


土木与环境工程学院教工个人简历 一、基本情况姓名:张孝存 职称/职务:讲师 政治面貌:中共党员 研究领域:绿色建筑结构、结构可持续设计、生命周期评价所在研究所: 结构所 二、主要学习和工作经历: 学历经历: 2008.08-2012.08 哈尔滨工业大学 土木工程专业 本科 2012.08-2014.08 哈尔滨工业大学 结构工程专业 硕士 2014.08-2018.07 哈尔滨工业大学 结构工程专业 博士工作经历: 2018.07 至今 宁波大学土木与环境工程学院 讲师 三、主持或参与的科研项目 [1] 基于碳排放指标的绿色乡村建筑结构体系设计与评价,浙江省教育厅科研计划, 2019.10-2021.10,主持 [2] 预应力钢- 竹组合梁受力性能与设计方法研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2020.01-2023.01,参与 四、学术著作 1.合著(合著名称,编著章节,出版社,出版时间) (1)PKPM 结构设计应用,机械工业出版社,2016 年,第二编者 (2)《混凝土结构统一理论》(译著),科学出版社,2016 年,第二译者 2.期刊论文 [1] Xiaocun Zhang*, Xueqi Zhang, A subproject-based quota approach for life cycle carbon assessment at the building design and construction stage in China, Building and Environment, 2020, 185, 107258. [2] Xiaocun Zhang*, Kaihua Liu, Zihua Zhang, Life cycle carbon emissions of two residential buildings in China: Comparison and uncertainty analysis of different assessment methods, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 266, 122037. [3] Xiaocun Zhang*, Rongyue Zheng, Reducing building embodied emissions in the design phase: A comparative study on structural alternatives, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 243, 118656. [4] 张孝存,郑荣跃,王凤来.清单选择对乡村建筑物化碳排放的影响分析[J]. 工程管理学报, 2020, 34(03): 51-055. [5] Xiaocun Zhang*, Rongyue Zheng, Fenglai Wang. Uncertainty in the life cycle assessment of building emissions: A comparative case study of stochastic approaches. Building and Environment, 2019, 147, 121–131. [6] Xiaocun Zhang, Fenglai Wang. Analysis of embodied carbon in the building life cycle considering the temporal perspectives of emissions: A case study in China. Energy and Buildings, 2017, 155: 404–413. [7] Xiaocun Zhang, Fenglai Wang. Stochastic analysis of embodied emissions of building construction: A comparative case study in China. Energy and Buildings, 2017, 151: 574–584. [8] Xiaocun Zhang, Fenglai Wang. Life-cycle carbon emission assessment and permit allocation methods: A multi-region case study of China’s construction sector. Ecological Indicators, 2017, 72: 910–920. [9] Xiaocun Zhang, Fenglai Wang. Assessment of embodied carbon emissions for building construction in China: Comparative case studies using alternative methods. Energy and Buildings, 2016, 130: 330–340. [10] Xiaocun Zhang, Fenglai Wang. Hybrid input-output analysis for life-cycle energy consumption and carbon emissions of China’s building sector. Building and Environment, 2016, 104: 188–197. [11] Xiaocun Zhang, Fenglai Wang. Life-cycle assessment and control measures for carbon emissions of typical buildings in China. Building and Environment, 2015, 86: 89–97. 3.会议论文 [1] Fenglai Wang, Xiaocun Zhang, Fei Zhu. Research progress and low-carbon property of reinforced concrete block masonry structures in China. 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Padova, Italy, 2016. [2] 张孝存, 王凤来. 配筋砌块砌体结构的应用优势探讨. 武汉大学学报, 2015, 48(S): 43–46. [3] 王凤来, 张孝存, 等. 配筋砌块砌体百米高层建筑的研究与应用. 武汉大学学报, 2015, 48(S): 47–50. 五、学术兼职 担任《工程管理学报》(科技核心)、《Building and Environment》(SCI)、《Journal of cleaner production》(SCI)、《Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy》(SCI)等期刊审稿人。六、承担课程 [1] 工程荷载与可靠性设计原理 本科生 [2] 混凝土结构设计原理 本科生 [3] 混凝土结构设计 本科生砌体结构 本科生 (数据截至日期:2020 年 11 月 1 日)

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