

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-17



科研成果及奖励 主持完成国家专项、国际合作、海洋行业公益专项子任务等科研课题30余项。主编《中国海洋保护区》《浙江省近海水体环境调查与研究》等学术专著4部、科学图集1部,作为副主编、编委、主要撰稿人编写出版论著9部,在国内外期刊发表论文160余篇(含SCI期刊论文36篇,卓越期刊论文29篇)。获海洋创新成果二等奖1项(排名1)、海洋工程科学技术二等奖2项(排名2、10)、浙江省科学技术进步三等奖2项(排名2、5),宁波市科学技术进步一等奖1项(排名5),2005年入选“浙江省新世纪151人才工程”三层次,2013年“浙江省****”提名奖。
[1] “滨海电厂温排水的生态效应研究”,海洋创新成果奖(二等奖,排名1),2011)
[2] 涉海工程对生物资源影响评价与生态恢复关键技术的研究和应用,海洋工程科学技术奖(二等奖,排名2),2012年
[3] “舟山渔场生态系统关键过程及修复技术研究”,浙江省科学技术进步奖(三等奖,排名2),2012年
[4] “涉海留学生六位一体人才培养体系的探索与实践”,浙江省教学成果奖(二等奖,排名7),2016年
[5] “象山港海洋生态环境管理技术研究与应用”,宁波市科学技术进步奖(一等奖,排名5),2018;浙江省科学技术进步奖(三等奖,排名5),2018.
[6] “污染物对重要海洋经济生物早期生活史的毒理效应与生态风险评估”,海洋工程科学技术奖(二等奖,排名10),2018年.

[1] Ling Peng, Jiangning Zeng*, Qiang Liu, Zhe Hao & Dongrong Zhang. Single and Combined Effects of Cadmium and Aroclor 1254 on Oxidative Stress in Gills of Mytilus coruscus. Water Air Soil Pollut,2020,231(2):1-14.
[2] Zhibing Jiang, Jingjing Liu, Shanglu Li, Yue Chen, Ping Du, Yuanli Zhu, Yibo Liao, Quanzhen Chen, Lu Shou, Xiaojun Yan, Jiangning Zeng*, Jianfang Chen. Kelp cultivation effectively improves water quality and regulates phytoplankton community in a turbid, highly eutrophic bay. Science of The Total Environment,Available online 18 November 2019, 135561;https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135561
[3] Zhibing Jiang, Yuexin Gao, Yue Chen, Ping Du, Xiangyu Zhu, Yibo Liao, Xiaoya Liu, Jiangning Zeng*. Spatial heterogeneity of phytoplankton community shaped by a combination of anthropogenic and natural forcings in a long narrow bay in the East China Sea[J]. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2019,217(2):250-261.
[4] Qiang Liu, Xiaoqun Xu, Jiangning Zeng*, Xiaolai Shi, Yibo Liao, Ping Du, Tang,Wei Huang,Quanzhen Chen,Lu Shou. Heavy metal concentrations in commercial marine organisms from Xiangshan Bay, China, and the potential health risks[J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin,2019,141: 215-226.
[5] Zhibing Jiang, Ping Du, Yibo Liao, Qiang Liu, Quanzhen Chen, Lu Shou* Jiangning Zeng*, JianfangChen. Oyster farming control on phytoplankton bloom promoted by thermal discharge from a power plant in a eutrophic, semi-enclosed bay. Water research,2019, 159: 1-9.
[6] 刘强,徐旭丹,黄伟,徐晓群,寿鹿,曾江宁*.海洋微塑料污染的生态效应研究进展.生态学报.2017,37(22):7397-7409.
[7] 汤雁滨,廖一波,寿鹿,曾江宁*,高爱根,陈全震.南麂列岛潮间带大型底栖动物群落优势种生态位.生态学报,2016,36(2):489-498
[8] 曾江宁,陈全震,黄伟,杜萍,杨辉.中国海洋生态保护制度的转型发展——从海洋保护区走向海洋生态红线区.生态学报,2016,36(1):1-10.
[9] Zhibing Jiang, Jingjing Liu, Jianfang Chen, Quanzhen Chen, Xiaojun Yan, Jiliang Xuan, Jiangning Zeng*. Responses of summer phytoplankton community to drastic environmental changes in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary during the past 50 years. Water research,2014, 54: 1-11.
[10] 汤雁滨,廖一波,寿 鹿,曾江宁*,高爱根,陈全震,孙庆海. 珊瑚藻类对南麂列岛潮间带底栖生物群落多样性的影响[J]. 生物多样性,2014,22 (5): 640–64.
[11] Zhibing Jiang, Yibo Liao, Jingjing Liu, Lu Shou, Quanzhen Chen, Xiaojun Yan , Genhai Zhu, Jiangning Zeng*. Effects of fish farming on phytoplankton community under the thermal stress caused by a power plant in a eutrophic, semi-enclosed bay: Induce toxic dinoflagellate (Prorocentrum minimum) blooms in cold seasons[J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin,2013,76:315–324.
[12] 陈自强,寿鹿,廖一波,高爱根,曾江宁*,陈全震. 三亚岩相潮间带底栖海藻群落结构及其季节变化[J]. 生态学报,2013,33(11):3370-3382.
[13] Baolan Hu, Lidong Shen, Ping Du, Ping Zheng, Xiangyang Xu*, Jiangning Zeng*. The Influence of Intense Chemical Pollution on the Community Composition, Diversity and Abundance of Anammox Bacteria in the Jiaojiang Estuary (China)[J]. PLoS ONE,2012,7(3):1-9.
[14] Jiang Zhi-bing,Yijun Huang,QuanzhenChen,Zeng Jiang-ning*,XiaoqunXu. Acute toxicity of crude oil water accommodated fraction on marine copepods: the relative importance of acclimatization temperature and body size[J]. Marine Environmental Research, 2012,81:12-17.
[15] Zhi-Bing Jiang, Quan-Zhen Chen, Jiang-Ning Zeng*, Yi-Bo Liao, Lu Shou, Jingjing Liu. Phytoplankton community distribution in relation to environmental parameters in three aquaculture systems in a Chinese subtropical eutrophic bay[J]. Marine Ecology Progress Series,2012,446:73-89.
[16] Yi-Jun Huang, Zhi-Bing Jiang, Jiang-Ning Zeng, Quan-Zhen Chen, Yong-qiang Zhao, Yi-bo Liao, Lu Shou, Xiao-qun Xu. The chronic effects of oil pollution on marine phytoplankton in a subtropical bay, China[J]. Environ Monit Assess,2011,176:517-530.
[17] 赵永强,寿鹿,徐晓群,廖一波,曾江宁*,高爱根,陈全震. 海洋大型底栖动物对海岛开发的生态响应——以宁波大榭岛为例[J]. 生态学报,2010,30(3):726-733.
[18] Zeng Jiangning, Jiang Zhibing, Chen Quanzhen, Zheng Ping,Huang Yijun. The decay kinetic of residual chlorine in cooling seawater simulation experiments[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica,2009,28(2):54-59.
[1] 曾江宁,潘建明,梁楚进,陈全震,等. 浙江省重点港湾生态环境综合调查报告[M]. 北京:海洋出版社. 2011.
[2] 曾江宁 主编. 浙江省近海水体环境调查与研究[M]. 北京:海洋出版社. 2012.
[3] 曾江宁 主编. 浙江省近海海洋图集——水体环境调查[M]. 天津:中国航海图书出版社. 2012
[4] 曾江宁(主编),徐晓群,张华国,杜萍,等. 中国海洋保护区[M]. 北京:海洋出版社,2013.
[5] 曾江宁,翟红昌. 谁能吃掉谁 深圳红树林食物链大揭秘[M]. 中信出版社. 2017.
[6] 王小波,曾江宁,杨义菊,编著. 路甬祥 主编. 人类阔步走向海洋的119个伟大瞬间[M]. 杭州:浙江少年儿童出版社,2019.

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