


土木与环境工程学院教师个人简历 一、基本情况姓名:徐体兵 职称/职务:讲师 政治面貌:中共党员 联系电话:0574-87605922 研究领域:计算水力学,无网格数值方法 所在硕士点(方向):土木水利 所在研究所:海洋工程研究院 二、主要学习和工作经历: 学历经历: 2012.9-2016.12、加拿大里贾纳大学、环境系统工程、博士 2007.9-2010.5、中国水利水电科学研究院、水力学及河流动力学、硕士 2003.9-2007.9、合肥工业大学、水利水电工程、学士 工作经历: 2018.9-现在、宁波大学土木与环境工程学院/海洋工程研究院、讲师 2017.1-2018.5、加拿大里贾纳大学、博士后 2010.6-2012.7、中国电建华东勘测设计研究院、工程师 三、学术著作 1.期刊论文 1) Yichun Ye, Tibing Xu* & David. Z. Zhu; Numerical analysis of dam-break waves propagating over dry and wet beds by the mesh-free method; Ocean Engineering; 217; 2020 2) Luoyilang Ke, Yee-Chung Jin, Tibing Xu, & Yih-Chin Tai; Investigating the physical characteristics of dense granular flows by coupling the weakly compressible moving particle semi-implicit method with the rheological model; Acta Geotechnica; 1-16; 2020 3) Tibing Xu & Yee-Chung Jin; Improvement of a projection-based particle method in free-surface flows by improved Laplacian model and stabilization techniques; Computers & Fluids; 104235; 2020 (Benchmark Solutions) 4) Tibing Xu, Yee-Chung Jin & Yih-Chin Tai; Granular surface waves interaction across phases modeled by mesh-free method; Powder Technology; 355; 226-241; 2019 5) Tibing Xu & Yee-Chung Jin; Modeling impact pressure on the surface of porous structure by macroscopic mesh-free method; Ocean Engineering; 182; 1-13; 2019 6) Tibing Xu & Yee-Chung Jin; Simulation the convective mixing of CO2 in geological formations with a meshless model; Chemical Engineering Science; 192; 187-198; 2018 7) 徐体兵, 孙双科; 竖缝式鱼道水流结构的数值模拟; 水利学报; (11); 2009 2.会议论文 1) Yiqun Ye & Tibing Xu*; Simulation of dam-break flow over the partial cover of ice by an improved mesh-free method; The 30th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE); Shanghai (Virtual); October 2020 2) Tibing Xu & Yee-Chung Jin; Numerical simulation of broad-crested weir flow using a mesh-free method; 36th IAHR World Congress; The Hague, Netherlands; 28 June-3 July 2015 3) Tibing Xu & Yee-Chung Jin; Calibration of an MPS model by simulating a pool-and-weir fishway flow; CSCE Annual Conference; Regina, SK, Canada; May 27-30, 2015 4) Tibing Xu & Yee-Chung Jin; MPS mesh-free particle method for modeling dam-break flow over a sill; 21st Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference; Banff, Alberta, Canada; May 2013 四、获奖与荣誉 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金、国家留学基金委、1、2016萨斯喀温省创新奖学金、加拿大里贾纳大学、1、2016 五、承担课程 高等流速力学、研究生 (数据截至日期:2020 年 11 月 1 日)

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