


4fi? ?T B ? ??$??n? fl??: ??$?fi ;3A427 E-mail: jcliu2016@foxmail.com ORCID: 0000-0002-8618-2305 ??? ? ?T ftfi$? 2004/9–2008/7 ? aT ?fifi?$? 2008/9–2011/6 ? ?T ?fifi?$? 2014/9–2017/6 flfl?fl ? 2017/6–2019/11 ?fi ??$??n? ? 2019/12–2020/8 B ? ??$??n? ? 2020/9–yfl B ? aTR?fi ??$??n? ???? ? p fi? ? p ?? ? ?? y{? ? ‰??? ? Afl??? ?fi?8 y p-adic Gamma ?? ‰??{fi y, ?}g3???7?¢?8 (11801417), 22fly, ▲?, 2019/1–2021/12 ?fi?@(SCI?fi) 1. Ji-Cai Liu?, He-Xia Ni, On two supercongruences involving Almkvist–Zudilin sequences, Czechoslovak Math. J., to appear. 2. Long Li, Ji-Cai Liu?, On two supercongruences of double binomial sums, Period. Math. Hungar., online, doi: 10.1007/s10998-020-00377-4. 3. Ji-Cai Liu, Supercongruences arising from transformations of hypergeometric series, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 497 (2021), Art. 124915. 4. Ji-Cai Liu, A supercongruence relation among Ap′ery-like numbers, Colloq. Math. 163 (2021), 333–340. 5. Ji-Cai Liu?, Zhong-Yu Huang, A truncated identity of Euler and related q-congruences, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 102 (2020), 353–359. 6. Ji-Cai Liu, On two congruences involving Franel numbers, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas F′?s. Nat. Ser. A Mat. 114 (2020), Art. 201. 7. Ji-Cai Liu, On a congruence involving q-Catalan numbers, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 358 (2020), 211–215. 8. Ji-Cai Liu, Proof of Sun’s conjectural supercongruence involving Catalan numbers, Electron. Res. Arch. 28 (2020), 1023–1030. 9. Ji-Cai Liu, Some supercongruences arising from symbolic summation, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 488 (2020), Art. 124062. 10. Ji-Cai Liu, On a sum of Ap′ery-like numbers arising from spectral zeta functions, Colloq. Math. 160 (2020), 1–6. 11. Ji-Cai Liu, Supercongruences arising from hypergeometric series identities, Acta Arith. 193 (2020), 175–182. 12. Ji-Cai Liu?, Fedor Petrov, Congruences on sums of q-binomial coefficients, Adv. in Appl. Math. 116 (2020), Art. 102003. 13. Victor J.W. Guo, Ji-Cai Liu?, Some congruences related to a congruence of Van Hamme, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 31 (2020), 221–231. 14. Ke-Yu Lin, Ji-Cai Liu?, Congruences for the truncated Appell series F3 and F4, Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 31 (2020), 10–17. 15. Ji-Cai Liu, Supercongruences for truncated Appell series, Colloq. Math. 158 (2019), 255–263. 16. Ji-Cai Liu?, Chen Wang, Congruences for the (p 1)th Ap′ery number, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 99 (2019), 362–368. ?fi$?‰fl$ 17. Ji-Cai Liu, Semi-automated proof of supercongruences on partial sums of hypergeometric series, J. Symbolic Comput. 93 (2019), 221–229. 18. Ji-Cai Liu, On Van Hamme’s (A.2) and (H.2) supercongruences, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 471 (2019), 613–622. 19. Ji-Cai Liu, Congruences on sums of super Catalan numbers, Results Math. 73 (2018), Art. 140. 20. Victor J.W. Guo, Ji-Cai Liu?, q-Analogues of two Ramanujan-type formulas for 1/π, J. Difference Equ. Appl. 24 (2018), 1368–1373. 21. Ji-Cai Liu, A generalized supercongruence of Kimoto and Wakayama, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 467 (2018), 15–25. 22. Ji-Cai Liu, Supercongruences involving p-adic Gamma functions, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 98 (2018), 27–37. 23. Ji-Cai Liu?, Long Li, Su-Dan Wang, Some congruences on Delannoy numbers and Schr¨oder numbers, Int. J. Number Theory 14 (2018), 2035–2041. 24. Ji-Cai Liu, Some supercongruences on truncated 3F2 hypergeometric series, J. Difference Equ. Appl. 24 (2018), 438–451. 25. Ji-Cai Liu, Some finite generalizations of Gauss’s square exponent identity, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 47 (2017), 2723–2730. 26. Ji-Cai Liu?, Jichun Liu, Some Extensions of the Prabhu-Srivastava Theorem Involving the (p, q)-Gamma Function, Filomat 31 (2017), 4507–4513. 27. Ji-Cai Liu, A p-adic supercongruence for truncated hypergeometric series 7F6, Results Math. 72 (2017), 2057–2066. 28. Ji-Cai Liu, Proof of some divisibility results on sums involving binomial coefficients, J. Number Theory 180 (2017), 566–572. 29. Ji-Cai Liu, Some finite generalizations of Euler’s pentagonal number theorem, Czechoslovak Math. J. 142 (2017), 525–531. 30. Ji-Cai Liu, Congruences for truncated hypergeometric series 2F1, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 96 (2017), 14–23. 31. Ji-Cai Liu?, Wilberd van der Kallen, Proof of Sun’s conjectures on Schr¨oder-like numbers, Int. J. Number Theory 13 (2017), 1627–1638. 32. Victor J.W. Guo?, Ji-Cai Liu, Proof of a congruence on sums of powers of q-binomial coefficients, Int. J. Number Theory 13 (2017), 1571–1577. 33. Ji-Cai Liu, Some congruences for Schr¨oder type polynomials, Colloq. Math. 146 (2017), 187–195. 34. Ji-Cai Liu, On two conjectural supercongruences of Apagodu and Zeilberger, J. Difference Equ. Appl. 22 (2016), 1791–1799. 35. Ji-Cai Liu, A supercongruence involving Delannoy numbers and Schr¨oder numbers, J. Number Theory 168 (2016), 117–127. 36. Victor J.W. Guo?, Ji-Cai Liu, Proof of some conjectures of Z.-W. Sun on the divisibility of certain double sums, Int. J. Number Theory 12 (2016), 615–623. 37. Victor J.W. Guo?, Ji-Cai Liu, Proof of a conjecture of Z.-W. Sun on the divisibility of a triple sum, J. Number Theory 156 (2015), 154–160. ?aTR ? 2020? ??x fl^^ flww

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