


石煜彤个人简历 Yutong Shi - Curriculum Vitae 工作单位:宁波大学食品与药学学院 Affiliation: College of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Ningbo University 职称/学位:讲师/博士 Position/Degree: lecturer /Ph.D 学科方向:海洋药物学 Discipline: Marine Pharmaceutical Science 邮箱 Email:shiyutong@nbu.edu.cn 教育经历 Education Experience 2014.09-2019.06 浙江大学 海洋学院 海洋药物学博士 Ph.D Ocean College, Zhejiang University 2017.09–2018.09 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学 化学系 联合培养博士 Visiting Scholar, Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia 2010.09-2014.06 浙江大学 药学院 理学学士 B.S. College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang University 研究经历 Research Experience 博士攻读期间主要参与科研项目 4 项: 1. 国家重点研发计划: 海洋微生物天然产物的高效深度挖掘, No. 2018YFC0311002, 参与 2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 利用分子网络技术和两种新胁迫方法发现隐蔽海洋微生物天然产物, No.41876148 参与 3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 微型生态系统共培养技术从海洋微生物中发现新颖抗生素活性天然产物的研究, No. 81573306 参与 4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:海洋天然产物 Lamellarin D 糖基化衍生物 的合成与生物活性研究, No.81402845 参与 论文发表 Publications 1. Shi, Y., Pan, C., Cen, S., Fu, L., Cao, X., Wang, H., & Wu, B. (2019). Comparative metabolomics reveals defense-related modification of citrinin by Penicillium citrinum within a synthetic Penicillium-Pseudomonas community. Environmental microbiology 21, 496-510. 2. Shi, Y., Pan, C., Wang, K., Chen, X., Wu, X., Chen, C.T.A., & Wu, B. (2017). Synthetic multispecies microbial communities reveals shifts in secondary metabolism and facilitates cryptic natural product discovery. Environmental microbiology 19(9), 3606-3618. 3. Shi, Y., Pan, C., Auckloo, B. N., Chen, X., Chen, C.T.A., Wang, K., Wu, X., & Wu, B. (2017). Stress-driven discovery of a cryptic antibiotic produced by Streptomyces sp. WU20 from Kueishantao hydrothermal vent with an integrated metabolomics strategy. Applied microbiology and biotechnology 101(4), 1395-1408. 4. Shi, Y., Jiang, W., N Auckloo, B., & Wu, B. (2015). Several Classes of Natural Products with Metal ion Chelating Ability. Current Organic Chemistry 19(19), 1935-1953. 5. Cao, X., Shi, Y., Wu, X., Wang, K., Huang, S., Sun, H., Dickschat, J., & Wu, B. (2019). Talaromyolides A-D and Talaromytin: Polycyclic Meroterpenoids from the Fungus Talaromyces sp. CX11. Organic Letters 21(6), 6539-6542. 6. Pan, C., Shi, Y., Auckloo, B. N., ul Hassan, S. S., Akhter, N., & Wu, B. (2017). Isolation and Antibiotic Screening of Fungi from a Hydrothermal Vent Site and Characterization of Secondary Metabolites from a Penicillium Isolate. Marine Biotechnology 19(5), 469-479. 7. Pan, C., Shi, Y., Chen, X., Chen, C. T. A., Tao, X., & Wu, B. (2017). New compounds from a hydrothermal vent crab-associated fungus Aspergillus versicolor XZ-4. Organic & biomolecular chemistry 15(5), 1155-1163. 8. Pan, C., Shi, Y., Auckloo, B. N., Chen, X., Chen, C.T.A., Tao, X., & Wu, B. (2016). An Unusual Conformational Isomer of Verrucosidin Backbone from a Hydrothermal Vent Fungus, Penicillium sp. Y-50-10. Marine drugs 14(8), 156. 9. Pan, C., Shi, Y., Auckloo, B. N., Chen, C.T.A., Chen, X., Wu, X., & Wu, B. (2018). Four Verrucosidin Derivatives Isolated from the Hydrothermal Vent Sulfur-Derived Fungus Penicillium sp. Y-50-10. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 14(8), 156. 10. Akhter, N., Pan, C., Liu, Y., Shi, Y., & Wu, B. (2018). Isolation and structure determination of a new indene derivative from endophytic fungus Aspergillus flavipes Y-62. Natural Product Research doi:10.1080/14786419. 1510399 [Epub] 11. Akhter, N., Liu, Y., Auckloo, B., Shi, Y., Wang, K., Chen, J., & Wu, B. (2018). Stress-Driven Discovery of New Angucycline-Type Antibiotics from a Marine Streptomyces pratensis NA-ZhouS1. Marine drugs, 16(9), 331. 12. Shah, A., Asmat, S., Pan, C., Fu, L., Cao, X., Shi, Y., & Wu, B. (2017). Production of an antibiotic enterocin from a marine actinobacteria strain H1003 by metal-stress technique with enhanced enrichment using response surface methodology. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 30.

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