本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-17
Xiaoli FANG (Professor)
Born on April 18, 1979 in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province, China
Gender: Male
Address and contact information:
Address: Department of Mathmatics, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing 312000, China
Professor: December 2016-present, Department of mathematics, Shaoxing
Associate professor: December 2011—December 2016, Department of mathematics, Shaoxing
Lecturer: October 2008--December 2011,Department of mathematics, Shaoxing University
Post-doctor: January 2009-January 2011, Department of mathematics, Southeast University
Ph.D. :September 2005--June 2008, Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
M.S.: September 2002--June 2005, Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China
B.S.: September 1998--June 2002, Department of Mathematics, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China
Research Fields: Hopf algebras; quantum groups
1: The National Science Foundation of China ** for 2012-2014 (head of the project)
2: The National Science Foundation of China** for 2016-2019(researcher)
3: The National Science Foundation of China ** for 2011-2013(researcher)
4: Zhejiang provincial Natural Science Foundation of China Y** for 2011-2012(head of the project)
5: Zhejiang provincial Natural Science Foundation of China LY14A010006 for 2014-2016(head of the project)
Visiting Position:
August 2016—November2016: Pukyong National University, Korea
September 2015--November 2015: National Sun Yat-sen University ,Taiwan
March 2012--May 2012: Almeria University, Spain
1. Fang Xiaoli, Blas Torrecillas. Twisted smash products and L-R smash products for
Biquasimodule Hopf quasigroups. Communications in Algebra, 2014, 42(10): 4204--4234.
2. Fang Xiaoli, Li Jinqi. Quantum cocommutative coalgebras in YD and the solutions of the quasi-Yang-Baxter equation. Algebra colloquium, 2013, 20(2): 227--242.
3. Fang Xiaoli, Wang Shuanhong. New Turaev braided group categories and group corings based on quasi-Hopf group coalgebras. Communications in algebra, 2013, 41(11): 4195--4226.
4. Fang Xiaoli, Liu Ling. Caenepeel-Militaru-Zhu Theorem over weak T-algebras. Advances in Mathematics (China), 2013, 1: 47--60.
5. Fang Xiaoli. Weak group entwined structures and weak Hopf group (co)algebras. Journal of Nanjing University Mathematical Biquarterly, 2011, 28(2): 149--167.
6. Fang Xiaoli, Lijinqi. Relations with all kinds of crossed coproducts. Acta Mathematica Scientia,
2011, 31A(1): 117-131.
7. Fang Xiaoli, Wang Shuanhong. Twisted smash product for Hopf quasigroups. Journal of southeast University(English Edition), 2011, 27(3): 343--346.
8. Fang Xiaoli. Group $C$-rings and weak group algebra Galois coextensions.
Communications in algebra, 2011, 39(7):2573-2597.
9. Fang Xiaoli, Zhao Lihui. The antipode of a braided dual quasi-Hopf algebra is bijective.
Communications in algebra, 2010, 7: 2448-2453.
10. Fang xiaoli. Examples of invertible weak group entwining structures group corings.
Journal of Nanjing University Mathematical Biquarterly, 2010, 27(1): 57--74.
11. Lu Zhongjian, Fang Xiaoli. Generalized twisting modules. Journal of ZheJiang
University (Science edition), 2010, 37(4): 367-371.
12. Lu Zhongjian, Fang Xiaoli. Generalized braided Hopf algebras. Applied mathematics a
journal of chinese universities, 2009, 24(1): 105-113.
13. Zhao Lihui, Lu Diming, Fang Xiaoli. L-R smash products for multiplier Hopf
algebras. Applied mathematics a journal of Chinese universities, 2008, 23(1): 83--90.
14. Fang Xiaoli, Lu Diming. Group corings and (invertible) weak group entwining
structures. Communications in algebra, 2008, 36(10): 3820-3841.
15. Fang Xiaoli, Li Jinqi. The fundamental structure theorem in relative twisting Hopf
modules and relative Yetter-Drinfel’d modules.
Acta Mathematica Sinica,2007, 50(5): 969--980.
16. Fang Xiaoli, Li Jinqi. Twisting modules in Hopf algebras and (skew) copaired Hopf
algebras. Advances in Mathematics (China), 2007, 36(2): 215--221.
17: Fang Xiaoli, Torrecillas Blas. Twisted biHom-smash products and L-R BiHom-smash products for monodal biHom-Hopf algebras. Submitted.
18: Fang Xiaoli, Kim Tae-Hwa , Zhang Xiaohui. Symmetry and pseudosymmetry of
v-Yetter-Drindeld categories for Hom-Hopf algebras. Submitted
19:Fang Xiaoli, Torrecillas blas. Generalized Yetter-Drinfeld (quasi)-modules and
Yetter-Drinfeld-Long Bi(quasi)modules for Hopf quasigroups. Submitted
20: Fang Xiaoli. Gauge transformations for quasitriangular quasi-Turaev group coalgebras.
21: Fang Xiaoli, Liu wei, The solutions of the BiHom-Yang-Baxter equations, submitted.
22: Fang Xiaoli, Torrecilla blas, Partial actions for monoidal BiHom-Hopf algebras, submitted.
23: Fang Xiaoli, New Turaev braided group category based on crossed Hopf group quasigroup. submitted.
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