

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-11

模糊测度 Fuzzy Measure
Domain 理论 Domain Theory
非Hausdorff拓扑 NonHausdorff Topology
2015.09-2019.06 湖南大学,数学与计量经济学院,数学专业,理学博士,论文题目:偏序集上的拓扑性质及函数空间的研究,导师李庆国教授.
2012.09-2015.06 重庆邮电大学,理学院,系统科学专业,理学硕士,论文题目:基于三角模与余三角模的模糊测度理论及其在分类器中的应用,导师邱东教授.
2008.09-2012.06 重庆邮电大学,理学院,数学与应用数学专业,理学学士,论文题目:不动点定理及应用,指导教师方长杰教授.
2019.06-至今 宁波大学数学系 讲师
1. Chongxia Lu, Dexian Liu and Qingguo Li, Equality of the Isbell and Scott topologies on function spaces of c-spaces, Houston Journal of Mathematics, 2019, 45(1): 265-284.
2. Chongxia Lu and Qingguo Li, Weak well-filtered spaces and coherence, Topology and its Application, 230(2017): 373-380.
3. Chongxia Lu and Qingguo Li, Essential and density topologies on s2-continuous posets, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 28(2017), 1-16.
4. Chongxia Lu and Qingguo Li, s2-C-continuous posets, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 333(2017): 43-61.
5. Dong Qiu, Chongxia Lu, Wei Zhang and Yaoyao Lan, Algebraic properties and topological properties of the quotient space of fuzzy numbers based on Mares equivalence relation, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 245(2014): 63-82.
6. Dong Qiu, Chongxia Lu and Wei Zhang, On fixed point theorems for con-tractive-type mappings in fuzzy metric spaces, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2014, 11(6):123-130.
7. Dong Qiu, Chongxia Lu, Shuai Deng and Liang Wang, On the hyperspace of bounded closed sets under a generalized Hausdorff stationary fuzzy metric, Kybernetika, 50(2014): 758-773.
8. Dong Qiu, Chongxia Lu and Nanxiang Yu, On properties of decomposable measures and pseudo-integrals, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 2016, 20(6): 123-130.
9. Dong Qiu, Wei Zhang and Chongxia Lu, On fuzzy differential equations in the quotient space of fuzzy numbers, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 295(2016): 72-98.
10. Jialiang Xie, Qingguo Li, Chongxia Lu, Lankun Guo and Shuili Chen, Extension of a class of decomposable measures via generalized pseudo-metrics, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 327(2017): 7-20.
1. The 7th international symposium on Domain Theory and its Applications, 河北科技大学, 会议报告(25分钟):“s2-C-continues posets”.
2. 18th Fuzzy Mathematics and Systems Association of the Systems Engineering Society of China, 吉林教育学院..
3. 1st young researcher symposium on Domain Theory, 湖南大学.
4. The seminar on Domain Theory, 河北科技大学.
5. Third pan-pacific international conferenceon topology and applications, 四川大学.

相关话题/宁波大学 数学