本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-11
徐 岗 教授 博士生导师
主要研究方向包括计算机辅助设计与仿真、等几何分析、图形图像智能处理等。已发表学术论文60余篇,其中在CMAME、CAD、CAGD、Computers & Structures?等国际权威SCI期刊发表论文30余篇,SCI他引210次,一篇论文入选ESI?热点论文和高被引论文.?以负责人身份主持承担或完成国家自然科学基金项目6项(包括1项中德合作重点项目). 2017年以第一完成人获得浙江省自然科学奖,2015年获得陆增镛CAD&CG高科技奖二等奖,曾获得“十一五”浙江省自然科学基金百篇优秀论文成果奖。入选中国电子学会先进科技工作者,浙江省151人才工程,杭电首批“中青年拔尖人才支持计划”和首批“优青培育计划”。目前担任中国计算机学会计算机辅助设计与图形学专委会委员,中国工业与应用数学学会几何设计与计算专委会委员,中国数学会计算机数学专委员会委员,GAMES执行委员会委员,SPM、GMP、CVM、Chinagraph、GDC、ChinaVR等重要学术会议的程序委员会委员。已建立成熟的研究团队,包括博士3人,在读研究生15人,近年来5位研究生获得国家奖学金。
??? 招收几何建模与仿真、图形图像智能处理、虚拟现实方向的博士研究生。
? ? Email:gxu@hdu.edu.cn研究主页http://mypage.hdu.edu.cn/xugang
1. Jinlan Xu, Chengnan Ling, Gang Xu*, Zhongping Ji, Timon Rabczuk. Spline bas-relief modeling from sketches by isogeometric analysis approach. Graphical Models 103 (2019)
2. Zhongping Ji, Xiao Qi, Yigang Wang, Gang Xu, Peng Du, Xundong Wu, Qing Wu. Human body shape reconstruction from binary silhouette images. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2019 71: 231-243
3. Long Chen, Gang Xu, Shiyi Wang, Zeyun Shi, Jin Huang. Constructing volumetric parameterization based on directed graph simplification of l_1 polycube structure from complex shapes. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,351, 2019, 422-440
4. Chang Liu, Jie Wang, Gang Xu, Marc Kamlah, Tong-Yi Zhang. An isogeometric approach to flexoelectric effect in ferroelectric materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2019, accepted, Doi: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.12.008
5. Gang Xu, Bojian Li, Laixin Shu, Long Chen, Jinlan Xu, Tahsin Khajah. Efficient r-adaptive isogeometric analysis with Winslow's mapping and monitor function approach. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2019, 351, 186-197
6. Zhoufang Xiao, Gang Xu*, Jianjun Chen*, Qing Wu, Shai Zhou. A tailored fast multipole boundary element method for viscous layer mesh generation. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 99, 268-280
7. Jinlan Xu, Ningning Sun, Laixin Shu, Timon Rabczuk, Gang Xu. An improved isogeometric analysis method for trimmed geometries. CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2019, accepted
8. Elena Atroshchenko Satyendra Tomar Gang Xu Stéphane P.A. Bordas. Weaking the tight coupling between geometry and simulation in isogeometric analysis: From sub- and super-geometric analysis to Geometry-Independent Field approximaTion (GIFT). International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2018, 114 (10), 1131-1159
9. Gang Xu, Yaoli Jin, Zhoufang Xiao, Qing Wu, Mourrain Bernard, Timon Rabczuk. Exact conversion from Bézier tetrahedra to Bézier hexahedra. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2018, 62, 154-165
10. Gang Xu, Ming Li, Bernard Mourrain, Timon Rabczuk, Jinlan Xu, Stephane P.A. Bordas. Constructing IGA-suitable planar parameterization from complex CAD boundary by domain partition and global/local optimization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 2018, 328, 175-200
11. Yijie Liu, Qiang Han, Xiucheng Liu, Bin Wu, Gang Xu. Numerical investigation of dispersive behaviors for helical thread waveguides using the semi-analytical isogeometric analysis method. Ultrasonics, 2018, 83, 126-136
12. Gang Xu, Tsz-Ho Kwok, Charlie C.L. Wang. Isogeometric computation reuse method for complex objects with topology-consistent volumetric parameterization. Computer-Aided Design, 2017, 91, 1-13
13. Gang Xu, Ningning Sun, Jinlan Xu, Kin-Chuen Hui, Guozhao Wang. A Unified Approach to Construct Generalized B-splines for Isogeometric Applications. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2017, 30(4):983-998
14. Qing Pan, Guoliang Xu, Gang Xu, Jessica Zhang. Isogeometric Analysis Based on Extended Catmull-Clark Subdivision. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2016, 71(1):105-119
15. Gang Xu, Timon Rabczuk, Erhan Guler, Qing Wu, Kin-chuen Hui, Guozhao Wang. Quasi-harmonic Bezier approximation of minimal surfaces for finding forms of structural membranes. Computers and Structures, 2015, 16, 55-63
16. Qing Pan, Guoliang Xu, Gang Xu, Jessica Zhang.Isogeometric Analysis Based on Extended Loop's Subdivision. Journal of Computational Physics, 2015, 299, 731-746
17. Gang Xu, Bernard Mourrain, Xiangyang Wu, Long Chen, Kin-Chuen Hui. Efficient construction of multi-block volumetric spline parameterization by discrete mask method. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2015, 290, 589-597
18. Gang Xu, Y Zhu, G Wang, A Galligo, L Zhang, K Hui. Explicit form of parametric polynomial minimal surfaces with arbitrary degree. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015, 259, 124-131
19. Gang Xu; Bernard Mourrain, Andr'{e} Galligo, Timon Rabczuk. High-quality construction of analysis-suitable trivariate NURBS solids by reparameterization methods. Computational Mechanics, 2014, 54(5): 1303-1313
20. Yue Jia, Yongjie (Jessica) Zhang, Gang Xu, Xiaoying Zhuang, Timon Rabczuk. Reproducing Kernel Triangular B-spline-based FEM for Solving PDEs. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 2013, 267: 342-358
21. Gang Xu, Bernard Mourrain, Regis Duvigneau, Andre Galligo.Constructing analysis-suitable parameterization of computational domain from CAD boundary by variational harmonic method. Journal of Computational Physics , 2013, 252, 275-289
22. Gang Xu, Bernard Mourrain, Regis Duvigneau, Andre Galligo. Optimal analysis-aware parameterization of computational domain in 3D isogeometric analysis. Computer-Aided Design, 2013, 45(4):812-821 Special issue on GMP 2010
23. Gang Xu, Kin-chuen Hui, Wen-bing Ge, Guo-zhao Wang. manipulation of free-form deformation using curve-pairs. Computer-Aided Design, 2013, 45(3): 605-614
24. Gang Xu, Bernard Mourrain, Regis Duvigneau, Andre Galligo. Analysis-suitable volume parameterization of multi-block computational domain in isogeometric applications. Computer-Aided Design, 2013, 45(2), 395-404. Special issue on SPM'2012 Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling
25. Gang Xu, Bernard Mourrain, Regis Duvigneau, Andre Galligo. Parameterization of computational domain in isogeometric analysis: Methods and comparison. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2011, 200(23-24): 2021-2031 (ZJU TOP Journal, SCI一区)
26. Gang Xu, GuozhaoWang, Wenyu Chen. Geometric construction of energy-minimizing Bézier curves. SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2011, 54 (7): 1395-1406
27. Xiaodiao Chen, Weiyin Ma, Gang Xu, Jean-Claude Paul. Computing the Hausdorff distance between two B-spline curves. Computer-Aided Design, 2010, 42(12), 1197-1206
28. Gang Xu, Guozhao Wang. Quintic parametric polynomial minimal surfaces and their properties. Differential Geometry and its Applications, 28(2010), 697-704
29. Wenbing Ge, Gang Xu, Kin-Chuen Hui, Guoping Wang. Detail-preserving axial deformation using curve pairs. IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications(SMI), 2009
30. Xiaodiao Chen, Gang Xu, Junhai Yong, Guozhao Wang, Jean-Claude Paul. Computing the minimum distance between a point and a clamped B-spline surface. Graphical Models, 2009, 71(3): 107-112
31. Xiaodiao Chen, Linqiang Chen, Yigang Wang, Gang Xu, Junhai Yong, Jean-Claude Paul. Computing the minimum distance between two B'{e}zier curves. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2009, 229(1): 294-301
32. Xiaodiao Chen, Junhai Yong, Guozhao Wang, Jean-Claude Paul, Gang Xu. Computing the minimum distance between a point and a NURBS curve. Computer Aided Design, 2008, 40(10-11): 1051-1054
33. Gang Xu, Guozhao Wang. Parametric polynomial minimal surfaces of degree six with isothermal parameter. Proc. of Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP 2008), 2008, LNCS 4975, 329-343
34. Gang Xu, Guozhao Wang, Xiaodiao Chen. Free form deformation with rational DMS-spline volumes. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2008, 23(5): 862-873
35. Gang Xu, Guozhao Wang. Extended cubic uniform B-spline and $alpha$-B-spline. ACTA AUTOMATICA SCINICA, 2008, 34(8): 980-983
36. Gang Xu, Guozhao Wang. AHT B'{e}zier curves and NUAHT B-spline curves. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2007, 22(4): 597-607
1. 2016年中国几何设计与计算青年****奖。
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