

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-16

徐正,讲师(副高),1982.10。在解放军信息工程大学地理信息系统专业获得地理信息系统学士之后,于2006年赴英国学习,并且在密德萨斯大学 (Middlesex University)和兰卡斯特大学 (Lancaster University) 分别获得两个理学硕士学位。之后在兰卡斯特大学继续进修,于2016年获管理科学博士学位,并且在2016,2017年间做博士后研究。
基于计算机科学和管理科学的交叉背景,研究主要致力于中小企业信息化,IS/IT应用和实施,政策实施,项目管理,创新创业,电子商务,等方面的研究。参与兰卡斯特多个项目包括 Management science project, Implementing social sustainability practices in developing country suppliers, 等. 发表11篇顶级国际研讨会论文(全英文),包括British Academy of Management (BAM), Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS),等。在2015年获得BAM颁发的最佳文章奖。主持包括国家社科基金在内项目3项。
Brown, D., Xu, Z., Stevenson, M. 2015. Adoption of Enterprise Systems in Chinese SMEs: Contrasting User and Provider Experiences. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on IS Management and Evaluation (ICIME 2015), 28th– 29thMay 2015, Xian, Shaanxi, China.
Xu, Z., Brown, D., Stevenson, M. 2015. User and Provider Perspectives on ES Engagement by Chinese SMEs: A Process Analysis. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on e- Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e- Government (EEE'15), 27th–30thJuly 2015, Las Vegas, USA.
Xu, Z., Brown, D., Stevenson, M. 2015. Adoption and Implementation of Enterprise Systems in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in China: An Analysis of Engagement Between User and Provider in the Context of Governmental Policies. Proceedings of the British Academy of Management (BAM 2015), 8th–10thSeptember 2015, Portsmouth, UK. ('Best Full Paper Award' in the track of 'e- Business and e-Government’).
Xu, Z., Brown, D., Stevenson, M. 2016. ES adoption in Chinese SMEs: institutional effects on users and providers. Proceedings of the UK Academy for Information Systems(UKAIS 2016), 12th–13thApril 2016, Oxford, UK.
Xu, Z., Brown, D., Stevenson, M. 2016. ES Adoption and Implementation as a Process of Innovation: Knowledge Learned from Chinese SMEs Using an Institutional Theory Perspective. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ICIE 2016), 4th–6thJuly 2016, Lancaster, UK.
Xu, Z., Brown, D., Stevenson, M. 2017. Enterprise System Engagement in Chinese SMEs: Issues of Policy Implementation. Proceedings of the British Academy of Management (BAM 2017), 5th–7thSeptember 2017, University of Warwick, UK.

Brown, D., Xu, Z., Stevenson, M. 2017. ES Adoption in Chinese SMEs: Policy Effects on Users and Providers. Proceedings of the 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2017), 10th–12thAugust 2017, Boston, USA.
Xu, Z., Brown, D., Stevenson, M. 2017. Enterprise Systems Engagement in Chinese SMEs: Exploring the relationship between users and technology providers through actor network theory. China Management Research Frontiers Conference, 27th–28thJuly, 2017, Lancaster University Management School, UK.
Xu, Z., Brown, D., Stevenson, M. 2018. Adopting and Implementing Enterprise Systems in Chinese SMEs: An ANT Perspective.Proceedings of the 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2018), 26th–30thJune 2018, Yokohama, Japan.
Xu, Z., Brown, D., Stevenson, M. 2018. Enterprise Systems Adoption and Implementation in Chinese SMEs: Exploring relationships between user firms and technology providers through ANT. Proceedings of the 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2018), 16th–18th August 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Brown, D., Xu, Z., Stevenson, M. 2018. Actor Network Theory and ES Adoption and Implementation: Learning from the Experience of Chinese SMEs. Proceedings of the British Academy of Management (BAM 2018), 4th–6th September 2018, Bristol Business School, UK.

1. 民营经济发展背景下的长三角中小制造业数字化转型研究,全国哲学社会科学工作办公室,批准号:19BGL014,2019-2021,经费:20万,主持。?
2. 民营经济发展背景下的温州中小制造业数字化转型研究,温州市科技局,项目编号:R**,2019-2020,经费:1万,主持。
3. 基于“全球买、全球卖”的跨境电商虚拟仿真项目,温州大学,经费:10万,主持。?

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