Curriculum Vitae
Lu, Meng
Research Professor, School of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Yunnan University, Kunming, China
Research interests
Wetland Ecology, Global Change, Biogeochemistry, Carbon & Nitrogen & Phosphorus Cycles, Greenhouse Gases, Ecosystem Ecology, Synthetic Analysis
Ph.D. in Ecology, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai, China(2005-2010)
Joint Ph.D. program, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA (2007.9-2009.1)
Postdoctoral research fellow, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai, China (2010-2013)
Postdoctoral research fellow, Research Associate, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, MD, USA (2013-2018)
Research grants
Funded projects
1. China National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scholars (2012-2014)
(Coupling of ecosystem carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles in response to nitrogen addition: a meta-analysis and case study)
2. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation special fund (2011-2012)
(Comparative study of ecosystem nitrogen leakage in response to addition of different N forms)
3. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2011-2012)
(Ecosystem phosphorous dynamic in response to nitrogen addition: a meta-analysis and case study)
4. Archiving data to support data synthesis of DOE sponsored elevated CO2experiments Department of Energy, USA (Participant,2013-2016)
Publications (*correspondence, updated to Jul 2020)
22. Huang J.X, Wang C.J, Qi L.L, Zhang X.L, Tang G.M, Li L, Guo J.H, Jia Y.J, Dou X.L & Lu M.*202x. Phosphorus is more effective than nitrogen in restoring plant communities of heavy metals polluted soils. Environmental Pollution(Accepted)
21.Lu M.*, Herbert E.R, Langley J.A, Kirwan M.L & Megonigal J.P *. 2019. Nitrogen status regulates morphological adaptation of marsh plants to elevated CO2, Nature Climate Change9: 764-768.
20. Rogers. K*, Kelleway J., Saintilan N., Megonigal J. P, Adams J. B., Holmquist J. R., Lu M., Schile-Beers L., Zawadzki A., Mazumder D. & Woodroffe C. D. 2019. Wetland carbon storage controlled by millennial-scale variation in relative sea-level rise, Nature567: 91–95. (ESI highly cited paper)
19. Walker A.P.*, De Kauwe M.G., Medlyn B.E., Zaehle S., Iversen C., Asao S., Guenet B., Hanson P.J., Harper A., Hickler T., Hungate B., Jain A., Luo Y.Q, Lu C., Lu M., Luus K., McCarthy H., Megonigal J.P., Oren R., Parton W.J., Shu S., Talhelm A., Wang Y., Warren J.M., Werner C., Xia J.Y, Zak D.R.&Norby R.J. 2019. Decadal biomass increment in early secondary succession woody ecosystems is increased by CO2enrichment. Nature Communications10: 454.
18. Wu J.J, Lu M.*,Feng J, Zhang D.D, Chen Q, Li Q.X, Long C.Y, Zhang Q.F & Cheng X.L*. 2019. Soil net methane uptake rates in response to short-term litter input change in a coniferous forest ecosystem of central China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology271: 307-315.
17. Shao J.J, Yuan T.F, Li Z, Li N, Liu H.Y, Bai S.H, Xia J.Y, Lu M.& Zhou X.H*. 2019. Plant evolutionary history dominates biomass responses to global warming. New Phytologist222: 1338-1351.
16. Holmquist J.R*, Windham-Myers L, Bernal B, Byrd K.B, Crooks S, Gonneea M.E, Herold N, Knox S.H, Kroeger K.D, McCombs J, Megonigal J.P, Lu M., Morris J.T, Sutton-Grier A.E, Troxler T.G & Weller D.E. 2018. Uncertainty in United States coastal wetland greenhouse gas inventorying. Environmental Research Letters13(11).
15.Lu M., Caplan J.S, Bakker J.D, Langley J.A, Mozdzer T.J, Drake B. &Megonigal J.P *. 2016. Allometry data and equations for coastal marsh plants. Ecology. 97: 3554.
14. Chen J., Luo Y.Q., Xia J.Y., Jiang L.F., Zhou X.H., Lu M.,Liang J.Y., Shi Z., Shelton S., & Cao J.J*. 2015. Stronger warming effects on microbial abundances in colder regions. Scientific Reports,5, 18032; doi: 10.1038/srep18032.
13. Liu C.#, Lu M.#, Cui J., Li B., Chen J.k. & Fang C. M*. 2014. Effects of straw carbon input on carbon dynamics in agricultural soils: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 20: 1363–1698. (ESI highly cited paper)
12. Huang X.Y., Lu M.& Chen J.K*. 2014. Applications of systematic approaches in freshwater conservation planning. Chinese Science Bulletin. 59: 4256-4270.
11. Zhou L.Y., Zhou X.H.*, Zhang B.C., Lu M.,Luo Y.Q., Liu L.L., & Li B. 2014. Different responses of soil respiration and its components to nitrogen addition among biomes: a meta-analysis.Global Change Biology, 20: 2332–2343.
10. Li B., Wei S.J., Li H., Yang Q. & Lu M.2014. Invasive species of China and their responses to climate change. Invasive Species and Global Climate Change (CABI Invasives Series), CABI Publishing: 198–218.
9. Lu M., Zhou X.H., Yang Q., Li H., Luo Y.Q., Fang C.M., Chen J.K., Yang X. & Li B*. 2013. Responses of ecosystem carbon cycle to experimental warming: a meta-analysis. Ecology, 94:726–738. (ESI highly cited paper)
8. Nie M., Lu M., Bell J., Raut S., & Pendall E*. 2013. Altered root traits due to elevated CO2: a meta-analysis. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22:1095–1105.
7. Piao SL*, Sitch S, Ciais P, Friedlingstein P, Peylin P, Wang XH, Ahlstr?m A, Anav A, Canadell J G, Huntingford C, Jung M, Levis S, Levy P E, Lomas M R, Lu M, Luo Y Q, Myneni R B, Poulter B, Wang T, Viovy N, Zaehle S, & Zeng N. 2013. Evaluation of terrestrial carbon cycle models for their response to climate variability and to CO2trends. Global Change Biology, 19: 2117–2132. (ESI highly cited paper)
6.Lu M.#, Yang Y.H.#, Luo Y.Q.*, Fang C.M., Zhou X.H., Chen J.K., Yang X., & Li B*. 2011. Responses of ecosystem nitrogen cycle to nitrogen addition: a meta-analysis. New Phytologist, 189, 1040-1050. (ESI highly cited paper)
5.Lu M., Zhou X.H.*, Luo Y.Q., Yang Y.H., Fang C.M., Chen J.K., & Li B*. 2011. Minor stimulation of soil carbon storage by nitrogen addition: A meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 140, 234–244.
4. Nie M., Lu M., Yang Q., Zhang X.D., Xiao M., Jiang L.F., Yang J., Fang C.M., Chen J.K., & Li B*. 2011. Plants’ use of different nitrogen forms in response to crude oil contamination. Environmental Pollution, 159, 157-163.
3. Yang Y.H., Luo Y.Q.,Lu M., Sch?del C., & Han W. 2011. Terrestrial C:N stoichiometry in response to elevated CO2and N addition: a synthesis of two meta-analyses.Plant and soil, 343: 393-400.
2. Wang C.H., Lu M., Yang B., Yang Q., Zhang X.D., Hara T. & Li B*. 2010. Effects of environmental gradients on the performances of four dominant plants in a Chinese saltmarsh: implications for plant zonation. Ecological Research, 25: 347–358.
1. Zhang Y.M., Wang Q., Lu M.,Jia X., Geng Y.P. & Li B*. 2008. Variation and phenotypic plasticity in life history traits of Spartina alternifloraalong the east coast of China. Shengwu Duoyangxing, 16: 462-469 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Journal reviewer
Ecology letters, Global Change Biology, Soil Biology & Biochemistry,Scienceof the Total Environment, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, Ecosphere, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Wetlands Ecology andManagement, AoB PLANTS, Scientific Reports, PLOS One, Limnologica etc.
Conference Abstract/Presentation
1.Lu M., Luo Y.Q. & Li B. Nitrogen fertilization differentiates carbon and nitrogen sequestrations in terrestrial ecosystem: a meta-analysis. 93rdEcological Society of America Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, USA, August 3-8, 2008.
2.Lu M.,Zhou X.H., Luo Y.Q. & Li B. Responses of ecosystem carbon cycle to experimental warming: a meta-analysis. 98thEcological Society of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, USA, August 5-10, 2013.
3. Liu C., Lu M., Cui J., Li B., Chen J. k. & Fang C. M. Effects of straw return on carbon dynamics in agricultural soils: a meta-analysis. 99thEcological Society of America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA, USA, August 10-15, 2014.
4. Lu M.,Gallegos C., Parker G. & Megonigal J. P. Integrating the long-term net primary productivity data from GCREW marsh with data from SERC forests and the Rhode River phytoplankton. 1stGlobal Change Research Symposium, SERC, Edgewater, MD, USA, February 6, 2014.
5. Luus K., Walker A., de Kauwe M, Hungate B., Megonigal J. P., Lu M.,Fenstermaker L., Nowak R., Morgan J., Medlyn B., Norby R. & Zaehle S. Responses of desert, semi-arid grassland and scrub-oak ecosystems to elevated CO2. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, id.10008. April 27- May 2, 2014.
6.Lu M.& Megonigal J. P. Responses of marsh plant carbon and nitrogen contents to long term passive warming. 2ndGlobal Change Research Symposium, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA, USA, February 12, 2015.
7.Lu M.,Drake B. & Megonigal J. P. Responses of marsh plant biomass allocation to elevated CO2: a case study at Chesapeake Bay. 100thEcological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA, August 9-14, 2015.
8. Shao J.J, Zhou X.H, Yan W, Xia J.Y & Lu M.Can biomass responses to warming at plant to ecosystem levels be predicted by leaf-level responses? 2015 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 14-18, 2015.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-11-06
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吴兆录格言:放眼国际前沿,立足本土实践;论著一丝不苟,生活随遇而安。自述:(忆秦娥·根藤)天上口,明清安居腊山洼。腊山洼,草木葱翠,九龙作画。故翁精明置家业,儿孙秉志闯天下。闯天下,春城为基,五洲为家。信息:云南大学生态学与地植物学研究所,教授,博士生导师;电话:;电子邮件 ...云南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-11-06云南大学生态与环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张国盛
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