

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-11

吴乃成,男,1981年06月出生,山东泰安人,博士、教授、洪堡资深****、欧盟玛丽居里****。于2012年获得德国基尔大学博士学位,2019年初通过了德国教育系统最高级别的教学及科研考核(Habilitation),获得PrivatDozent头衔。先后在德国基尔大学(2008-2016)、丹麦奥胡斯大学(2016-2019)、美国蒙大拿州立大学(2019-2020)等国际知名大学从事自然地理及流域生态学有关的基础理论与应用管理研究。主要研究领域包括水质评价、流域人类活动与生态演化、生物多样性维持机制与保护、流域水文过程与生态响应及流域综合管理。主持德国科学基金会(DFG)、洪堡基金会、欧盟玛丽居里、欧盟ERASMUS+等资助的20余项项目。发表各级学术期刊共计64篇,其中包括SCI核心所收录的论文52篇(第一或通讯作者论文26篇)。是40多个SCI期刊(包括Journal of Applied EcologyJournal of HydrologyEnvironmental Science & TechnologyWater Research等)的审稿人、6个国际基金会(加拿大自然科学与技术基金会NSERC、瑞典国际科学基金会IFS、英国自然环境研究基金会NERC等)的评审专家。指导研究生论文13(博士论文7篇、硕士论文4篇及本科论文2篇)。
2012.03 – 2019.01Habilitation德国基尔大学(专业:生态水文学)
2008.09 – 2012.02博士德国基尔大学(专业:河流生态学)
2004.09 – 2007.07硕士中国科学院水生生物研究所(专业:淡水生态学)
2000.09 – 2004.07本科山东师范大学(专业:生物技术)
2020.09 –至今 教授,宁波大学
2019.02 –至今****(PrivatDozent),德国基尔大学
2016.02 – 2019.01玛丽居里****(Marie Curie Fellowship),丹麦奥胡斯大学
2012.03– 2016.01研究助理(PI),德国基尔大学
Global Journal of Ecology (2017.11-)
Limnological Review (2017.05-)
Austin Journal of Hydrology (2014.04-)
International Journal of Water Sciences (2013.05-)
Algal Research,Applied Sciences, Austin Journal of Hydrology,Aquatic Botany,Aquatic Ecology, Acta Ecologica Sinica, British Journal of Environment and Climate Change, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability,Journal of Applied Ecology, Journal of Lake Science, Journal of Hydrology, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology,Ecological Indicators, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Environmental Pollution, Environmental Science & Technology, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,Global Journal of Ecology,Great Lakes Research,Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA, Hungary),Hydrobiologia, Hydrological Processes, International Aquatic Research,International Foundation for Science (IFS, Sweden), International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, International Journal of Water Sciences,International Review of Hydrobiology, Limnologica, Limnology, Marine and Freshwater Research,Microorganisms, National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation (SSTE, Kazakhstan), Natural Environment Research Council (NERC, UK),National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF, South Africa), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC, Canada),PLOS One, Quaternary International,River Research and Applications,Science of the Total Environment,Scientific Reports,SEAMEO BIOTROP,Water,Water Research
2.中德合作组项目(德国科学基金会/国家自然科学基金共同资助),GZ1447,Managing Risk of Water Scarcity: Integeration of Climate and Socioeconomic Scenarios,2018.01-2020.12,在研,参与
3.丹麦奥胡斯大学合作项目,Linking benthic algae community composition to stream hydrological regime and ecosystem functions, 2016.10-2017.09,已结题,主持
4.欧盟玛丽居里项目,Developing a risk assessment system to evaluate the impacts of future land use and climate scenarios on aquatic ecosystems - an interdisciplinary model-based synthesis. Aarhus University, Denmark, 2016.02-2019.01,已结题,主持
5.印度-德国合作项目(IGCS grant),Short-term staying at IITM Chennai, 2016.01-2016.02,已结题,主持
6.德国科学基金会项目,WU 749/1-2,Separating surface runoff from tile drainage flow in agricultural lowland catchments based on diatoms to improve modeled runoff components and phosphorous transport II,2015.06-2016.06,已结题,主持
7.欧盟ERASMUS+项目(Teaching mobility), Ecological state of the lake during restoration measures, 2015.06-2015.07,已结题,主持
8.欧盟ERASMUS+项目(Teaching mobility), Lecture of “Basics of Hydrology”, 2015.02-2015.03,已结题,主持
9.中德合作组项目(德国科学基金会/国家自然科学基金共同资助),GZ912,Integrated Water Resource Management: from Modeling to Adaptation,2014.01-2016.12,已结题,参与
10.德国自然科学基金会项目,WU 749/1-1,Separating surface runoff from tile drainage flow in agricultural lowland catchments based on diatoms to improve modeled runoff components and phosphorous transport I,2013.02-2015.03,已结题,主持
已发表论文-第一或通讯作者(*通讯作者, ?共同一作)
1.Kun Guo,Naicheng Wu*,Paraskevi Manolaki, Annette Baattrup-PedersenandTennaRiis. 2020.Short-period hydrological regimes override physicochemical variables in shaping stream diatom traits and biofilm community functions.Science of the Total Environment743: 140720.(SCI)
2.Qiaoyan Lin, Yixin Zhang, Rob Marrs, Raju Sekar, Xin Luo andNaicheng Wu*. 2020. Evaluating ecosystem functioning following river restoration: the role of hydromorphology, bacteria, and macroinvertebrates.Science of the Total Environment743: 140583.(SCI)
3.Qiaoyan Lin, Yixin Zhang, Rob Marrs, Raju Sekar, Xin Luo andNaicheng Wu*. 2020.The effect of habitat restoration on macroinvertebrate communitiesin urban rivers.PeerJ(接受).(SCI)
4.Shuchan Zhou,Naicheng Wu?,Min Zhang,Wenqi Peng, Fengzhi He, Kun Guo, Shiyuan Yan, Yi Zou and Xiaodong Qu. 2020. Local environmental, geo-climatic and spatial factors interact to drive community distributions and diversity patterns of stream benthic algae, macroinvertebrates and fishes in a large basin, Northeast China.Ecological Indicators117: 106673.(SCI)
5.Chao Wang,Naicheng Wu?,Weiwei Li, Qianfu Liu, Huijuan Jia and Nicola Fohrer. 2020.Curved filaments ofAulacoseiracomplex as ecological indicators in the Pearl River, China.Ecological Indicators118: 106722.(SCI)
6.Naicheng Wu,Hans Thodsen, Hans Estrup Andersen, Henrik Tornbjerg, Annette Baattrup-Pedersen and Tenna Riis. 2019. Flow regimes filter species traits of benthic diatom communities and modify the ecosystem function of lowland streams - a nationwide scale study. Science of the Total Environment651: 357-366.(SCI)
7.Kun Guo,Naicheng Wu?,Chao Wang, Deguo Yang, Yongfeng He, Jingbo Luo, Yi Chai, Ming Duan, Xiaofeng Huang and Tenna Riis. 2019.Trait dependent roles of environmental factors, spatial processes and grazing pressure on lake phytoplankton metacommunity.Ecological Indicators103: 312-320. (SCI)
8.Yueming Qu,Naicheng Wu*,Björn Guse,Krist? Makarevi?iūt?, Xiuming Sun and Nicola Fohrer.2019.Riverine phytoplankton functional groups response to multiple stressors variously depending on hydrological periods.Ecological Indicators101: 41-49.(SCI)
9.Yueming Qu,Naicheng Wu*,Björn Guse and Nicola Fohrer.2018. Riverine phytoplankton shifting along a lentic-lotic continuum under hydrological, physiochemical conditions and species dispersal.Science of the Total Environment619-620: 1628-1636.(SCI)
10.Xiuming Sun,Naicheng Wu*,Claas Faber and Nicola Fohrer.2018. Effects of hydrological variables on structuring morphological trait (cell size) of diatom community in a lowland river.Ecological Indicators94:207-217.(SCI)
11.Yueming Qu,Naicheng Wu*,Krist? Makarevi?iūt?, Björn Guse and Nicola Fohrer.2018. Effects of land-use pattern and physiochemical conditions on phytoplankton communities in a German lowland catchment.Fundamental and Applied Limnology191: 175-187.(SCI, IF=0.9,四区; JCR 2区)
12.Naicheng Wu, Yueming Qu,Björn Guse, Krist? Makarevi?iūt?, Szewing To, Tenna Riis and Nicola Fohrer. 2018.Hydrological and environmental variables outperform spatial factors in structuring species, trait composition and beta diversity of pelagic algae.Ecology and Evolution8: 2947-2961. (SCI)
13.Naicheng Wu, Claas Faber, Uta Ulrich and Nicola Fohrer.2018. Diatoms as an indicator for tile drainage flow in a German lowland catchment.Environmental Sciences Europe30: 4. (SCI)
14.Naicheng Wu, Xuhui Dong, Yang Liu, Chao Wang,Annette Baattrup-Pedersen and Tenna Riis. 2017. Using river microalgae as indicators for freshwater biomonitoring: review of published research and future directions.Ecological Indicators81: 124-131.(SCI)
15.Naicheng Wu, Claas Faber, Xiuming Sun, Yueming Qu, Chao Wang, Snjezana Ivetic, Tenna Riis, Uta Ulrich and Nicola Fohrer.2016.Importance of sampling frequency when collecting diatoms.Scientific Reports6: 36950. (SCI)
16.Naicheng Wu,Britta Schmalz and Nicola Fohrer. 2014. Study progress in riverine phytoplankton and its use as bio-indicator – a review.Austin Journal of Hydrology1(1): 9.
17.Naicheng Wu, Qinghua Cai and Nicola Fohrer. 2014.Contribution of micro-spatial factors to benthic diatom communities.Hydrobiologia732: 49-60. (SCI)
18.Naicheng Wu,Jiacong Huang, Britta Schmalz and Nicola Fohrer. 2014. Modeling daily chlorophylladynamics in a German lowland river using artificial neural networks and multiple linear regression approaches.Limnology15(1): 47-56.(SCI)
19.Naicheng Wu, Qinghua Cai and Nicola Fohrer. 2012. Development and evaluation of a diatom-based index of biotic integrity (D-IBI) for rivers impacted by run-of-river dams.Ecological Indicators18: 108-117.(SCI)
20.Naicheng Wu,Britta Schmalz and Nicola Fohrer. 2012. Development and testing of a phytoplankton index of biotic integrity (P-IBI) for a German lowland river.Ecological Indicators13(1): 158-167.(SCI)
21.Naicheng Wu,Britta Schmalz and Nicola Fohrer. 2011. A comparison of phytoplankton assemblages generated by two sampling protocols in a lowland catchment, Germany.Annales de Limnologie / International Journal of Limnology47(4): 313-323.(SCI)
22.Naicheng Wu,Britta Schmalz and Nicola Fohrer. 2011. Distribution of phytoplankton in a lowland river, Germany, in relation to environmental factors.Journal of Plankton Research33(5): 807-820. (SCI)
23.Naicheng Wu,Tao Tang, Xiaocheng Fu, Wanxiang Jiang, Fengqing Li, ShuchanZhou, Qinghua Cai and Nicola Fohrer. 2010. Impacts of cascade run-of-river dams on benthic diatoms in the Xiangxi River, China.Aquatic Sciences72: 117-125.(SCI)
24.Naicheng Wu,Wanxiang Jiang, Xiaocheng Fu, ShuchanZhou, Fengqing Li, Qinghua Cai and Nicola Fohrer.2010. Temporal impacts of a small hydropower plant on benthic algal community.Fundamental and Applied Limnology/Archiv für Hydrobiologie177(4): 257-266. (SCI)
25.Naicheng Wu, Tao Tang, Shuchan Zhou, Xinghuan Jia, Daofeng Li, Ruiqiu Liu and Qinghua Cai. 2009.Changes in benthic algal communities following construction of a run-of-river dam.Journal of the North American Benthological Society28(1): 69-79. (SCI)
26.Naicheng Wu,Tao Tang, Xiaodong Qu and Qinghua Cai. 2009. Spatial distribution of benthic algae in the Gangqu River, Shangrila, China.Aquatic Ecology43: 37-49.(SCI)
27.Naicheng Wu, Qinghua Cai, Tao Tang and Xiaodong Qu. 2007. Benthic algae of the Gangqu River, Shangrila, China.Journal of Freshwater Ecology22 (1): 151-153. (SCI)
31.Noel P.D. Juvigny-Khenafou, Jeremy J. Piggott, David Atkinson, Yixin Zhang,Naicheng Wuand Christoph D. Matthaei. 2020. Fine sediment and flow velocity impact bacterial community composition and functional profile more than nutrient enrichment.Ecological Applications(已接受).(SCI)
32.Noel Juvigny-Khenafou, Jeremy Piggott, David Atkinson, Yixin Zhang, Samuel J. Macaulay,Naicheng Wuand Christoph D. Matthaei. 2020. Impacts of multiple anthropogenic stressors on stream macroinvertebrate community composition and functional diversity.Ecology and Evolution(已接受)(SCI).
33.Wanlin Du, Yang Liu, Jinhui Sun,Naicheng Wu, Yongzhan Mai and Chao Wang. 2020.The Aquatic Microbial Community: A Bibliometric Analysis of Global Research Trends (1991–2018).Fundamental and Applied Limnology194: 19-32(SCI).
34.Angelika L. Kurthen, Fengzhi He, Xiaoyu Dong, Alain Maasri,Naicheng Wu, Qinghua Cai and Sonja C. Jähnig. Metacommunity structures of macroinvertebrates and diatoms in high mountain streams, Yunnan, China.Frontiers in Ecology and Evoluation(已接受)(SCI)
35.Ada Pastor,Naicheng Wu, Louis J. Skovsholt and Tenna Riis. 2020.Biofilm growth in two streams draining mountainous permafrost catchments in NE Greenland.Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences125:e2019JG005557(SCI).
36.Noel P.D. Juvigny-Khenafou, Yixin Zhang, Jeremy J. Piggott, David Atkinson, Christoph D. Matthaei, Sunshine A. Van Bael andNaicheng Wu.2020. Anthropogenic stressors affect fungal more than bacterial communities in decaying leaf litter: a stream mesocosm experiment.Science of the Total Environment716: 135053(SCI)
37.Fengzhi He,Naicheng Wu, Xiaoyu Dong, Tao Tang, Sami Domisch, Qinghua Cai and Sonja Jähnig. 2020. Elevation, aspect, and local environment jointly determine diatom and macroinvertebrate diversity in the Cangshan Mountain, Southwest China.Ecological Indicators108: 105618 (SCI)
38.Yong Ji, Jie Zhang, Ye Liu, Juan Zhou,Naicheng Wuand Hao Zhang. 2020. Environmental behavior of and gastropod biomarker response to trace metals from a backwater area of Xian'nv lake.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety194: 110381 (SCI).
39.Yong Ji, Jie Zhang, Hao Zhang, X.C. Liu,Naicheng Wuand G.T. Cai. 2020.Review on hotspots, challenges, and the future of river management strategies in China.Journal of Environmental Biology41: 13-22.(SCI)
40.Jinhui Sun, Weiwei Li,Naicheng Wu, Zini Lai, Wanlin Du, Huijuan Jia, Dayan Ge and Chao Wang. 2020. Spatio-temporal patterns andpredictions of size-fractionated chlorophyll a in a large subtropical river, China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 35: 1-12(SCI).
41.Liangliang Huang, Jian Huang, Zhiqiang Wu, Yuanmin Mo, Erik Jeppesen andNaicheng Wu. 2019. Beta diversity partitioning and drivers of variations in fish assemblages in a headwater stream of Lijiang River, China.Water11: 680(SCI)
42.Jian Huang, Liangliang Huang, Zhiqiang Wu, Yuanmin Mo, Qi Zou,Naicheng Wuand Zhongbing Chen. 2019.Correlation of fish assemblages with habitat and environmental variables in a headwater stream section of Lijiang river, China.Sustainability11: 1135(SCI)
43.Beijuan Hu, Xuren Hu, Xue Nie, Xiaoke Zhang,Naicheng Wu, Yijiang Hong and Haiming Qin. 2019. Seasonal and inter-annual community structure characteristics of zooplankton driven by water environment factors during different hydrological years in a sub-lake of Lake Poyang, China.PeerJ7: e7590.(SCI)
44.Ada Pastor, Anna Freixa, Louis J. Skovsholt,Naicheng Wu, Anna M. Romaní and Tenna Riis. 2019.Microbial organic matter utilization in High-Arctic streams: key enzymatic controls.Microbial Ecology78: 539-554(SCI)
45.Xiaodong Qu, Wenqi Peng, Yang Liu, Min Zhang, Ze Ren,Naicheng Wu, Xiaobo Liu. 2019.Networks and ordination analyses reveal the stream community structures of fish, macroinvertebrate and benthic algae, and their responses to nutrient enrichment.Ecological Indicators101: 501-511. (SCI)
46.Jiacong Huang, Yinjun Zhang, George B. Arhonditsisd, Junfeng Gao, Qiuwen Chen,Naicheng Wu, Feifei Dong and Wenqing Shi. 2019. How successful are the restoration efforts of China’s freshwater lakes?Environment International123: 96-103. (SCI)
47.Fubin Zhang, Xiaoqin Xiong,Naicheng Wu, Yu Zeng and Nicola Fohrer. 2018.Length-weight relationships of two fish species from the Jialing River, the largest tributary of the upper Yangtze River, China.Journal of Applied Ichthyology34:1373-1375. (SCI)
48.Di Li,Naicheng Wu, Song Tang, Guanyong Su, Xuwen Li, Yong Zhang, Guoxiang Wang, Zhichun Niu, Junyi Zhang, Hongling Liu, Markus Hecker, John P. Giesy and Hongxia Yu. 2018.Factors Driving Blooms of Cyanobacteria in a large shallow lake, China.Environmental Sciences Europe30: 27.(SCI)
49.Li Zhang, Jutao Liu, Dawen Zhang, Linguang Luo, Qiegen Liao, Lijuan Yuan andNaicheng Wu. 2018.Seasonal and spatial variations of microcystins in Poyang Lake, China.EnvironmentalScience and Pollution Research25: 6300-6307. (SCI)
50.Chao Wang, Yang Liu, Qin Zhan, Wanling Yang andNaicheng Wu.2017. Global trends in phytoplankton research of river ecosystems during 1991-2016: a bibliometric analysis.Fundamental and Applied Limnology191: 25-36.(SCI)
51.Chao Wang, Xinhui Li, Xiangxiu Wang,Naicheng Wu, Zini Lai, Qianfu Liu and Sovan Lek. 2016.Spatial-temporal patterns and predictions of phytoplankton assemblages in a subtropical river delta system.Fundamental and Applied Limnology187: 335-349.(SCI)
52.Xiaoyu Dong, Xinghuan Jia, Wanxiang Jiang,Naicheng Wu, Tao Tang and Qinghua Cai. 2015.Development and testing of a diatom-based index of biotic integrity for river ecosystems impacted by acid mine drainage in Gaolan river, China.Fresenius Environmental Bulletin24: 4114-4124. (SCI)
53.Tao Tang,Naicheng Wu, Fengqing Li, Xiaocheng Fu and Qinghua Cai. 2013. Disentangling the roles of spatial and environmental variables in shaping benthic algal assemblages in rivers of central and northern China.Aquatic Ecology47: 453-466.(SCI)
54.Fengqing Li, Qinghua Cai, Xiaodong Qu, Tao Tang,Naicheng Wu,Xiaocheng Fu, Shugui Duan and Sonja C. Jähnig.2012. Characterizing macroinvertebrate communities across China: Large-scale implementation of a self-organizing map.Ecological Indicators23: 394-401.(SCI)
55.Xiaodong Qu,Naicheng Wu,Tao Tang, Qinghua Cai and Young-Seuk Park. 2010. Effects of heavy metals on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in high mountain streams.Annales de Limnologie / International Journal of Limnology46(4): 291-302.(SCI)
56.Shuchan Zhou, Tao Tang,Naicheng Wu,Xiaocheng Fu and Qinghua Cai. 2008. Impacts of a small dam on riverine zooplankton.International Review of Hydrobiology93: 297-311. (SCI)
57.Shuchan Zhou, Tao Tang,Naicheng Wu, Xiaocheng Fu, Wanxiang Jiang, Fengqing Li, Qinghua Cai. 2009. Impacts of cascaded small hydropower plants on microzooplankton in Xiangxi River, China.Acta Ecologica Sinica29: 62-68.
58.Xiaocheng Fu, Tao Tang, Wanxiang Jiang, Fengqing Li,Naicheng Wu, Shuchan Zhou and Qinghua Cai. 2008. Impacts of small hydropower plants on macroinvertebrate communities.Acta Ecologica Sinica28(1): 45-52.
1.Summer School – Ecological state of the lake during restoration measures. Poznań and Wagrowiec, Poland (responsible for hydrology part) (9次:2009,2010,2013-2019;每次持续两周:6月份最后一周及7月份第一周;56学时/次)
2.Basics of hydrology, Kiel University, Germany (5次:2014/2015学期,2015/2016学期,2016/2017学期,2017/2018学期,2018/2019学期,30学时/学期)
3.Integrated Management of River Basins. Kiel University, Germany (responsible of “Hydrobiological indicators”) (3次:2015/2016学期,2016/2017学期,2017/2018学期,3学时/学期)


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  • 宁波大学昂热大学联合学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨刚
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    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-11
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    叶持跃,男,1960年5月出生,副教授,主要从事区域地理、历史地理的研究。教育背景:1993年09月至1996年06月在杭州大学地理系学习,获理学硕士学位工作经历:1982年--至今:在宁波大学地理系工作研究成果:主持浙江省社科规划项目一项。主持、参与各级政府、企业项目37项;出版专著1部,参与专著 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-11
  • 宁波大学昂热大学联合学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨晓东
    杨晓东,男,1984年11月出生,博士,副教授,博士生导师,主要从事生物地理学的研究工作,重点关注开花物候、植物与土壤之间关系、海岸带森林近自然恢复、植物的水盐胁迫和地理建模等问题。在国内外核心期刊发表论文80余篇,其中SCI文章40余篇,参与编写英文书籍1部,主持国家级和省部级项目7项,以核心成员 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-11
  • 宁波大学昂热大学联合学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张殿发
    张殿发,男,1964年10月出生,博士,研究员,主要从事中国古代人居环境研究,致力于探索中国风水学的科学内涵。在国内外学术刊物发表论文50余篇,主持国家和省部级科研项目6项,承担政府和企业委托项目30余项。现为宁波大学人文地理专业硕士导师,兼任多家上市公司及商业银行人居环境咨询顾问。作为中央电视台特 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-11
  • 宁波大学昂热大学联合学院导师教师师资介绍简介-袁海红
    袁海红,女,1986年2月生,博士,主要从事人文地理、城市地理、灾害脆弱性与风险评估研究,在国内外核心期刊上发表论文10余篇,主持省部级科研项目3项,承担科研机构委托项目1项。现为宁波大学地理与空间信息技术系副教授。联系方式:haihongyuan321@126.com教育经历:2011年-2015 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-11
  • 宁波大学昂热大学联合学院导师教师师资介绍简介-叶明
    叶明,男,1964年7月出生,硕士,副教授,城市规划师,主要从事地图学、测量学、城市规划领域的研究。联系方式:yets777@sina.com教育经历:1981年9月至1985年7月:北京师范大学地理专业学习,获学士学位。1988年9月至1991年7月:武汉测绘科技大学地图制图专业学习,获硕士学位。 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-11
  • 宁波大学昂热大学联合学院导师教师师资介绍简介-邹逸江
    邹逸江,男,1963年5月出生,博士,教授,主要从事地理空间信息、3S(GIS、RS、GNSS)集成的教学与研究。在国内外核心期刊发表论文20余篇。主持国家重大科技支撑项目子课题1项,省平台、省重点、省公益、省基金、国家重点实验室等省部级项目8项,承担政府和企业委托项目40余项。科研成果获得省部级科 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-04-11