年 7 月~2009 年 12 月 日本熊本大学高访研究学者 2010 年 1 月 获日本熊本大学光电信息工程博士学位 2011 年~至今 温州大学激光与光电子技术研究所所长 四、目前主持的主要科研项目 宽波段高效率深刻蚀圆形聚焦光栅及其在太阳电池中的应用研究(61377021),国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2014.1-2017.12 五、近年主要科研成果目录(含论文、课题及科研获奖) 1、部分论文和专著: (1) Diffraction in a stratified region of a high numerical aperture Fresnel zone plate: a simple and rigorous integral representation,Opt. Express, 2015, Vol.23, Issue 6,page:8051-8060 (2) Diffraction theory of high numerical aperture subwavelength circular binary phase Fresnel zone plate, ,Opt. Express, 2014, Vol.22, Issue 22,page: 27425-27436 (3) Analysis of nearfield subwavelength focusing of hybrid amplitude–phase Fresnel zone plates under radially polarized illumination, Journal of Opt.16 (2014) 015703-6 (4) Effect of the shadowing in high-numerical-aperture binary phase Fresnel zone plates, Optics Communications, 317(2014)88–92 (5) Multifocal optical trapping using counter-propagating radially-polarized beams, Opt. Commun. 285(5) (2012) 725–730 (6) Trapping Rayleigh Particles Using Highly Focused Higher-order Radially Polarized Beams, Optics Communications, 2011,Vol.284, Issue 7, page:1734-1739 (7) Generation of three-dimensional dark spots with a perfect light shell with a radially polarized Laguerre–Gaussian beam, Applied Optics, 2010,Vol.49, Issue 32, page:6217-6223 (8) Symmetry properties of three-dimensional magnetization distributions induced by focused circularly polarized lights, Optik, 2010, Vol.121, Issue 22, page: 2062–2066 (9) Longer axial trap distance and larger radial trap stiffness using a double-ring radially polarized beam, Optics Letters, 2010, Vol. 35, Issue 8, page:1281-1283 2 (10)Near-field double-spot photolithography with subwavelength spacing, Optics Communications, 2010,Vol. 283, Issue 15, pages: 3022-3025 (11)Trapping two types of particles using a double-ring-shaped radially polarized beam, Physical Review A, 2010,Vol.81, Issue 2, page: 023831-5 (12)Magnetic field distribution of a highly focused radially-polarized light beam, Optics Express, 2009,Vol.17, Issue 24, page:22235-22239 (13)Improving Recording Density of All-Optical Magnetic Storage by Using High-Pass Angular Spectrum Filters, Chin. Phys. Lett., 2009,Vol. 26, Issue 10, page:108501-3 (14)Large negative Goos-Hanchen shift from a wedge-shaped thin film, Chin. Opt. Lett., 2009,Vol.7, Issue 9, page:845-848 (15) Theoretical study of optical recording with a solid immersion lens illuminated by focused double-ring-shaped radially polarized beam, Optics Communications, 2009, Vol.282, Issue 23, page:4481-4485 (16) Dispersion effect in optical microscopy systems with a supersphere solid immersion lens, Chinese Physics B, 2009,Vol. 18, Issue 7, page:2788-2793 (17) All-optical magnetic superresolution with binary pupil filters, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 2009,Vol.26, Issue 7, page:1379-1383 (18) Improving the recording ability of a near-field optical storage system by higher-order radially polarized beams, Opt. Express, 2009,Vol.17, Issue 5, 2009, page:3698-3706 (19) Theoretical study on all-optical magnetic recording using a solid immersion lens, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 2009,Vol. 26, Issue 7, page:176-182 (20) Simple and high efficient optical trapping using a cylindrical lens and a single plane wave of incidence, Opt. Commun., 2008,Vol.281, Issue 19, page:4824-4828 (21) High-density all-optical magnetic recording using a high-NA lens illuminated by circularly polarized pulse lights, Physics Letters A, 2008 ,Vol.372, Issue 41, page:6294-6297 (22) Giant positive and negative lateral shifts from the Kretschmann–Raether configuration with a weakly absorbing left-handed slab, Physics Letters A, 2008,Vol.372, Issue 41, page:6294-6297 (23) Generation of thin and hollow beams by the axicon with a large open angle, Opt. Commun., 2008,Vol.281,Issue 4, page:508-514 (24) Analytical expression for the diffraction field of an axicon using the ray-tracing and interference method, Applied Physics B, 2008,Vol.90, Issue 1, page:93-96 (25) Simple and rigorous analytical expression of the propagating field behind an axicon illuminated by an azimuthally polarized beam, Appl. Opt., 2007,Vol.46, Issue 29, page:7252-7257 (26) Design of three-dimensional superresolving binary amplitude filters by using the optimizing method, Opt. Commun., 2007,Vol. 276, Issue 8, page: 327–331 (27) Optimizing the optical field distribution of solid immersion lens system by a continuous phase filter, Chiness Optics Letters, 2007,Vol.5, Issue 6, page:318-321 (28) Design of three-dimensional superresolving binary amplitude filters by using the analytical method, Opt. Commun., 2007,Vol. 274, Issue 1, page: 37–42 (29) Three-zone phase-only filter increasing the focal depth of optical storage systems with a solid immersion lens, Appl. Phys. B, Vol. 2007, Vol.86, Issue 1, page: 97-103 (30) Optical intensity distribution of a plano-convex solid immersion mirror, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 3 2007,Vol. 24, Issue 1, page: 211-214 (31) Multilevel phase Fresnel zone plate lens as a near-field optical element, Opt. Commun., 2007,Vol. 269, Issue 1, page: 271-273 (32) Propagation of vectorial Gaussian beams behind a circular aperture, Optics & Laser Technology, 2007,Vol.39, Issue 4, page: 598-604 (33) Optical data storage system with a plano-ellipsoidal solid immersion mirror illuminated directly by a point light source, Appl. Opt., 2006, Vol.45, page: 8653-8658 (34) Multiple reflection effect inside a hemispherical solid immersion lens, Opt. Commun., 2006,Vol.266, page: 94-99 (35) A new three-zone amplitude-only filter for increasing the focal depth of near-field solid immersion lens systems, J. Mod. Opt., 2006, Vol.53, page: 1919-1925 (36) Theoretical study of near-field optical storage with a solid immersion lens, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 2006,Vol.23, page: 2132-2136 (37) Calculation of the vectorial field distribution of an axicon illuminated by a linearly polarized Gaussian beam, Optik, 2006,Vol.117, page:118-122 (38) Design of high-performance supersphere solid immersion lenses, Appl. Opt., 2006,Vol.45, page: 4540-4546 (39) Converging spherical wave propagation in a hemispherical solid lens, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt., 2006,Vol.8, page:578-583 (40) Vector propagation of radially polarized Gaussian beams diffracted by an axicon, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 2005,Vol.22, page: 2542-2546 (41) Focal shifts in focused beams with an elliptical diffracting screen, J. Mod. Opt., 2006, Vol.52, page:1827-1833 (42) Nonparaxial propagation analysis of elliptical Gaussian beam, Opt. Commun., 2005,Vol.248, page:317-326 (43) Improving the resolution of a solid immersion lens optical system using a multiphase Fresnel zone plate, Opt. & Laser Techn., 2005,Vol.37, page: 444-449 (44) Diffractive super-resolution elements applied to near-field optical data storage with solid immersion lens, New J. Phys., 2004,Vol. 6, pageL:75-14 (45) Axial intensity distribution behind a Fresnel zone plate, Opt. & Laser Techn., 2004,Vol.37, page:77-80 (46) Focal-field distribution of the solid immersion lens system with an annular filter, Optik, 2004,Vol.115, page: 277-280 (47) A study of the optical transfer functionfor annular binary filters, Optik, 2003, ol.114, page:76-80 (48) Near-field interference optical trapping of rayleigh particle using two counter-propagating Gaussian beams, 光子学报, ,2008,Vol.37page:215-219 (49) Analyzing the axial intensity of plane waves diffracted nonparaxially by a small circular aperture, 光子学报, 2006,Vol.35, Issue 12, page:1917-1920 2、已完成科研课题: (1) 俘获两类不同折射率粒子的光镊原理与实验研究(No.61078023),国家自然科学基金面上项目 (2010-2013) 4 (2) 固体浸没透镜新的设计和制作方法及其应用研究(60777005),国家自然科学基金面上项目 (2008-2011) (3) 深刻蚀圆形石英光栅及其应用研究(No. 2010C31051),浙江省公益性技术应用研究计划项目 (2010-2013) 3、科研获奖: (1) 低压塑壳断路器保护特性在线智能校验系统研究与实现,2008 年温州市科技进步三等奖, 排名第四 (2) 近场固体浸没显微系统设计及显微机理研究, 2007 年温州市科技进步三等奖, 排名第一 (3) 激光束的变换和高密度光存储的理论研究,2006 年浙江省高校科研成果二等奖,排名第一 (4) Diffractive super-resolution elements applied to near-field optical data storage with solid immersion lens,2005 年温州市第十一届自然科学优秀论文二等奖,排名第一 (5) 二元环形滤波器和光栅衍射研究,2004 年浙江省高校科研成果三等奖,排名第一 六、研究生培养情况 已培养硕士 12 名,目前指导在读硕士研究生 3 名。 (2017 年 2 月更新) 5

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