本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-17
吴飞华 讲师
Email: wufeihua@hznu.edu.cn
Phone: +86-
2012-present: 杭州师范大学,讲师
2009-2011: 美国杜克大学(Duke University),国家公派交换生
2005-2012: 厦门大学植物学专业,理学博士
1997-2003: 武汉科技大学计算机软件专业,工学学士
主要从事一氧化氮(Nitric Oxide,NO)在植物中的信号分子机理研究。植物内源可以产生NO,并利用其发挥信号分子功能,从而调控植物的生长发育及其应对环境胁迫。例如,最早的植物NO信号功能研究发现,植物在应对病原体入侵时会产生大量的NO,并启动下游的防御机制。但是目前对NO下游的作用机制的研究仍有较多空白,我们利用正向遗传筛选得到了一系列植物响应外源NO的拟南芥突变体,并利用其研究NO的作用机制。
主要成果(论著、专利、获奖、其他) :
Wu, X.#*, Wu, F.H.#, Wang, X.#, Wang, L.,Siedow, J.N., Zhang, W. and Pei,Z.M.* (2014) Molecular evolutionary and structural analysis of the cytosolicDNA sensor cGAS and STING. Nucleic Acids Research, 42(13):8243-8257. #Theseauthors contributed equally to this work.
Chen J.#, Wu F.H.#, Wang W.H., Zheng C.J., LinG.H., Dong X.J., He J.X., PeiZ.M. and Zheng H.L. (2011). Hydrogen sulphide enhances photosynthesis throughpromoting chloroplast biogenesis, photosynthetic enzyme expression, and thiolredox modification in Spinacia oleracea seedlings. J Exp Bot, 62(13):4481-4493. #These authors contributed equally to this work.
LiuT.W., Wu F.H. , Wang W.H., Chen J., Li Z.J., Dong X.J., Patton J., Pei Z.M. and Zheng H.L.(2011). Effects of calcium on seed germination, seedling growth andphotosynthesis of six forest tree species under simulated acid rain. TreePhysiol, 31(4): 402-413.
Chen L.#, Wu F.H.#, Liu T.W., Chen J., LiZ.J., Pei Z.M. and Zheng H.L. (2010). Soil acidity reconstruction based on treering information of a dominant species Abies fabri in the subalpine forestecosystems in southwest China.Environ Pollut, 158(10): 3219-3224. #These authors contributed equally to thiswork.
Wu, F.H. , Pei, Z.M., and Zheng, H.L. (2009). Calcuimdepletion in forest ecosystem induced by acid rain: a review. Acta EcologicaSinica, 30(4): 1081-1088. (In Chinese)
Wu, F.H. , Pei , Z.M., and Zheng, H.L. (2009). NitricOxide Participates Post-translational Modification of Proteins in Plants.Chinese Journal of Cell Biology, 31(2): 198-204. (In Chinese)