
宁波大学海洋学院导师教师师资介绍简介-谢 熙


姓 名工作单位职 称通信地址 联系方式个人简介 获奖与荣誉称号 谢熙 宁波大学海洋学院 讲师 宁波市江北区风华路 818 号宁波大学海洋学院 315211 xiexi@nbu.edu.cn 男,1988 年 12 月生,博士、讲师。从事甲壳动物发育生物和内分泌调控的研究,参与多项国家自然科学基金、省基金等科研课题,在国内外核心刊物上发表学术论文 10 余篇。 主要研 究方向承担主 要课题 3-5 个 代表性论文 3-5 篇 发育生物学、甲壳动物内分泌调控 1. 国家自然科学基金:甲基法尼酯在三疣梭子蟹卵巢发育和蜕皮过程中的生理作用(41376152, 40976098),参与; 1. Xie Xi, Zhu Dongfa*, Yang Jifen, Qiu Xier, Cui Xiaoyu, Tang Jie. Molecular cloning of two structure variants of Crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) from the swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus), and their gene expression during molting and ovarian development. Zoological Science, 31 (12): 802-809, 014. (SCI IF=0.814) 2. Xie Xi, Zhu Dongfa, Li Yan, Qiu Xier, Cui Xiaoyu, Tang Jie. Hemolymph levels of methyl farnesoate during ovarian development of the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus, and its relation to transcript levels of HMG-CoA reductase and farnesoic acid O-methyltransferase. Biological Bulletin, 228 (2): 118-224, 015.( SCI IF=1.522) 3. Xie Xi, Tao Tian, Liu Mingxin, Zhou Yanqi, Liu Zhiye, Zhu Dongfa*. The potential role of juvenile hormone acid methyltransferase in methyl farnesoate (MF) biosynthesis in the swimming crab, Portunus trituberculatus. Animal Reproduction Science, 168 (5):40-49, 016. (SCI IF=1.377) 4. Xie Xi, Liu Zhiye, Liu Mingxin, Tao Tian, Shen Xiquan, Zhu Dongfa*. Role of Halloween genes in ecdysteroids biosynthesis of the swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus): implicated by RNA interfering and eyestalk ablation. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology: part A, 199 (9):105-110, 016. (SCI IF=2.039) 5. Xie Xi, Zhou Yanqi, Liu Mingxin, Tao Tian, Jiang Qinghua, Zhu Dongfa*. The nuclear receptor E75 from the swimming crab, Portunus trituberculatus: cDNA cloning, transcriptional analysis, and putative roles on expression of ecdysteroid-related genes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology: part B, 200 (10): 69-77, 016. (SCI IF=1.651) 授权发明专利 3-5 个 讲授课程 所属学科及招生专业 生物技术,招生专业:生物技术 学生工作经历 地方服务经历

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