

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-17

2006年获上海交通大学材料加工博士,2006年至2012年在德国固体材料研究所(IFW-Dresden)从事博士后研究,现就职中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所。长期从事磁制冷材料的基础研究和应用探索工作。中国电子学会高级会员,中国功能材料学会理事,中国稀土学会磁制冷专业委员会、固体科学与新材料专业委员会委员,海尔磁制冷实验室特聘顾问专家。在国内外重要学术会议上作特邀报告30余次,在香山科学会议、国际磁制冷大会、美国材料年会上作特邀报告。2018和2019年Acta Materialia杰出审稿人。多次担任国际磁性材料大会的磁热分会主席,是第四、五届全国磁制冷学术会议的大会主席。主持中组部高层次人才项目,科技部重点研发计划,国家自然科学基金(重点1项、面上3项),浙江省****,以及企业委托等项目。在Nature Materials、Acta Materialia、Scripta Materialia等刊物发表SCI论文120篇,被引用3200次,单篇最高引用750余次,H因子30。撰写英文专著章节“Magnetic Cooling - From Fundamentals To High Efficiency Refrigeration”(Wiley出版社, 2013),参与编写“中国磁学学科发展战略研究报告”。授权发明专利15项。
Jian Liu*, TinoGottschall, Konstantin Skokov, James Moore and Oliver Gutfleisch, Giant magnetocaloric effect driven by structural transitions, Nature Materials, 11 (2012) 620-626.
Jian Liu*, Nils Scheerbaum, Dietrich Hinz and Oliver Gutfleisch, Martensitic transformation and magnetic properties in Ni-Fe-Ga-Co magnetic shape memory alloys, Acta Materialia, 56 (2008) 3177-3186.
Jian Liu*, Thomas George Woodcock, Nils Scheerbaum and Oliver Gutfleisch, Influence of annealing on magnetic field induced structural transformation and magnetocaloric effect in Ni-Mn-In-Co ribbons, Acta Materialia, 57 (2009) 4911-4920.
Jian Liu*, Maria Krautz, Konstantin Skokov and Oliver Gutfleisch, Systematic study of microstructure, entropy change and adiabatic temperature change in optimized La-Fe-Si alloys, Acta Materialia, 59 (2011) 3602-3611.
Jian Liu*, Chun He, Mingxiao Zhang, Aru Yan,A systematic study of the microstructure, phase formation and magnetocaloric properties in off-stoichiometric La-Fe-Si alloys, Acta Materialia,118 (2016) 44-53.
Fei Xiao, MingjiangJin, Jian Liu* and XuejunJin, Elastocaloric effect in Ni50Fe19Ga27Co4 single crystals, Acta Materialia, 96 (2015) 292-300.
Yi Ouyang, Mingxiao Zhang, Aru Yan, Wen Wang, Francois Guillou, Jian Liu*, Plastically deformed La-Fe-Si: Microstructural evolution, magnetocaloric effect and anisotropic thermal conductivity, Acta Materialia,187 (2020) 1-11.
Yi Shen, Zhiyang Wei, Wen Sun, Yifei Zhang, Jian Liu*, Large elastocaloric effect in directionally solidified all-d-metal Heusler metamagnetic shape memory alloys, Acta Materialia,188(2020)677-685.
Yanyan Shao, Binfeng Lu, Mingxiao Zhang, Jian Liu*, An X- ray absorption spectroscopy study of La-Fe-Si-(H) magnetocaloric alloys, Acta Materialia, 150 (2018) 206-212.
Dewei Zhao, Jian Liu*, Xian Chen, Wen Sun, Yang Li, Mingxiao Zhang, Yanyan Shao, Heng Zhang, Aru Yan, Giant caloric effect of low hysteresis metamagnetic shape memory alloys with exceptional cyclic functionality, Acta Materialia, 133 (2017) 217-223.
Yanyan Shao, Jian Liu*, Mingxiao Zhang, Aru Yan, Konstantin P. Skokov, Dmitriy Yu Karpenkov, Oliver Gutfleisch, High-performan ce solid-state cooling materials: Balancing magnetocaloric and non-magn etic prope rties in dual phase La-Fe-Si, Acta Materialia, 125 (2017) 506-512.
S.C. Ma*, C.W. Shih, J. Liu, J.H. Yuan, S.Y. Lee, Y.I. Lee, H.W. Chang and W.C. Chang, Wheel speed-dependent martensitic transformation and magnetocaloric effect in Ni-Co-Mn-Sn ferromagnetic shape memory ribbons, Acta Materialia, 90 (2015) 292-302.
Xiaoming Sun, Daoyong Cong*, Yang Ren, Klaus-Dieter Liss, Dennis E. Brown, Zhiyuan Ma, Shijie Hao, Weixing Xia, Zhen Chen, Lin Ma, Xinguo Zhao, Zhanbing He, Jian Liu, Runguang Li, Yandong Wang, Magnetic-field-induced strain-glass-to-martensite transition in a Fe-Mn-Ga alloy, Acta Materialia, 15 (2020) 11-23.
Yuanyuan Gong, Dunhui Wang*, Qingqi Cao, Youwei Du, Ting Zhi, Bangchuan Zhao, Jianming Dai, Yuping Sun, Haibiao Zhou, Qingyou Lu and Jian Liu, Textured, dense and giant magnetostrictive alloy from fissile polycrystal, Acta Materialia, 98 (2015) 113-118.
N.M. Bruno, C. Yegin, I. Karaman*, J.H. Chen, J.H. Ross Jr., J. Liu and J.G. Li, The effect of heat treatments on Ni43Mn42Co4Sn11 meta-magnetic shape memory alloys for magnetic refrigeration, Acta Materialia, 74 (2014) 66-84.
Y.J. Huang, Q.D. Hu*, J. Liu, L. Zeng, D.F. Zhang and J.G. Li, Banded-like morphology and martensitic transformation of dual-phase Ni-Mn-In magnetic shape memory alloy with enhanced ductility, Acta Materialia, 61 (2013) 5702-5712.
Konrad Löwe*, Jian Liu, Konstantin Skokov, James Moore, Hossein Sepehri-Amin, Kazuhiro Hono, Matthias Katter and Oliver Gutfleisch, The effect of the thermal decomposition reaction on the mechanical and magnetocaloric properties of La(Fe,Si,Co)13, Acta Materialia, 60 (2012) 4268-4276.
N. Scheerbaum*, Y.W. Lai, T. Leisegang, M. Thomas, J. Liu, K. Khlopkov, J. McCord, S. Fähler, R. Träger, D.C. Meyer, L. Schultz and O. Gutfleisch, Constraint-dependent twin variant distribution in Ni2MnGa single crystal, polycrystals and thin film: An EBSD study, Acta Materialia, 58 (2010) 4629-4638.
Hongxing Zheng*, Mingxu Xia, Jian Liu, Yanlu Huang and Jianguo Li, Martensitic transformation of (Ni55.3Fe17.6Ga27.1)100-xCox magnetic shape memory alloys, Acta Materialia, 53 (2005) 5125-5129.
最后修改:2021-02-05 15:11:09, 访问次数:9657

中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所 ? 2007- 2021
地址:浙江省宁波市镇海区中官西路1219号 Email: sunwen@nimte.ac.cn
相关话题/材料 中国科学院