

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-11


李盛姬,女,1981年出生于浙江省温州市,2008年毕业于浙江大学生物化工专业,获工学博士学位。2008-2013年在浙江省化工研究院工作,从事膜制备及膜分离、多孔吸附、液液萃取与络合萃取、臭氧及Fenton氧化、精馏及精密精馏,高附加值副产利用与回收,高浓有机废水处理,废水资源化综合治理与利用,环境友好低全球热能潜值超高纯含氟电子气体与含氟医药的研制与应用,电子蚀刻/清洗过程尾气治理及回收的研究;2013-至今,在杭州电子科技大学工作,从事纳米流体燃料、微尺度催化燃烧、膜分离和分子筛吸附、精密精馏等用于废液和尾气处理。目前已在《Desalination》、《Separation Science and Technology》、《Separation and Purification Technology》、《Energy & Fuel》、《Fuel》、《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》等期刊上发表SCI收录论文20多篇;申请发明专利10项,其中9项已获授权;担任多个期刊的审稿人。

1. Shengji Li, Hongzhe Du, Zhu Zhuo, Yibin Lu, Xuefeng Huang, Dispersion Stability, Physical Properties, and Electrostatic Breakup of Surfactant-Loaded Aluminum/n-Decane Nanofluid Fuel: Nanoparticle Size Effect. Energy Fuels, 2020, 34 (1): 1082-1092.
2. Shengji Li, Zhu Zhuo, Lanjiao He, Xuefeng Huang*, Atomization characteristics of nano-Al/ethanol nanofluid fuel in electrostatic field. Fuel, 2019, 236: 811-819.
3. Shengji Li, Xinxin Pan, Yukun Jiang, Shuhang Chang, Xiao Jin, Yanjing Yang, Xuefeng Huang*, Yanhui Guo, Ignition and Combustion Behaviors of High Energetic Polyhedral Boron Cluster. Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 2019, 44, 1-9.
4. Zhengcheng Wen, Shengji Li*, Heping Li, Yuan Li, A theoretical study on the mechanism and kinetics of toxic PCDD destruction by OH radicals. Int. J. Environment and Pollution, 2019, 65 (4): 337-348.
5. Lincai Wang, Jiaxuan Li, Xiangsen Zhao, Weiju Hao, Xiaohua Ma, Shengji Li*, Yanhui Guo, Surface-Activated Amorphous Iron Borides (FexB) as Efficient Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Evolution Reaction. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2019, **.
6. Zhu Zhuo, Shengji Li*, Yibin Lu, Xuefeng Huang, Synergetic effects of nanoparticle concentration and electrification on the breakup performance of nanofluid fuel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 137: 940-950.
7. Shengji Li, Xuefeng Huang, Donghui Zhou, Experiments and Numerical Calculations on Laser-induced Ignition of Single Micron-sized Aluminum Fuel Particle. Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 2017, 42, 523-531.
8. Xuefeng Huang, Shengji Li*, Xiongfei Zheng, Shu Yang and Yanhui Guo, Combustion Mechanism of a Novel Energetic Fuel Candidate Based on Amine Metal Borohydrides. Energy Fuels, 2016, 30: 1383?1389.
9. Xuefeng Huang, Shengji Li*, Ignition and combustion characteristics of jet fuel liquid film containing graphene powders at meso-scale. Fuel, 2016, 177: 113–122.
10. Xue-feng Huang, Sheng-ji Li*, Guang-hua Zheng, Guan-jun Zhao, Jiang-rong, Xu & Wei-chih Wang, Design and Characteristics of Dual-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber Doppler Differential Velocimeter. International Journal of Optomechatronics, 2015, 9 (3): 195-210. 5.
11. Xue-Feng Huang,Sheng-Ji Li*,Near-field nanofluid concentration measurement by Rayleigh particle particle scattering Bragg grating evanescent wave. International Journal of Optomechatronics, 2014, 8 (2): 100-113.
12. 黄雪峰, 李盛姬*, 周东辉, 赵冠军, 王关晴, 徐江荣, 介观尺度下活性炭微粒的光镊捕捉、点火和扩散燃烧特性研究. 物理学报, 2014, 63 (17):178802-1-9.
13. S.J. Li, Y.F. Wang, T.Y. Wang. Removal of fluorions from trifluoroacetic acid by reverse osmosis. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2010, 20(1-3): 66-71.
14. S. J. Li, X. F. Huang, L. Zhang, H. L. Chen. Treatment of Fumaric Acid Wastewater Using Integrated Process of Hollow-Fiber Supported Liquid Membrane-Strip Dispersion with Reverse Osmosis. Separation Science and Technology, 2010, 45(2): 172-177.
15. Sheng-Ji Li, Huan-Lin Chen and Lin Zhang. Recovery of fumaric acid by hollow-fiber supported liquid membrane with strip dispersion using trialkylamine carrier. Separation and Purification Technology, 2009, 66 (1): 25-34.
16. Shengji Li, Jingmei Zhuang, Tiantian Zhi, Huanlin Chen and Lin Zhang. Combination of complex extraction with reverse osmosis for the treatment of fumaric acid industrial wastewater. Desalination, 2008, 234 (1-3): 362-369.
17. Shengji Li, Jingmei Zhuang, Tiantian Zhi, Huanlin Chen and Lin Zhang. Combination of complex extraction with reverse osmosis for the treatment of fumaric acid industrial wastewater. Desalination, 2008, 234 (1-3): 362-369.
18. S.J. Li, H.L. Chen, J.Y. Xu, L. Zhang. Recovery of fumaric acid from industrial wastewater by chemical extraction and stripping. Separation Science and Technology, 2007, 42 (10): 2347-2360.
19. S.J. Li, L. Zhang, H.I. Chen, H. Chai and C.J. Gao. Complex extraction and stripping of H acid wastewater. Desalination, 2007, 206 (1-3): 92-99.

2. 主持浙江省自然科学基金面上项目”石墨烯基激光分布式点燃与控制及其催化微燃烧特性研究(2014-2016年9.0万元)
3. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目“微/纳米铝的悬浮燃烧和粒子间相互作用机理研究”(2020-2023年,60万元)
4. 参与国家重大仪器专项课题“全自动膜过滤智能集菌操作模块的研发”(2016-2020,240万元)
5. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目“阵列光镊操控微颗粒燃料微燃烧和气化的基础研究”(2013-2016年,80万元)
6. 参与国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“基于光子晶体光纤的激光微泵驱动、控制和检测本位一体系统研究”(2011-2013年,20万元)
7. 参与浙江省自然科学基金面上项目“基于硅基MEMS多路电喷的液体燃料雾化及微燃烧特性研究”(2015-2017年,10万元)

1. 2011年模范员工、先进个人
2. 2019年校中青年拔尖人才

长期担任包括Journal of Member Science, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Desalination, Separation and Purification Technology, Separation Science and Technology, Renewable Energy等杂志的审稿人。

相关话题/材料 电子科技大学