获奖情况:2011 International workshop on objective Bayesian methodology, Best Poster Award.
1.Ancha Xu and Yincai Tang (2009). Bayesian Analysis of Pareto Reliability With Dependent Masked Data, IEEE Transaction on Reliability, 58: 583-588.
2.Tang Yincai and Xu Ancha (2009), Bayesian analysis of Masked System Lifetime Data, 8th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety, 399-402.
3.Ancha Xu and Yincai Tang (2010). Reference Analysis for Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54: 185-192.
4.Ancha Xu and Yincai Tang (2010). EM algorithm for degradation data analysis, 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 5:38-48.
5.Ancha Xu and Yincai Tang (2011). Nonparametric Bayesian Analysis of Competing Risks Problem with Masked Data, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 40(13):2326-2336.
6.Ancha Xu and Yincai Tang (2011). Bayesian Analysis of Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution with Partial Information, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55:2324-2333.
7.Ancha Xu and Yincai Tang (2011). Objective Bayesian Analysis of Accelerated Competing Failure Models under Type-I Censoring, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55:2830-2839.
8.Ancha Xu and Yincai Tang (2012). Objective Bayesian Analysis for Linear Degradation Models, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 41(21):4034-4046.
9.Jiayu Fu, Ancha Xu and Yincai Tang (2012). Objective Bayesian analysis of Pareto distribution under progressive Type-II censoring, Statistics and Probability Letters, 82:1829–1836.
10.Ancha Xu and Yincai Tang (2012).Statistical analysis of competing failure models in accelerated life testing based on assumed copulas, 应用概率统计,28:51-62.
11.Ancha Xu and Yincai Tang (2012).An overview on statistical analysis for masked system lifetime data, 应用概率统计,28:380-388.
12.Qiang Guan, Yincai Tang and Ancha Xu (2013). Objective Bayesian analysis for bivariate Marshall-Olkin exponential distribution, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 64:299-313.
13.Ancha Xu and Yincai Tang (2013). Posterior propriety in nonparametric mixed effects model, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ., 28(3):369-378.