

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-11-13

Sven Landrein男硕导中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园
电子邮件: sven@xtbg.ac.cn
通信地址: 云南省西双版纳傣族自治州勐腊县勐仑镇 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园

招生专业 071001-植物学

招生方向 西双版纳濒危藤本植物的迁地保护,野外回归,植物的鉴定和调查,种子及植物标本的收集,植物保护,通过SEM、TEM、分子技术等进行系统发生学和物种遗传学领域的微形态研究

教育背景2009-09--2015-06The Open University (OU), Milton Keynes, UK获博士学位
1999-09--2000-06Pierre and Marie Curie University (PARIS VI), France获硕士学位

工作简历 2009-09~2015-06,The Open University (OU), Milton Keynes, UK,获博士学位
2004-02~2015-03,Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Richmond, UK,园艺植物学研究员
2003-04~2003-10,Sherkin Island Marine Station: West Cork, Ireland,种子库技术员
2001-11~2002-12,Natural History Museum (MNHN): Paris, France,种子库技术员
2000-12~2001-10,Arboretum de la Vallée aux Loups: Chatenay, France,技术员
2000-06~2000-11,Pyrénées National Park: Tarbes, France,技术员
1999-09~2000-06,Pierre and Marie Curie University (PARIS VI), France,获硕士学位
1999-06~1999-10,SAHIN (TAKII): Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands,技术员


发表论文 (1)Pollinators of Hoya pottsii: Are the strongest the most effective?,FLORA,2020,第1作者
(2)Asymbiotic Seed Germination of Thunia alba,Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology?,2020,通讯作者
(3)Revisiting the phylogeny of Dipsacales: New insights from phylogenomic analyses of complete plastomic sequences,Journal of Systematics and Evolution,2020,第3作者
(4)Stixis villiflora, a new species of Resedaceae from Yunnan, China,Taiwania,2020,第2作者
(5)A monograph of Caprifoliaceae: Linnaeeae,Kew Bulletin,2020,第1作者
(6)Phylogeographic Analysis and Genetic Structure of an Endemic Sino-Japanese Disjunctive Genus Diabelia,Frontiers in Plant Science,2019,第2作者
(7)Plastome phylogenomic insights into the Sino‐Japanese biogeography of Diabelia (Caprifoliaceae),Journal of Systematics and Evolution,2019,第4作者
(8)Salacia menglaensis a new species (Celastraceae) from China,Annales Botanici Fennici,2018,第3作者
(9)Aristolochia tongbiguanensis, a new species of Aristolochiaceae from Yunnan, China,Taiwania,2018,第2作者
(10)Untangling the reticulate history of species complexes and horticultural breeds in Abelia (Caprifoliaceae),Annals of Botany,2017,第1作者
(11)Spiraeeae, Gilleniaea, Kerrieae, Ulmariaea, Sanguisorbeae, Geum, Rubeae, Alchemilla, Pruneae, Cydonia, Maleae & Crataegeae.,Flora of Pakistan,2017,第1作者
(12)A monograph of Caprifoliaceae: Linnaeeae.,Kew Bulletin,2017,第1作者
(13)Structure, ultrastructure and evolution of floral nectaries in the twinflower tribe Linnaeeae (Caprifoliaceae s.l.),Bot. J. Linn. Soc.,2016,第1作者
(14)Development and characterization of EST-SSR markers in an East Asian temperate plant genus Diabelia (Caprifoliaceae),Plant Species Biology,2016,第4作者
(15)Molecular phylogeny and biogeographic diversification of Linnaeoideae (Caprifoliaceae s. l.) disjunctly distributed in Eurasia,North America and Mexico PLOS ONE,2015,第2作者
(16)Unequal Twins? Inflorescence evolution in the Twinflower Tribe Linnaeeae (Caprifoliaceae s.l.),Int. J. Pl. Sci.,2013,第1作者
(17)Abelia and relatives: Phylogenetics of Linnaeeae and a new interpretation of their inflorescence morphology,Bot. J. Linn. Soc.,2012,第1作者
(18)Caprifoliaceae. In Wu, Z. Y., P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong, eds. Flora of China. Vol. 19 (Cucurbitaceae through Valerianaceae, with Annonaceae and Berberidaceae),Science Press, Beijing, and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis,2011,第2作者
(19)Linnaeaceae. In Wu, Z. Y., P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong, eds. Flora of China. Vol. 19 (Cucurbitaceae through Valerianaceae, with Annonaceae and Berberidaceae),Science Press, Beijing, and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis,2011,第2作者
(20)Abelia and its relatives,The Plantsman New series vol. 9,2010,第1作者
(21)Diabelia, a new genus of tribe Linnaeeae subtribe Linnaeinae (Caprifoliaceae),Phytotaxa,2010,第1作者
(22)Ipomées, liserons, volubilis et autres Convolvulacées,Cedre,2001,第1作者

发表著作 Flora of Pakistan No. 216. Rosaceae (I) – Potentilleae & Roseae,the Institute of Plant Conservation, University of Karachi and Missouri Botanical Press,2009-03,第1作者
Flora of Pakistan No. 221. Rosaceae (II) – Spiraeeae, Gillenieae, Kerrieae, Ulmarieae, Sanguisorbieae, Geum, Rubeae, Alchemilla, Pruneae, Cydonia, Maleae, & Crataegeae.,Centre for Plant Conservation, University of Karachi,2017-04,第1作者

科研项目 ( 1 ) 藤本植物研究小组, 主持,市地级,2018-01--2024-01
( 2 ) 135项目, 参与,市地级,2018-01--2020-01
( 3 ) Determining Genetic Diversity of Eleutharrhena macrocarpa, an Endangered Species in China, 主持,市地级,2020-12--2021-12
( 4 ) Consortium conservation of threatened Dipterocarps on a global scale, 主持,市地级,2020-11--2025-11

参与会议 (1)Dipterocarpaceae consortium introductory meeting大会主持人2021-08-11
(2)Wilson collections in the UK“重塑百年威尔逊之路”——中国松潘岷江源国际生态论坛2017-05-22

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