Vinita Gaikwad English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Tutor
联系方式 办公室
Trent Building 244A
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
199 Taikang East Road, Ningbo, 315100, China
+86 (ext.8071)
Ph. D. Education (Language Teaching)
I completed a Ph. D. in Education from the University of Exeter in 2013. My research focused on the teaching of grammar and writing to English Language Learners using the techniques of visualization. I investigated the impact of using visuals and visual imagery in the teaching of grammar to develop writing skills in my classes. I have been actively engaged in teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels for the last 25 years. My teaching experience was enriched by the additional cultural and social experiences that I gained while living in countries such as Uganda, Saudi Arabia, the USA, the UK, and India.
I have also travelled to different countries to present scholarly papers at international conferences on different aspects of language teaching. Recently I attended the third international conference on Legitimate Code Theory (used as an analytical tool in Education) held in Johannesburg in July 2019. I have also presented papers on innovative methods in the teaching of grammar and writing to English Language Learners at various conferences on second language learning. I have served as a reviewer for the conferences organized by IAFOR (International Academic Forum).
Currently, I teach EAP to preliminary year students and serve as the Research Ethics Officer representing CELE. As part of ALDC, I also am involved in creating and teaching a writing course and workshop for doctoral students at UNNC. Prior to returning to UNNC, I worked for six years at Wenzhou-Kean University as an Assistant Professor of English Studies where I was actively engaged in research in the area of language teaching and have published a few papers in some regional journals. Currently, I am working on a book chapter to be published by UNNC. My research interests are mainly on teaching writing, providing effective written feedback, visualization, business Writing in English, and English for Specific Purposes.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-17
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一.个人简介1977年生,汉族。江西人。1998年大学毕业,2004年硕士毕业,2010年博士毕业。曾任中学语文教师,硕士毕业后入高校担任中文教师,博士毕业后入杭州师范大学人文学院担任教师。二.研究方向汉语句法语义研究三.主授课程1.现代汉语2.语法学四.主要论文1.《“怎么1”与“怎么2”的句法语 ...杭州师范大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-17杭州师范大学人文学院导师教师师资介绍简介-语言学教研室:钟小勇 副教授
一、个人简介钟小勇,男,江西于都人,1976年7月生。复旦大学博士,浙江大学博士后。副教授,硕士研究生导师。2008年9月至2016年12月,任教于杭州师范大学国际教育学院,其中2009年3月至2010年2月任韩国启明大学交换教师,从事汉语教学、研究工作。2017年1月始任教于杭州师范大学人文学院。 ...杭州师范大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-17杭州师范大学人文学院导师教师师资介绍简介-语言学教研室:张薇 副教授
一、个人简介1999.09-2003.06浙江大学人文学院中文系获学士学位2003.09-2006.06南开大学文学院汉语言文字学专业获硕士学位2007.09-2012.06浙江大学人文学院语言学及应用语言学专业获博士学位2006.07-2012.06浙江树人大学人文学院教师2012.07-杭州师范 ...杭州师范大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-17