

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-17

刘江本科毕业于中国科学技术大学计算机系(少年班),硕士和博士就读于新加坡国立大学计算机系。刘江在新加坡学习工作27年,2004年创建了新加坡科技研究局属下医疗影像研究团队(IMED),专注于医疗影像特别是眼科影像处理技术研究。主持过总值超过2200万新币(约合人民币1亿元)的18项新加坡国家级科研项目,发表了260多篇医疗图像领域的国际期刊/会议文章,申请了50多项国际专利,其中多项专利转让給国际企业。归国前任IEEE 生物医学工程学会新加坡地区主席。
2016年3月全职回国后,与成员创立了iMED中国团队,部分原iMED新加坡科研骨干也来到浙江宁波,并在短短两年内新引进多位海外背景的研究人才加入iMED中国团队。同时,刘江组建了中国科学院和宁波慈溪共同建设的中国科学院宁波慈溪医学工程所,并任首任所长。 2017年2月, 与新加坡国家眼科研究中心签署协议共同进行一带一路下的眼科科研工作; 2017年4月, 和新加坡国家健保集团签署战略合作协议共同进行医疗科研及临床转化工作。 2017年6月与世界领先眼科仪器生产厂家日本TOPCON公司创立联合实验室,共同进行眼科仪器及智能系统的研制。2018年1月与日本眼科前节OCT厂家TOMEY成立合作实验室,并与广州中山眼科等医疗机构进行眼科自动精准测量及诊断技术合作研究。
Jimmy Liujiang
Senior Professor
First Director of Ningbo Cixi Institute of Medical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chief Scientist (adjunct), National Eye Research Center, Singapore
Founder of iMED Singapore and iMED China team.
Prof.Jimmy Liujiang joined Chinese Academy of Sciences in March 2016 through the China “Thousand Talent Program”. He graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China with a computer engineering bachelor degree,and obtained his Master and PH.D. degrees from the National University of Singapore majoring in Computer Science. Jimmy is currently holding the position of an Honorary Professor in Dundee University and is an adjunct principle research scientist in the Singapore National Eye Research Institute. Jimmy has served many years in IEEE EMBS (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society) society and was the spent 27 years in Singapore before 2016. Jimmy established the Intelligent Medical Imaging Program(iMED), which was once the largest ocular imaging research team in the world, in A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research) Singapore.
Ever he put in much time and effort helping to establish a new institute focusing on biomedical Engineering in Ningbo with support from government and Chinese Academy of Sciences. In Feb 2017, he signed a MOU with Singapore Eye Research Institute to jointly conduct ocular imaging research, and in April 2017, he signed an agreement with Singapore National Health Group in Ningbo to jointly conduct medical technology research as well as explore translation and clinical research in China and Singapore. Recently, in May 2017, Jimmy established a new joint laboratory with world leading ophthalmological equipment manufacture TOPCON Inc.n January 2018, he established a cooperative laboratory with OCT manufacturer of TOMEY, the Japanese ophthalmology front section, and cooperated with Zhongshan Ophthalmology in Guangzhou to conduct automated research on automatic precision measurement and diagnostic techniques for ophthalmology.
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