

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-11-13

2005/9–2002/7 中科院水土保持与环境研究中心 水土保持与荒漠化防治 硕士 导师:王占礼
1996/9–2000/7 西北农林科技大学 水文与水资源利用 学士
2014/10–至今 西南林业大学 生态与环境学院 副教授
2006/10-2014/09 西南林业大学 环境科学与工程学院 讲师
2005/07-2006/9 西南林学院 环境科学与工程学院 讲师
(1) Xin-hui Huang, Fu-ke Yu*, Xiao-ying Li, Yuan Zheng, Hua Yuan, Jian-gang Ma, Yan-xia Wang, Dan-hui Qi, Hong-bo Shao, Synthesized attributes of water use by regional vegetation: A key to cognition of ‘‘water pump” viewpoint, The Scientific World Journal, 2014
(2) Huang, Xin-hui,Yuan, Hua,Yu, Fu-ke*,Li, Xiao-ying,Liang,Qi-bin,Yao, Ping,Shao, Hong-bo,Spatial-temporal succession of the vegetation in Xishuangbanna, China during 1976-2010: A case study based on RS technology and implications for eco-restoration,Ecological Engineering,2014, 70: 255-262
(3) 黄新会, 李小英, 穆兴民, 袁华, 梁启斌, 姚平, 于福科*, 区域植被水分适宜性研究: 基于中国西南季节性旱灾的评述, 水土保持通报, 2014, 34(4): 301-307
(4) 黄新会, 李小英, 穆兴民, 王克勤, 田昆, 段昌群, 于福科*, 2010年中国西南特大干旱灾害: 从生态学视角的审视, 水土保持研究, 2013, 20(4): 282-287
(5) F.K. Yu, X.H. Huang*, Q.B. Liang, P. Yao, X.Y. Li, Z.Y. Liao, C.Q. Duan, G.S. Zhang, H.B. Shao*, Ecological water demand of regional vegetation: The example of the 2010 severe drought in Southwest China, Plant Biosystems, 2015, 149: 100-110
(6) Fu-ke Yu, Xin-hui Huang*, Hua Yuan, etc.. Spatial-temporal vegetation succession in Yan’an County, Yunnan Province, Southwest China during 1976-2014: A case survey based on RS technology for mountains eco-engineering. Ecological Engineering, 2014, 73(2014): 9-16
(7) F.K. Yu, X.H. Huang*, C.Q. Duan, G.S. Zhang, SG Lu, CE Liu, D.G. Fu, H.B. Shao. Eucalyptus trees – Ageratina adenophora complex system: A new eco-environmental protection model. Clean-Soil Air Water, 2014, 42(5): 482-489
(8) F.K. Yu, X.H. Huang*, C.Q. Duan, S.Z. He, G.S. Zhang, C.E. Liu, D.G. Fu, H.B. Shao*. Impacts of Ageratina adenophora invasion on soil-chemical properties of Eucalyptus plantation and implications for constructing agro-forest ecosystem. Ecological Engineering, 2014, 64: 130-135
(9) F.K. Yu, X.H. Huang*, Y. He, D.G. Fu, C.E. Liu, X.X. Chang, S.Z. He, C.Q. Duan, H.B. Shao. 2014. Growth disturbance of extracts from several crops straw (residue) on Ageratina adenophora and ological-control implications in hazardous weed invasion for eco-restoration. Ecological Engineering, 2014, 63: 127-133
(10) Fuke Yu, Xinhui Huang*, Changqun Duan, Guosheng Zhang, Denggao Fu, Chang’e Liu, Yong He, Hong Xia, Hongbo Shao*, Blocking Effects of Eucalyptus plantation on Ageratina adenophora population and its possible cause, allelopathy in E. spp.,Jokull,2013, 63(9): 281-298
1. 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,**,云南省典型植被的水分适宜性及其生态需水与区域旱灾的关系,2015/01-2018/12,48万元,在研,主持;
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,云南省典型人工植被的时空演变及其生态需水与区域性干旱的关系,2013/01-2013/12,15万元,已结题,主持;
3. 云南省应用基础研究计划面上项目,2007C022M,紫茎泽兰入侵对桉树人工林生态系统的影响与对策研究,2008/01-2010/12,5万元,已结题,参与;
4. 西南林业大学基金项目,110714,云南主要水土保持林的物种多样性和土壤水肥状况分析,2007/01-2008/12,0.8万元,已结题,主持。

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