

昆明动物研究所 /2007-08-31


  1985-1987年赴美国俄勒岗灵长类研究中心和华盛顿史密研究院从事神经生殖内分泌和胚胎移殖研究。1995-1996,1997年为美国威斯康星大学,动物医学与生物化学系客座教授。96年与威斯康星灵长类研究中心在昆明动物研究所共建了中——美灵长类生物学联合实验室, 为该实验室中方主任,以及中科院与云南省共建“云南省动物生殖生物学重点实验室”主任。

  从事生殖发育生物学研究。以非人灵长类为模式动物进行卵母细胞的成熟调控机制, 胚胎的早期发育分化以及相关生殖生物技术,如生殖细胞(卵、精子和胚胎)的冻存, 胚胎移植,动物克隆和灵长类胚胎干细胞研究。率先在国际上建立了猕猴卵成熟的无血清培养体系,并发现激素、能量物质和生殖周期对卵成熟和胚胎早期发育的影响。卵成熟和受精卵发育过程中核与质的相互作用——再程序化(Reprogram)机制为研究重点。此外, 积极倡导和发展保护生物学的新的学科增长点, 与美国威斯康星大学合作共同培养营养生态学博士研究生。在国内外核心刊物上发表论文70多篇,其中SCI论文50余篇。任国际自然保护联盟物种存活委员会(IUCN/SSC)灵长类专家组,圈养保护繁殖专家组委员,中国实验动物学会灵长类专业委员会主任,中国生殖生物学会理事, <<兽类学报>>, <<应用与环境生物学报>>, <<动物学研究>>编委等, 已招收培养博士生14人, 硕士生14人。



  2)动物克隆与转基因动物 (中国科学院重大项目)


  4)人胚胎干细胞建系的研究 (云南省重点基金课题)



  1. Zheng P, Si W, Bavister BD, Yang JF, Ding CH, Ji WZ 2003 17-b estradiol and progesterone improve in vitro cytoplasmic maturation of oocytes from unstimulated prepubertal and adult rhesus monkeys. Human Reproduction.18:2137-2144.

  2. Li YH, Si W, Zhang XZ, Dinnyes A, Ji WZ, 2003 Effect of amino acids on cryopreservation of cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) sperm. Am. J. Primatol.59: 159-165.

  3. Ma J, Wang H, Su L, Ji WZ. 2002 Inhibition of endogenous gene expresison by dsRNA and it''s application. Progress in Natural Science 12(11):1125-1131.

  4. Ma J, Zhou HL, Su L, Ji WZ 2002 Effects of exogenous double-stranded RNA on the basonuclin gene expression in mouse oocytes. Science in China (Series C) 45: 593-603.

  5. Zheng P, Bavister BD, Ji WZ 2002 Amino acid requirements for maturation of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) oocytes in culture. Reproduction 124:515-522.

  6. Li XL, Su L, Li YH, Ji WZ Dinnyes A 2002 Vitrification of Yunnan yellow cattle ooctes: work in progress. Theriogenology 58, 1253-1260.

  7. He YM, Pei YJ, Zou RJ, Ji WZ 2001 Changes of urinary conjugates and gonadotropin excretion in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy in the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti)。 Am. J. Primatol. 55: 223-232.

  8. Zheng P, Wang H, Bavister BD, Ji WZ. 2001 Maturation of rhesus monkey oocytes in chemically defined culture media and their functional assessment by in vitro fertilization and embryo development. Human Reprod. 16:300-305.

  9. Zheng P, Bavister BD, Ji WZ. 2001 Glucose is a necessary energy substrate and sufficient to support cytoplasmic maturation of oocytes from unstimulated adult rhesus monkeys. Mol. Reprod. Develop 58:348-355.

  10. Si W, Tang XH, He XC, Zheng P, Bavister BD, Ji WZ, 2000 Cryopreservation of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) spermatozoa and their functional assessment by in vitro fertilization. Cryobiology 41:232-240.

  11. Ji WZ, Bavister BD. 2000 The zona-free embryo development from one cell to blastocyst in hamster. Theriogeology. 54:827-834.

  12. Zhou HL, McKiernan SH, Ji WZ, Bavister BD. 2000 Effect of antibiotics on hamster 1-cell embryo development in vitro. Theriogeology. 54:999-1006.

  13. Zheng P, Si W, Wang H, Zou RJ, Bavister BD, Ji WZ. 2001 Effect of age and breeding season on the developmental capacity of oocytes from unstimulated and Follicle-stimulating hormone stimulated rhesus monkeys. Biol. Reprod. 64: 1417-1421.






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