在昆虫分类方面,系统地整理了双翅目丽蝇科和鞘翅目卷象科的种类以及区系划分的工作。并对果蝇和虫草蝙蝠蛾进行了研究,至今发表昆虫新种41个,新亚属一个。在动物和环境关系上阐明了日本西部德岛县的海岛环境下小型哺乳动物种群量和植物生长量的关系。对日本神户县六甲山防砂堤坝建造后环境变化和对生物多样性的影响作了科学预测和评价。在卷叶象甲的生态行为方面,首先观察到数种卷象卷曲叶片做摇篮的行为类型,并阐明其机制。参与 “冬虫夏草生物学的研究” 项目获得中国科学院和云南省的多项奖。发光性甲虫的研究已基本弄清云南省萤火虫的区系组成,观察到不同的发光类型,建立了一些种类的成虫和幼虫的联系,提取数种萤火虫的线粒体DNA.共发表论文40余篇,参与编写著作2部。
1:昆虫、植物与其环境关系的研究。卷叶象甲对植物叶片的功能适应、和植物的协同进化及其与环境的关系。此课题与Wisconsin 大学合作。
2:发光性甲虫的物种多样性、系统进化及其荧光酶结构和功能的研究。 此课题着重于发光性甲虫的多样性和荧光酶基因结构和功能等方面。与日本通产省所属综合技术研究所和横须市博物馆合作。
1. Liang Xingcai 1991 The five new species of the genus Isomyia (Diptera: Calliphoridae) from Yunnan, China. Entomotaxonomia XIII (2): 133-142. (Yangling, Shanxi, China) (in Chinese with English summary)
2. Xingcai Liang 1994 Seven new species of the Euscelophilus (Coleoptera, Attelabidae) from Yunnan, South-west China Jpn. J. Ent.,62(3): 483-496. (Tokyo, Japan) (in English)
3. Xingcai Liang et Toyohiko Mori 1995 The rolling leaf weevils of China and Japan The Insectarium 32(2): 59-65 (Tokyo, Japan) (in Japanese)
4. Liang Xingcai 1995 Four new species of the genus Hepialus (ghost moth) from Yunnan, Sichuan of China (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH 16(3): 207-212 (Kunming, Yunnan, China) (in Chinese with English summary)
5. Liang Xingcai 2002 Attelabid weevils‘ taxonomy, behaviour and the relationship with their host plants Collected Research Papers on Annual Congress of Yunnan Entomological Society. Pp.17-19.
6. Wenxia Zhang, Xingcai Liang 1992 Seven new species of the subgenus Lordiphosa of Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) ACTA ZOOTAXONOMICA SINICA 17(4): 473-482. (Beijing, China) (in Chinese with English summary)
7. Wenxia Zhang, Xingcai Liang 1993 A new species of Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SINICA 36(1): 110-112. (Beijing, China) ( in Chinese With English summary)
8. Wenxia Zhang, Xingcai Liang 1994 Three new species of Drosophilid flies (Diptera: Drosophilidae) from Yunnan and Hubei, China Entomotaxonomia 16(3): 213-214 (Yaling, China) ( in Chinese With English summary)
9. Wenxia Zhang, Xingcai Liang Three new species of Drosophila (Drosophila) melanderi Species-group in Hengduan Mountains of China ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SINICA (Beijing, China) (in Chinese with English summary)
10. Kazuhiko Sakurai & Xingcai Liang 1996 Cradle formation of some attelabine and apoderine weevils in southwestern China Insect and Nature 31(10): 18-22 (Tokyo, Japan) (in Japanese)
11. Toyohei Saigusa, Akinori Nakanishi & Xingcai Liang 1997 A new subspecies of Chrysozephyrus paona (Tytler, 1915) from southern Yunnan, China (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) 2: 53-58 (Hyoko, Japan) (in English)
12. Xiao Ningnen, Liang Xingcai, He Liping 2003 The biodiversity and national culture in Yunnan Biodiversity protection and human health The Entomological Society of China. Pp.12-30.
13. Zuo-Fu Xiang, Xing-Cai Liang, Sheng Huo and Shi-Lai Ma. 2004 Quantitative analysis of land mammal zoogeographical region in China and its adjacent region. Zoological Studies 43(1): 142-160.
Xing-cai Liang and Xue-yan Li. Study on the Genus Euops Schenherr (Coleoptera: Attelabidae) from China and Japan, with the description of six new species. Zoological Science. (In press)
Xing-cai Liang. A revision of the Genus Paroplapoderus (Coleoptera: Attelabidae) from China. Zoological Science. (In press)
Li-ping He, Watabe Hide-aki , Xing-cai Liang, Tadashi Aotsuka, Ya-ping Zhang. Genetic Differentiation and Cryptic Speciation in Drosophila lacertosa Population. (submitted)
Xingcai Liang. Rolling Leaf Weevils from China II. Description of a New Species of Euscelophilus (Coleoptera: Attelabidae)。(Submitted)