研究领域:可持续排水、城市水环境改善、环境水力学 所在硕士点(方向):土木水利专硕/市政工程
1991.01 至 1996.01
1989.01 至 1991.01
1987.09 至 1989.07
1982.09 至 1986.07
加拿大UBC 大学 土木工程 博士 加拿大UBC 大学 土木工程 硕士 上海交通大学 船舶与海洋工程硕士上海交通大学 船舶与海洋工程学士
2018.04-至今 宁波大学 教授
2004.07 至 2018.03
2001.07 至 2004.06
1997.08 至 2001.06
加拿大Alberta 大学 教授 加拿大Alberta 大学 副教授
加拿大Alberta 大学 助理教授
1. 排水管网提质增效与系统优化关键技术、装备研发与应用示范浙江省科技厅 225 万
20200101-20231231 项目负责人
2. 滨海城市水环境改善与排水设施可持续性关键技术及工程示范宁波市科技局 500 20190901-20240831 项目负责人
3. Industrial Research Chair in Urban Drainage加拿大基金委 850 万 20170701-20180630 项目负责人
4. Supporting sustainable hydropower operation and development in BC through research
fish entrainment and gas supersaturation 加拿大基金委& BC 省水电局 750 万
20150401-20210331 项目负责人
5. Sewer odour generation and mitigation in Edmonton’s sewer systems 加拿大基金委&city of Edmonton545
万 20170701-20220630 项目负责人
6. 供水系统安全保障与智能调控技术课题国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划) 2012-2014
7. 河网城市雨水径流污染控制与生态利用关键技术研究与工程示范子课题水体污染控制与治理科技专项 2011-2015
ZHANG, W., RAJARATNAM, N., ZHU,D.Z. (2011) “Transport with Jets and Plumes of Chemicals in the
Environment”, Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Robert A. Meyers (ed.), DOI
10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3, Springer, 25p.
1. Zhang, J., Zhu, D.Z., and Zhang, S.H., (2020) “Shallow slope stability evolution during
rainwater infiltration considering soil cracking state”, Computers and Geotechnics, 117, 103285,
2. Y ang, H.M., Zhu, D.Z., Zhang, Y.P., Zhou, Y.C., (2019) “Numerical investigation
on bottom shear stress induced by flushing gate for sewer cleaning”, Water Science and
Technology, 80(2), 290-299. doi: 10.2166/wst.2019.269.
3. Q
ian, Y., Zhu, D.Z.,
L iu, L., Shao, W.Y., Edwini-Bonsu, S., and Zhou, F. (2019),
“Numerical and experimental study on mitigation of storm geysers”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic
4. L iu, L., Shao, W.Y., Zhu, D.Z. (2019) “Experimental Study on Stormwater Geyser in a
Vertical Shaft above a Junction Chamber”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,
5. Z hou, Z., Wang, J.X., and Zhu, D.Z. (2019), “Energy dissipation in a deep
tailwater stilling basin with partial flaring gate piers”, Can. J. Civil Engineering,accepted.
6. Y ang, Z, Zhu, D.Z., Yu, T., Edwini-Bonsu, S., Liu, Y.C., (2019) “Case Study of Sulfide
Generation and Emission in Sanitary Sewer with Drop Structures and Pump Station”, Water Science
and Technology, Vol. 79, 1685-1694. doi: 10.2166/wst.2019.164.
7. Zuo, Z.Q., Chang, J., Lu, Z.S., Wang, M., Lin, Y.C., Zheng, M., Zhu, D.Z., Yu,
Huang, X., Liu, Y.C. (2019) “Hydrogen sulfide generation and emission in urban sanitary
sewer in China: What factor plays the critical role?” Environmental Science: Water
Research & Technology, 5, 839–848.
8. G u, T.F, Tan, P.Y., Zhou, Y.C., Zhang. Y.P., Zhu, D.Z., Zhang, T.Q.
“Characteristics and Mechanism of Dimethyl Trisulfide Formation during Sulfide Control in
Sewer by Adding Oxidants”, Science of the Total Environment, 673, 719-725.
9. L i, P.C., Zhu, D.Z., Krywiak, D., and Yu, D. (2019), “Flow characteristics and energy
dissipation of an offset jet in a rectangular stormwater pond”, Canadian Water
Resources Journal, 44(3), 307–318.
10. Schulz, H.A., Ma, Y.Y., Zhu, D.Z. (2019), “Water Column Oscillation in Partially
Immersed Vertical Tubes”, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 145(9): 04019063.
11. Yu, T., D ing, Q., Zhu, D.Z., Shao, Y., (2019) “Experimental Study on Air
Variation in a Horizontal Pipe of Single-stack Drainage System”, Water Science and
Technology, 79(1):114-125. doi: 10.2166/wst.2019.014.
12. T roitsky, B., Zhu, D.Z., Loewen, M.R., van Duin, B., and Mahmood, K. (2019),
“Nutrient processes and modeling in urban stormwater ponds and constructed wetlands", Canadian
Water Resources Journal, 44(3), 230–247.
13. M a, Y.Y., Zhu, D.Z., Zhang, W., and Edwini-Bonsu, S. (2019), “Field monitoring and design
optimization of dropshafts with air circulation pipes”, Journal of
Hydro-environment Research, Vol. 22, 57-69.
14. K amal, R., Zhu, D.Z., Leake, A., and Crossman, J. (2019), “Decay of Supersaturated
Total Dissolved Gases in the Intermediate Mixing Zone of a Regulated River”, ASCE Journal of
Environmental Engineering, 145(2): 04018135.
15. K upferschmidt, C., Noddin, F., Zhu, D.Z., and Tonn, W.M. (2019), “Habitat Use
by Arctic Grayling in an Engineered Stream in the Canadian Barrenlands”, Arctic, Vol.
72(2), 103-115.
16. Xue, H.C., Ma, Q., Li, R., Diao, M.J., Zhu, D.Z., and Lu, J.Y. (2019), “Experimental study on
the dissipation of supersaturated TDG during the jet breakup process”, Journal of Hydrodynamics,
Springer, 31(4), 760-766.
17. Li, L., Zhu, D.Z., and Huang, B. (2018) “Analysis of Pressure Transients
Following Rapid Filling of a Vented Horizontal Pipe", Water, 10(11),
1698; doi: 10.3390/w10111698.
18. H uang, B., Wu, S.Q., Zhu, D.Z., and Wang, F.F. (2018), “Mitigating Peak Pressure of
Storm Geysering by Orifice Plates Installed at the Top of Vent Pipes”, Water Science and
Technology, 78(7): 1587-1596.
19. D ing, Q., Ma, Y.Y., and Zhu, D.Z. (2018), “Air entrainment in a vertical dropshaft with
limited air supply”, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, Vol. 8, 315-319.
20. Tang, Y., Zhu, D.Z., and van Duin, B. (2018), “Note on Sediment Removal Efficiency in
Oil - Grit Separators”, Water Science and Technology, 2017 (3): 729-735. 1
d oi:
21. Li, L., and Zhu, D.Z. (2018), “Modulation of the Transient Pressure by an Air Pocket in a
Horizontal Pipe with an End Orifice”, Water Science and Technology, 77(10), 2528-2536.
doi: 10.2166/wst.2018.213.
22. W ei, J.F., Ma, Y.Y., Zhu, D.Z., Zhang, J. (2018), “Effect of Boundary Conditions on the
Performance of a Dropshaft with an Internal Divider”, Water Science and Technology, Vol. 2017(2),
23. T ang, Y., Chan, D.H., Zhu, D.Z. (2018), “An analytical solution for steady-state
groundwater inflow into a circular tunnel in anisotropic soils”, ASCE Journal of
Engineering Mechanics, Vol.144(9): 06018003.
24. W ei, J.F., Ma, Y.Y., Zhu, D.Z., Zhang, J. (2018), “Performance of
Dropshafts with Internal Air Circulation”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144(9).
25. H uang, B., Wu, S.Q., Zhu, D.Z., and Schulz, H.E. (2018), “Experimental Study
of Geysers through a Vent Pipe in Stormwater Drainage Systems”, Water Science and
Technology, Vol. 2017(1), 66-76.
26. Z hang, M.K., Liu, Y., Cheng, X., Zhu, D.Z., and Shi, H.C., and Yuan, Z.G.
(2018). “Quantifying rainfall-derived inflow and infiltration in sanitary sewer systems based on
conductivity monitoring”, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 558, 174-183.
27. D ing, Q., and Zhu, D.Z. (2018), “Flow Regimes inside a Dropshaft with Limited Air
Supply”, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144(5): 06018006.
28. Y ang, H.M., Zhu, D.Z., Li, L. (2018), “Numerical Modeling on Sediment Capture
in Catch Basins”, Water Science and
Technology, 77 (5), 1346-1354; DOI: 10.2166/wst.2018.009.
29. Yin, Z.G., Wang, Y.X., Zhang, W.M., and Zhu, D.Z. (2018) “Computational Study of Bubbly
Jets in Stagnant Water”, Journal of Hydrodynamics, accepted.
30. Islam, M.R., Wood, I.R., and Zhu, D.Z. (2018) “Selective Withdrawal from an Intake Channel
Connected to a Reservoir”, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 111:79–94.
31. Y ang, H.M., Zhu, D.Z., Liu, Y.C. (2018), “Effect of Doppler Flow Meter Position on
Discharge Measurement inSurcharged Manholes”, Water Science and Technology, 77 (3),
647-654; DOI: 10.2166/wst.2017.563.
32. T ang, Y., Chan, D.H., Zhu, D.Z., Guo, S. (2018), “An Analytical Solution for Steady
Seepage into a Defective Pipe”, Water Science and Technology - Water Supply, 18(3), 926-935.
33. Q ian, Y., Zhu, D.Z., and Edwini-Bonsu, S. (2018), “Air Flow Modelling in a Prototype
Sanitary Sewer System”, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 144(3):
34. G uo, S., Qian, Y., Zhu, D.Z., Zhang, W., and Edwini-Bonsu, S. (2018), “Effects of Drop
Structures and Pump Station on Sewer Air Pressure and Hydrogen Sulfide: Field
Investigation” ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 144(3): 04018011.
35. M a, Y.Y., Zhu, D.Z., Yu, T., and Liu, Y.C. (2018), “Assessing the Effectiveness of an
Airshaft for Dropshaft Air Re-circulation and Depressurization”, Journal of
Hydro-environment Research, Vol. 18: 49-62.
36. Silva, A.T., M.C. Lucas, T. Castro-Santos, C. Katopodis, L.J. Baumgartner, J.D. Thiem,
K. Aarestrup, P.S. Pompeu, G.C. O'Brien, D. Braun, N.J. Burnett, D.Z. Zhu, H-P.
Fjeldstad, T. Forseth, N. Rajaratnam, J.G. Williams and S.J. Cooke (2018). “The Future of Fish
Passage Science, Engineering, and Practice", Fish and Fisheries, Vol. 19:340–362.
1. Yang, Z., Zhu, D.Z., Yu, T., and Edwini-Bonsu, S. (2019) “Investigation of
sulfide formation at pump stations in Edmonton’s sewer system”, the 9th
International Conference on Sewer Processes and Networks, Aalborg, Denmark, Aug. 27-30, 2019
2. Baki, AB, Golpira, A, Rampinelli, GC, Patrizio, L, and Zhu, DZ. (2019) “Numerical
modelling of nature-like fish passage using a 2d shallow water model”, CSCE conference proceedings.
The 2019 CSCE Annual Conference, Laval, Canada, June 12 - 16, 2019.
3. Baki, A.B.M., Golpira, A., and Zhu, D.Z. (2019). Numerical Modeling of Rock-Weir
Fishpasses: Effects of Structure Geometries on Velocity and Water Surface Profiles. In World
Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2019: Hydraulics, Waterways, and Water Distribution
Systems Analysis, (American Society of Civil Engineers Reston, VA), pp. 43–54.
4. Ahmed S., Ghobrial T.R., Zhang W., Zhu D.Z., Loewen M.R., Mahmood K., and van Duin B.
(2019), “Field Monitoring of Physical Processes in Stormwater Wet Ponds and Wetlands in Calgary
Alberta", Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE) Annual Conference, Laval QC, June 12 -
15, 2019.
5. Ghobrial T.R., Ahmed S., Zhang W., Zhu D.Z., Loewen M.R., Mahmood K., and van Duin B.
(2019), “Bottom Sediment Characteristics in Stormwater Ponds and Wetlands in Calgary, Alberta",
Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE) Annual Conference, Laval QC, June 12 - 15, 2019.
6. Fernandez A., Ghobrial T.R., Zhang W., Zhu D.Z., Loewen M.R., Mahmood K., van
Duin B., and Chen L. (2019), “PCSWMM Modeling of Storm Runoff and Sediment and Nutrients Loading
to Stormwater Wetlands in Calgary, Alberta", Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE)
Annual Conference, Laval QC, June 12 - 15, 2019.
7. M
a, Y., Zhu, D.Z., and W
ei, J.F. (2018). “Assessment and Design Optimization of
Retrofitting Dropshaft with Air Circulation Pipes for Downstream Depressurization”, World
Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, USA, June 3-7, 2018.
8. L i, P.C. and Zhu, D.Z. (2018), “Field Study of Total Dissolved Gas
Concentration Downstream of the Seven Mile Dam in British Columbia”, World Environmental
& Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, USA, June 3-7, 2018.
9. T ang, Y., Zhu, D.Z., and Chan, D.H. (2018), “Modeling soil loss by water
infiltration through sewer pipe defects”, World Environmental & Water Resources Congress,
Minneapolis, Minneapolis, USA, June 3-7, 2018.
10. Zhu, D.Z. (2018) “Air-water flows in urban drainage systems”, Invited talk at the
8th Urban Drainage Symposium, Hangzhou, China, May 9-11.
11. T ang, Y., Zhu, D.Z., and Chan, D.H. (2018) “Laboratory study on soil erosion through a pipe
defect based on image analysis”, the 2nd International Symposium on Hydraulic Modelling
and Measuring Technology Congress, May30 – June 1, 2018, Nanjing, China.
12. M a, Y., Wei, J.F., Zhu, D.Z., and Zhang, J. (2018) “Flow Characteristics and
Induction of Free-falling Water Jets of Various Shapes”, the 2nd International
Symposium on Hydraulic Modelling and Measuring Technology Congress, May30 – June 1, 2018,
Nanjing, China.
13. Zhang, W., and Zhu, D.Z. (2018) “Flow field measurement downstream of Seton Dam, Canada”, the
2nd International Symposium on Hydraulic Modelling and Measuring Technology Congress,
May30 – June 1, 2018, Nanjing, China.
加拿大工程院院士加拿大工程院 2017
加拿大基金委工业研究讲席教授加拿大基金委 2017
美国土木工程协会Honorable Mention Paper 美国土木工程协会 2019
美国土木工程协会Karl Emil Hilgard Award 美国土木工程协会 2018
美国土木工程协会Samuel Arnold Greeley Award 美国土木工程协会 2017
加拿大土木工程协会杰出成就奖加拿大土木工程协会 2017
1. Journal of Hydro-Environmental Research 特邀主编 2020
2. International Symposium on Sustainable Urban Drainage 大会主席 2019.10
3. 美国土木工程协会 Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Editorial Board 副主编
4. 美国土木工程协会 Journal of Environmental Engineering 特邀主编 2012-2014
5. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters 编委 2014-2018
(数据截至日期:2020 年 11 月 1 日)