

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-11-08

出生年份: 1972年

2005年—比利时,鲁汶大学(Catholic University of Leuven);获“社会科学统计运用”硕士学位(Master of Quantitative Analysis in Social Science)
2015年—比利时,根特大学(Ghent University),医学与健康科学学院,;获“社会健康科学:医学社会科学”博士学位(Doctor in Social Health Sciences: Medical-Social Science)
迄今已有17篇学术论文在SSCI、SCI、中国核心科技期刊、中国医药卫生专业期刊上发表(其中作为第一作者被SSCI收录3篇,SCI收录2篇;作为合著者被SSCI收录1篇);作为唯一作者出版英语学术论著一部,参编中文论著一部。2014年至今为国际艾滋病学会(International AIDS Society)会员。担任过多个国际SCI期刊的同行评议审稿员。
数次获得国际专业领域内的奖项,其中包括:2014年获得联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)、国际艾滋病学会(International AIDS Society)颁发的“Women, Girls and HIV Investigator’ Prize”,是首位获得该奖项的中国研究者;2011年获英国艾滋病研究信托基金会颁发的Scholarship for early/mid-career health care professionals”;2011年因艾滋病防治社会服务工作,获澳大利亚国际发展署(AusAID)通过澳大利亚新南威尔士大学国家艾滋病社会研究中心颁发的“Australian Leadership Award”。
医疗健康服务的提供与管理(health care Systems and management)、医疗健康服务体系创新(Health policy and system innovation);青少年性健康和生殖健康促进(Adolescent sexual and reproductive health promotion);
Supervisor Information----Xu-Dong Zhang
Birth Year1972
Education Background
Dr. Xu-Dong Zhangis Associate Professor and Master Supervisor in Yunnan Research Center for Hygiene and Health Management, Management and Economics School, Kunming University of Science and Technology. In 2005, Xu-Dong Zhang obtained her Master degree of Quantitative Analysis in Social Science in Catholic University of Leuven; She obtained her PhD of Social Health Science at the Faculty of Medical and Health of the Ghent University (Belgium) at 2015.
Work Experience
Dr. Xu-Dong has joined and coordinated more than four national and international public health progarmmeson HIV/STI interventions in China, particularly in resource-constrained settings, such as Yunnan province in China, Myanmar, Vietnam and Kenya. She has long-standing work experience on Project Management.
Research Areas
Dr. Xu-Dong Zhang is currently as the Primary Investigators and Co-Investigators for multi research projects funded by National Social Science Foundation, Yunnan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Yunnan First People’s Hospital. Her research interests lie in identifying vulnerabilities and opportunities to improving healthcare services provision; a second major strand to her research involves mobile health, enhance effectiveness and efficiency of the community health care, health care Systems and management.
Her research findings have been published in high-quality peer-reviewed international journals (SSCI and SCI). She was the awardee of 2014 Women, Girls and HIV Investigator’s Prize issued by UNAIDS & International AIDS Society.

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