研究领域:城市水力学、市政管网监测与模拟 所在硕士点(方向):市政工程、水利工程
2014.9-2017.6 南京水利科学研究院 水力学及河流动力学 博士
2011.9-2014.6 浙江大学 市政工程 硕士
2007.9-2011.6 东北林业大学 建筑环境与设备工程 学士
2017.8-2019.11 郑州大学 讲师
2015.10-2016.9 阿尔伯特大学 联合培养博士
1. 参与浙江省重点研发计划项目:市政、工业废水高效处理与循环利用关键技术、装备研究及应用示范-排水管网提质增效与系统优化关键技术、装备研发与应用示范(2020C03082)。
2. 主持国家自然科学青年基金:强降雨期城市深层隧道竖井井喷机理与减免方法研究
3. 主持宁波市自然科学基金项目:基于“污水零直排”的分流制排水管网优化监测与效能评估研究(202003N4134)。
4. 主持宁波大学省属高校战略引导项目:滨海城市排水管网效能评估与公共安全保障技术研究(SJLZ2021004)。
Huang, B., and Zhu, D. Z. (2020). "Rigid-Column Model for Rapid Filling in a Partially Filled
Horizontal Pipe." Journal of Hydraulic
Engineering. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001849.
Huang, B., and Zhu, D. Z. (2020). "Linearized Solution for Rapid Filling of Horizontal Pipe with
Entrapped Air" Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 146(11), 06020006.
Huang, B., Wu, S., Zhu, D. Z., and Schulz, H. E. (2018). “Experimental study of geysers through a
vent pipe connected to flowing sewers.” Water science and technology, 2017(1), 66–76.
Huang, B., Wu, S., Zhu, D. Z., and Wang, F. (2018). “Mitigating peak pressure of storm geysering by
orifice plates installed at the top of vent pipes.” Water Science and Technology, 78(7), 1587–1596.
Huang, B., Zhu, D. Z., Shao, W., Fu, J., and Rui, J. (2015). “Forebay hydraulics and fish
entrainment risk assessment upstream of a high dam in China.” Journal of Hydro-environment
Research, 9(1), 91–103.
Li, L., Zhu, D. Z., and Huang, B. (2018). “Analysis of pressure transient following rapid filling
of a vented horizontal pipe.” Water, 10(11), 1698.
Wang, F., Wu, S., and Huang, B. (2019). “Flow structure and unsteady fluctuation with separation
over a two-dimensional backward-facing step.” Journal of Hydrodynamics, 31(6), 1204–1217.
王威, 吴时强, 黄标, 王芳芳. (2017). “变坡长隧洞明满流水力特性研究.” 人民黄河, 39(6), 94–98.
Huang, B., Fan, M., Zhu, D. Z., and Wu, S. (2018). “Numerical modelling of transient air-water
flows within a riser downstream of a trunk sewer.” Proceedings of the 13th International Conference
on Hydroscience and Engineering (ICHE) 2018, Chongqing.
Huang, B., Wu, S., and Zhu, D. Z. (2017). “Alleviating geysers through standpipes in sewer
systems.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2017, 67–81.
Huang, B., Wang, W., Wu, S., and Zhu, D. Z. (2016). “Experimental Study of Cavity Outflow and
Geysering in Circular Pipes.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2016, 265–274.
环境水力学 土木水利专硕管道水力学 土木水利专硕
(数据截至日期:2020 年 11 月 1 日)