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1. Xu Xueyan, Yang Jingdong, Zhou Xufeng*, Jiang Shunqiong, Chen Wen, Liu Zhaoping*, Highly Crumpled Graphene-Like Material as Compression-Resistant Electrode Material for High Energy-Power Density Supercapacitor,Chemical Engineering Journal2020, 397, 125525(PDF)
2. Yang, Xueyan Xu, Xufeng Zhou,* Shunqiong Jiang, Wen Chen, Siqi Shi, Da Wang,* Zhaoping Liu*, Ultrasmall Co3O4Nanoparticles Confined in P, N?Doped Carbon Matrices for High-Performance Supercapacitors.Journal of Physical Chemistry C2020, 124, 9225(PDF)
1. Wei Deng, Shanshan Liang, Xufeng Zhou, * Fei Zhao, Wenhua Zhu and Zhaoping Liu *a, Depressing the irreversible reactions on a threedimensional interface towards a high-areal capacity lithium metal anode, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/c9ta00143c(PDF)
2.WeiDeng,WenhuaZhu,XufengZhou*,FeiZhao,ZhaopingLiu*,Regulating capillary pressure to achieve ultralow areal mass loading metallic lithium anodes, Energy Storage Materials, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2019.02.027(PDF)
3.Ying He, Hewei Xu, Junli Shi, Pingying Liu, Ziqi Tian, Dong Ning, Kan Luo, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu*,Polydopamine coating layer modified current collector for dendrite-free Li metal anode,Energy Storage Materials, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2019.04.026(PDF)
4. Fei Zhao, Xufeng Zhou*, Wei Deng, Zhaoping Liu,* Deposition in Lithiophilic Reservoir Constructed by Vertically Aligned ZnO Nanosheets for Dendrite-free Li Metal Anodes.Nano Energy2019, 62, 55(PDF)
5. Rehman Butt, Ahmad Hassan Siddique, Syeda Wisha, Bokhari, Shunqiong Jiang, Da Lei, Xufeng Zhou,* Zhaoping Liu,* Niobium carbide/reduced graphene oxide hybrid porous aerogel as high capacity and long‐life anode material for Li‐ion batteries.International Journal of Energy Research2019, 43, 4995(PDF)
6. Zhongqing Luo, Qile Fang, Xueyan Xu, D.Vasanth Raj, Xufeng Zhou,* Zhaoping Liu*, Attapulgite Nanofibers and Graphene Oxide Composite Membrane for High-Performance Molecular Separation.Journal of colloid and interface science2019, 545, 276(PDF)
7. WenHua Zhu, XuFeng Zhou, ZhaoPing Liu,* SiQi Shi, Da Wang,* A hybrid FeF2/PVDF protective layer for stable metallic lithium anode.Scientia Sinica Technologica2019,DOI: 10.1360/N092018-00363(PDF)
8.Ahmad Hassan Siddique, Rehman Butt, Syeda Wishal Bokhari, D. Vasanth Raj, Xufeng Zhou*, Zhaoping Liu*, All graphene electrode for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitor,International Journal of Energy Research2019, 1–12.(PDF)
9.Ahmad Hassan Siddique, Syeda Wishal Bokhari, Rehman Butt, Shunqiong Jiang, Wen Chen, Xufeng Zhou*, Zhaoping Liu*,Flexible asymmetric microsupercapacitor with high energy density based on all-graphene electrode system,Journal of Materials Science2019, 55, 309-318.(PDF)
1. Leyuan Zhang, Yu Ding, Changkun Zhang, Yangen Zhou, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu, Guihua Yu*, Enabling Graphene-Oxide-Based Membranes for Large-Scale Energy Storage by Controlling Hydrophilic Microstructures,Chem2018, DOI 10.1016/j. chempr. 2018. 02. 003.(PDF)
2. Wei Deng, Xufeng Zhou,* Qile Fang, and Zhaoping Liu*, Micro-Scale Lithium Metal Stored Inside Cellular Graphene Scaffold towards Advanced Metallic Lithium Anodes,Adv. Energy Mater2018, 10.1002/aenm..(PDF)
3. Wei Deng, Wenhua Zhu, Xufeng Zhou,* Zhaoping Liua*,Graphene nested porous carbon current collector for lithium metal anode with ultrahigh areal capacity,Energy Storage Materials, 2018, 15, 266(PDF)
4. Xiaozhe Zhang, Devaraj Vasanth Raj, Xufeng Zhou,∗ Zhaoping Liua∗∗, Solvent evaporation induced graphene powder with high volumetriccapacitance and outstanding rate capability for supercapacitors,Journal of Power Sources,2018, 382, 95(PDF)
5. Wei Zhang,* Hui-Chia Yu,* Lijun Wu, Hao Liu, Aziz Abdellahi,Bao Qiu,Jianming Bai, Bernardo Orvananos, Fiona C. Strobridge, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu,Gerbrand Ceder,Yimei Zhu, Katsuyo Thornton, Clare P.Grey, Feng Wang,Localized concentration reversal of lithium during intercalation into nanoparticles,SCIENCE ADVANCES,2018,4(1)(PDF)
6. Hailiang Cao, Xufeng Zhou,*, Wei Deng, Zhiying Ma, Yuewen Liu, Zhaoping Liu,* Layer structured graphene/porous ZnCo2O4 composite film for high performance flexible lithium-ion batteries,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 343, 654(PDF)
7. Wei Deng, Wenhua Zhu, Xufeng Zhou,*, Xiaoqiang Peng, and Zhaoping Liu*,Highly Reversible Li Plating Confined in Three-Dimensional Interconnected Microchannels toward High-Rate and Stable Metallic Lithium Anodes, Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10, 20387(PDF)
8.Guang Yang, Chao Niu, Yanan Wang, Zhuan Zhu, Haokun Luo, Chong Dai, David Mayerich, Yandi Hu, Jonathan Hu, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu, Zhiming M. Wang,* and Jiming, Planar Alignment of Graphene Sheets by a Rotating Magnetic Field for Full Exploitation of Graphene as a 2D Material, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1805(PDF)
9.Zhiying Ma, Xufeng Zhou,* Wei Deng, Da Lei, and Zhaoping Liu*, 3D Porous MXene (Ti3C2)/Reduced Graphene Oxide Hybrid Films for Advanced Lithium Storage, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10, 3634-3643(PDF)
10.Wenhua Zhu, Wei Deng, Fei Zhao, Shanshan Liang, Xufeng Zhou*, Zhaoping Liu*, Graphene Network Nested Cu Foam for Reducing Size of Lithium Metal towards Stable Metallic Lithium Anode, Energy Storage Materials, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2018.12.001(PDF)
Year 2017
1. Qile Fang, Xufeng Zhou *, Wei Deng,Zhaoping Liu*,Hydroxyl-containing organic molecule induced self-assembly of porous graphene monoliths with high structural stability and recycle performance for heavy metal removal.Chemical Engineering Journal 2017,308,1001.
2.Rongrong Jiang, Xufeng Zhou *,Zhaoping Liu*,Electroless Ni-plated graphene for tensile strengthenhancement of copper.Materials Science & Engineering A 2017,679,323.
3.Jingbo Ma, Xufeng Zhou,* Shiyun Ding and Zhaoping Liu*, Solvent evaporation induced self-assembly ofgraphene foam for thermally conductive polymers. RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 15469.
4. Zhiying Ma, Hailiang Cao, Xufeng Zhou*, Wei Deng and Zhaoping Liu*, Hierarchical porous MnO/graphenecomposite aerogel as high-performance anode material for lithium ion batteries. RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 15857.
5.Qile Fang, Xufeng Zhou,* Wei Deng, Yuewen Liu, Zhi Zheng, and Zhaoping Liu*, Nitrogen-Doped GrapheneNanoscroll Foam with High Diffusion Rate and Binding Affinity for Removal of Organic Pollutants. small 2017, 13, **.
6.Leyuan Zhang, Liang Chen, Hao Luo, Xufeng Zhou,* andZhaoping Liu*, Large-Sized Few-Layer GrapheneEnables an Ultrafast and Long-Life Aluminum-Ion Battery. Adv. Energy Mater. 2017, **.
7.Wei Deng, Xufeng Zhou*, Qile Fanga andZhaoping Liu*, A bifunctional hierarchical porous carbon networkintegrated with an in situ formed ultrathin graphene shell for stable lithium–sulfur batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 13674.
8.WeiDeng,QileFang,HeranHuang,XufengZhou*,JingboMa,andZhaopingLiu*,OrientedArrangement:TheOriginofVersatilityforPorousGrapheneMaterials.Small2017,DOI :10.1002/ smll..
9. Yanan Wang, Yingjie Tang, Peihong Cheng, Xufeng Zhou, Zhuan Zhu, Zhaoping Liu, Dong Liu, Zhiming Wang* and Jiming Bao*, Distinguishing thermal lens effect from electronic third-order nonlinear self-phase modulation in liquid suspensions of 2D nanomaterials. Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 3547.
10.Yuewen Liu, Ahmad Hassan Siddique, Heran Huang, Qile Fang, Wei Deng, Xufeng Zhou*,Huanming Lu andZhaoping Liu*,In situ preparation of Fe3O4 in a carbon hybrid of graphene nanoscrolls and carbon nanotubes as high performance anode material for lithiumion batteries.Nanotechnology2017, DOI :10.1088/1361-6528/aa8dae.
Year 2016
1. Qile Fang, Xufeng Zhou*,Wei Deng and Zhaoping Liu*,Ordered self-assembly of amphipathicgraphenenanosheets into three-dimensional layered architectures. Nanoscale.2016,8,197.
2.Leyuan Zhang, Liang Chen, Xufeng Zhou* andZhaoping Liu*,Morphology-Dependent Electrochemical Performance of Zinc Hexacyanoferrate Cathode for Zinc-Ion Battery. Sci. Rep. 2015,5, 18263.
3.Rongrong Jiang, Xufeng Zhou *, Qile Fang, Zhaoping Liu *,Copper–graphene bulk composites with homogeneous grapheme dispersion and enhanced mechanical properties. Materials Science & Engineering A , 2016,654,124.
4.Hailiang Cao, Xufeng Zhou,* Wei Deng and Zhaoping Liu*, A compressible and hierarchical porous graphene/Co composite aerogel for lithium-ion batteries with high gravimetric/volumetric capacity. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016,4,6021.
5.Wei Deng, Qile Fang, Xufeng Zhou,* Hailiang Cao and Zhaoping Liu*,Hydrothermal self-assembly of graphene foamswith controllable pore size.RSC Adv., 2016, 6(25), 20843.
6.Hailiang Cao, Xufeng Zhou*, Junli Shi, Zhaoping Liu*,Flexible free-standing porous graphene/Ni film electrode withenhanced rate capability for lithium-ion batteries.Materials Science and Engineering B,2016, 213,51.
7.Liang Chen*, Hezhu Shao, Xufeng Zhou, Guoqiang Liu, Jun Jiang and Zhaoping Liu*,Water-mediated Cation Intercalation of Open-framework Indium Hexacyanoferrate with High Voltage and Fast Kinetics, Nature Commun.,2016,7,11982.
8. Qile Fang,Xufeng Zhou*,Wei Deng,Zhi Zheng,Zhaoping Liu*,Freestandingbacterial cellulosegraphene oxide compositemembranes with high mechanicalstrength for selective ionpermeation.Sci. Rep. 2016,6, 33185.
9.Wei Deng,Xufeng Zhou,*Qile Fang,and Zhaoping Liu*,Graphene/Sulfur Composites with a Foam-Like Porous Architecture and Controllable Pore Size for High Performance Lithium-SulfurBatteries.ChemNanoMat 2016, 2(10), 952-958.
10.Feng Lin, Zhuan Zhu, Xufeng Zhou, Wenlan Qiu, Chao Niu, Jonathan Hu,Keshab Dahal, Yanan Wang,Zhenhuan Zhao, Zhifeng Ren, Dimitri Litvinov,Zhaoping Liu, Zhiming M. Wang,* and Jiming Bao*,Orientation Control of Graphene Flakes by Magnetic Field: Broad Device Applications of Macroscopically Aligned Graphene.Adv. Mater.,2017, 29, **.
Year 2015
1.TaoShen,XufengZhou*,HailiangCao,ChaoZheng,ZhaopingLiu*,TiO2(B)-CNT-grapheneternary compositeanodematerialforlithiumionbatteries.RSCAdvances.2015,5,22449.
2. ChaoZheng,XufengZhou*,HailiangCao,GuohuaWang,ZhaopingLiu*,Nitrogen-dopedporous graphene/activatedcarboncompositederivedfrom“buckygels”forsupercapacitors.RSCadvances, 2015,5,10739.
5.Hailiang Cao,Xufeng Zhou*,Chao Zheng,Zhaoping Liu*,Two-Dimensional porous micro/nano metal oxides templated by graphene oxide.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2015,7(22),11984.
6.Xing Xin,Xufeng Zhou*,Tao Shen,Zhaoping Liu*,Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance ofGraphene Wrapped SnxTi1−xO2Nanoparticles as an Anode Material for Li-Ion Batteries.Journalof Nanomaterials,2015.
7.KangkeJin,XufengZhou*,ZhaopingLiu*Graphene/Sulfur/CarbonNanocompositewithaMultilayer Structure for High Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries.nanomaterials,2015,5,1481.

8. Binbin Lv,Chao Zheng,Li Xu,Xufeng Zhou*,Hailiang Cao,Zhaoping Liu*,Porous graphene-like materials prepared from hollow carbonaceous microspheres for supercapacitors.ChemNanoMat,2015.
9. Liqun He,Jian Ye,Min Shuai,Zhuan Zhu,Xufeng Zhou,Yanan Wang,Yang Li,Zhihua Su,Haiyan Zhang,Ying Chen,Zhaoping Liu,Zhengdong Cheng*and Jiming Bao*,Graphene oxideliquid crystals for reflective displays without polarizing optics.Nanoscale,2015,7,1616.

Year 2014
1. LeyuanZhang,LiangChen,XufengZhou*,ZhaopingLiu*,TowardsHigh-VoltageAqueousMetal batteriesBeyond1.5V:TheZinc/ZincHexacyanoferrateSystem.AdvancedEnergyMaterials.2014,**.
2.ChaoZheng,XufengZhou*,HailiangCao,GuohuaWang,ZhaopingLiu*,Synthesisofporousgraphene/activatedcarboncompositewithhighpackingdensityandlargespecificsurfaceareaforsupercapacitor electrodematerial. J.PowerSources.2014,258, 290.
3.C.Zheng,X.F.Zhou*,H.L.Cao,G.H.Wang,Z.P.Liu*,Edgeenrichedporousgraphenenanoribbonsforhigh energydensitysupercapacitors.J.Mater.Chem.A,2014,2(20),7484.
4.LiangChen†,LeyuanZhang†,XufengZhou*,ZhaopingLiu*,AqueousBatteriesBasedonMixedMonovalenceMetalIons:ANewBatteryFamily. ChemSusChem2014.
5. LingjunHu,BaoQiu,YonggaoXia*,ZhihongQin,LaifenQin,XufengZhou,ZhaopingLiu*,Solvothermal synthesisofFe-dopingLiMnPO4nanomaterialsforLiionbatteries. J.Power Sources 2014,248,246.
Year 2013
1.HailiangCao,XufengZhou*,YimingZhang,LiangChen,ZhaopingLiu*,Microspherical polyaniline/graphennanocompositesforhighperformancesupercapacitors. J.PowerSources2013,243,715.
2. LiangChen,QingwenGu,XufengZhou*,SaixiLee,YonggaoXia,ZhaopingLiu*,New-concept batteriesbasedonaqueousLi+/Na+mixed-ionelectrolytes.ScientificReport2013,3,1946.
3. HailiangCao,XufengZhou,ZhihongQin,ZhaopingLiu*,Low-temperaturepreparationof nitrogen-dopedgrapheneforsupercapacitors.Carbon2013,56,218.
4. LiangZhou,XufengZhou,XiaodanHuang,ZhaopingLiu,DongyuanZhao,XiangdongYao*,ChengzhongYu*,DesignedsynthesisofLiMn2O4microsphereswithadjustablehollowstructuresfor lithium-ionbatteryapplications.J.Mater.Chem.A2013,1,837.
5. 刘兆平,周旭峰,浅谈石墨烯产业化应用现状与发展趋势.新材料产业.2013,9,4.
6. 王国华,周旭峰,刘兆平,石墨烯专利技术分析报告.新材料产业.2013,11,37.
7.KangkeJin,XufengZhou*,LiangzhongZhang,XingXin,GuohuaWang,ZhaopingLiu*,Sulfur/Carbon NanotubeCompositeFilmasaFlexibleCathodeforLithium-SulfurBatteries. J.Phys.Chem.C 2013,117,21112.
Year 2012
1.XingXin,XufengZhou*,JinghuaWu,XiayinYao,ZhaopingLiu*,ScalablesynthesisofTiO2/Graphene nanostructured composite with high-rate performance for lithium ion batteries.ACS Nano 2012, 6,11035.
2. Zhihong Qin, Xufeng Zhou*, Yonggao Xia, Changlin Tang, Zhaoping Liu*, Morphology controlled synthesisand modification of high-performance LiMnPO4 cathode materials for Li-ion batteries.J. Mater.Chem.2012,22,21114.
3. Xing Xin, Xufeng Zhou, Feng Wang, Xiayin Yao, Xiaoxiong Xu, Yimei Zhu*, Zhaoping Liu*, A 3D porous architecture of Si/graphene nanocomposite as high-performance anode materials for Li-ion batteries. J.Mater.Chem.2012,22,7724.
4. Juanjuan Liu, Jun Wang, Yonggao Xia*, Xufeng Zhou, Yaletu Saixi, Zhaoping Liu*, Synthesis and electroch emical performance of Li1+xNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2+δ (0 ≤ x ≤0.15) cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Mater.Res.Bull.2012,47,807.
5. Xiaodan Huang,Xufeng Zhou,Kun Qian,Dongyuan Zhao,Zhaoping Liu*,Chengzhong Yu*,A magnetite nanocrystal/graphene composite as high performance anode for lithium-ion batteries. J.Alloys. Compd.2012,514,76.
6. Qinghong Liu,Xufeng Zhou,Xinyu Fan,Chunyang Zhu,Xiayin Yao,Zhaoping Liu*,Mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy resin nanocomposites reinforced with graphene oxide.Polymer-Plastics Tech. & Eng.2012, 51, 251.
7. Qinghong Liu,Xiayin Yao,Xufeng Zhou,Zhihong Qin,Zhaoping Liu*,Varistor effect in Ag-graphene/ epoxyresin nanocomposites. Scripta Mater.2012,66,113.
8. Y. F. Lin, S. C. Chiu, S. T. Wang, S. K. Fu, C. H. Chen, W. J. Xie, S. H. Yang, C. S. Hsu, J.F. Chen, X. F. Z hou, Z. P. Liu, J. Fang, W. B. Jian*, Dielectrophoretic placement of quasi-zero-,one-,and two-dimensional nanomaterials into nanogap for electrical characterizations.Electrophoresis 2012,33,2475.
Year 2011
1. Xufeng Zhou, Feng Wang, Yimei Zhu and Zhaoping Liu*, Graphene modified LiFePO4 cathode materials for high power lithium ion batteries. J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 3353.
2. Xuyang Wang, Xufeng Zhou, Ke Yao, Jiangang Zhang, and Zhaoping Liu*, A SnO2/graphene composite as a high stability electrode for lithium ion batteries. Carbon 2011, 49, 133.
3. Jun Wang, Xiayin Yao, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu*, Synthesis and electrochemical properties of layered lithium transition metal oxides. J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 2544.
4. Fei Zhuge, Benlin Hu, Congli He, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu, Run-Wei Li*, Mechanism of nonvolatile resistive switching in graphene oxide thin films. Carbon 2011, 49, 3796.
5. Xiaodan Huang, Xufeng Zhou, L. A. Zhou, K., Y. H. Wang. Kun Qian, Zhaoping Liu*, Chengzhong Yu*, Afacile one-step solvothermal synthesis of SnO2/Graphene nanocomposite and its application as an anode materialfor lithium-ion batteries. Chem. Phys. Chem. 2011, 12, 278.
Year 2006-2010
1. X. F. Zhou, Z. P. Liu*, A scalable, solution-phase processing route to ultralarge graphene sheets. Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 2511.
2. Zhaoping Liu, Xufeng Zhou, Yitai Qian*, Synthetic methodologies for carbon nanomaterials. Adv. Mater. 2010, 22, 1963.
3. Shiliu Yang, Xufeng Zhou, Jiangang Zhang, Zhaoping Liu*, Morphology-controlled solvothermal synthesis of LiFePO4 as a cathode material for lithium-ion batteries. J.Mater.Chem.2010,20,8086.
4. C. L. He, F. Zhuge, X. F. Zhou, M. Li, G. C. Zhou, Y. W. Liu, J. Z. Wang, B. Chen, W. J. Su,Z. P. Liu,Y. H.Wu, P. Cui, Run-Wei Li, Non-volatile resistive switching in graphene oxide thin films. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009,95, 232101.
5. X. F. Zhou, S. Z. Qiao, N. Hao, X. L. Wang, C. Z. Yu, L. Z. Wang, D. Y. Zhao, G. Q. Lu,Synthesis of ordere dcubic periodic mesoporous organosilicas with ultra-large Pores. Chem. Mat.2007, 19, 1870.
6. S. Yang*, X. F. Zhou*, P. Yuan, M. H. Yu, S. H. Xie, J. Zou, G. Q. Lu, C. Z. Yu, Siliceous nanopods via a compromised dual templating approach. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 8579.
7. X. F. Zhou, S. Yang, C. Z. Yu, Z. H. Li, X. X. Yan, Y. Cao, D. Y. Zhao*, Hexylene- and octylene-bridged poly silsesquioxane hybrid crystals self-assembled by dimeric building blocks with ring structures. Chem.-Eur. J.2006, 12, 8484.
8. X. F. Zhou, C. Z. Yu, J. W. Tang, X. X. Yan, D. Y. Zhao*, The effect of water content on the preparation of mesoporous monoliths and films. Microporous Mesoporous Mat. 2005, 79, 283.
9. J. W. Tang, X. F. Zhou, D. Y. Zhao, G. Q. Lu, J. Zou, C. Z. Yu*, Hard-sphere packing and icosahedral assemblyin the formation of mesoporous materials. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 9044.
10. H. N. Wang, X. F. Zhou, M. H. Yu, Y. H. Wang, L. Han, J. Zhang, P. Yuan, G. Auchterlonie, J. Zou, C. Z. Yu*,Supra-assembly of siliceous vesicles. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 15992.
11. H. Djojoputro, X. F. Zhou, S. Z. Qiao, L. Z. Wang, C. Z. Yu, G. Q. Lu, Periodic mesoporous organosilica hollow spheres with tunable wall thickness. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 6320.
9.刘兆平、唐长林、张建刚、马池、周旭峰, 一种纳米改性聚阴离子正极活性材料及其制备方法以及锂离子二次
10.刘兆平、周旭峰、秦志鸿、唐长林,一种制备石墨烯的方法,US 9,162,894 B2;
21.刘兆平、辛星、周旭峰, 锂离子电池负极材料、其制备方法和锂离子电池, ZL9.7;
26.周旭峰、刘兆平、王国华、郑超, 石墨烯卷的制备方法, ZL4.4;
27.周旭峰、刘兆平、郑超、王国华, 石墨烯及其制备方法、超级电容器, ZL1.6;
28.周旭峰、刘兆平、冯冬梅、王玉琼, 一种石墨烯基导电油墨、制备方法及其制备的柔性薄膜,
29.周旭峰、刘兆平、王玉琼、冯冬梅, 一种导电涂料, ZL2.5;
30.周旭峰、刘兆平、郑超、王国华,一种多孔石墨烯及其制备方法、超级电容器,ZL 9.1;
31.周旭峰、刘兆平、郑超、王国华,一种多孔石墨烯纳米带及其制备方法与应用,ZL 4.9 ;
32.周旭峰、刘兆平、姜宏,集成材粘合剂,ZL 2.9 ;
34.周旭峰、刘兆平、郑超、王国华,一种多孔石墨烯及其制备方法,ZL 0.4;
36.周旭峰、刘兆平、冯冬梅,一种复合油墨,ZL 9.6;
38.曹海亮、刘兆平、周旭峰, 微纳级金属氧化物网状体及其制备方法,ZL5.5;
40.周旭峰、冯冬梅、王玉琼、丁世云、刘兆平, 一种石墨烯导热膜及其制备方法,ZL5.3;
44. 周旭峰、刘兆平、沈鲁恺、郑超、姜萍、王国华,一种多孔石墨烯的制备方法及多孔石墨烯,
46. 刘兆平、周旭峰,石墨烯改性磷酸铁锂正极活性材料及其制备方法以及锂离子二次电池,.
48. 刘兆平、周旭峰、唐长林、秦志鸿、胡建国、赵永胜,一种石墨烯材料粉体及其制备方法,
49. 周旭峰、刘兆平、丁世云、刘登峰,一种石墨烯导热膜的制备方法,ZL6.6.
50. 周旭峰、刘兆平、姜萍、郑超、沈鲁恺、王国华,一种石墨烯的制备方法及石墨烯,
51. 吕彬彬、刘兆平、周旭峰、郑超、王国华、沈鲁恺、姜萍,一种石墨烯的制备方法,
52. 吕彬彬、刘兆平、周旭峰、郑超、王国华、沈鲁恺、姜萍,一种石墨烯的制备方法,
53. 蒋蓉蓉、周旭峰、刘兆平,一种金属/石墨烯复合材料及其制备方法和应用,ZL9.2.
54. 蒋蓉蓉、周旭峰、刘兆平,一种三维石墨烯宏观体及其制备方法,ZL7.1.
55. 蒋蓉蓉、周旭峰、刘兆平,一种导电碳浆及其制备方法,ZL9.8.
56. 刘兆平、周旭峰、秦志鸿、唐长林、赵永胜、胡华胜,石墨烯复合粉体材料及其制备方法,
ZL 1.8.







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