

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-11-13

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电子邮件: lixy@mail.kiz.ac.cn
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自1996年来一直开展昆虫学研究。昆虫是地球上物种多样性最丰富的类群,且与人类的生活生产有着紧密的关系。因此,理解纷繁复杂的昆虫学种类及其适应进化关系,是人类理解生命进化的关键主题之一,是为人类的生活生产提供重要的理论基础和实践依据的前提。自2002年进入昆明动物研究所以来,一直致力于以萤火虫和蝴蝶等昆虫为研究对象,从昆虫分类研究入手,根据分类学的内在规律并结合组学和遗传操作技术等各种研究手段试图探讨阐明物种适应进化的科学问题,如萤火虫等发光甲虫生物荧光起源与进化、蝴蝶等昆虫形态适应性进化的遗传基础与分子机制等,旨在促进昆虫分类和进化研究,解决昆虫学中长期以来的难题。涉及研究方向包括昆虫分类与分子系统学、生物荧光学、昆虫基因组与进化、昆虫遗传操作等。至今共发表昆虫分类和系统进化、基因组学及遗传操作等相关论文近30多篇(其中第一作者SCI论文8篇,通讯或末位通讯作者论文SCI论文15篇,单篇影响因子最高为11.329 (Nature Communications),累计发表当年影响因子为45);主持14项(国家自然科学基金面上项目2项(1项在研,1项结题)、云南省自然基金4项(2项在研,2项结题)、中科院项目2项(已结题)、所青年人才项目1项(已结题)、其它5项);参加项目11项(包括国家自然科学基金创新群体、国际合作、科技部973项目等)。
2016/01-至今, 副研究员,中国科学院昆明动物研究所,进化基因组学与基因起源研究组,研究兴趣:蝴蝶和萤火虫等昆虫组学研究
2009/11-2015/12, 助理研究员,中国科学院昆明动物研究所,进化基因组学与基因起源研究组,研究兴趣:蝴蝶和萤火虫等昆虫组学研究
20029-20057,中国科学院昆明动物研究所,博士研究生,研究兴趣:“萤火虫分类与分子系统学” (2004年10-11月日本产业综合技术研究所访问学习)




3.蝴蝶翅色多样性的进化发育的遗传基础研究,2021.01-2024.12 (在研),国家基金委面上项目,58万,负责人





1.Li XY#, Fan DD#, Zhang W#, Liu GC#, Zhang L#, Zhao L, Fang X, Chen L, Dong Y, Chen Y, Ding Y, Zhao RP, Feng MJ, Zhu Y, Feng Y, Jiang XT, Zhu DY, Xiang H, Feng XK, Li SC, Wang J, Zhang GJ, Kronforst MR*, Wang W*. 2015. Outbred genome sequencing and CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing in butterflies. Nature Communications. 6: 8212. (2015, IF=11.329, 5year-IF =12.001)
2.Yang J#, Wan WT#, Xie M#, Mao JL#, Dong ZW#, Lu SH, He JW, Xie FA, Liu GC, Dai XL, Chang Z, Zhao RP, Zhang R, Wang ST, Zhang YM, Zhang W*, Wang W*, Li XY*. 2020. Chromosome-level reference genome assembly and gene editing of dead leaf butterfly Kallima inachus. Molecular Ecology Resources. 20(4): 1080–1092. (封面文章). (2019IF:6.286;5-IF:7.448)
3.Lu SH#, Yang J#, Dai XL#, Xie FA, He JW, Dong ZW, Mao JL, Liu GC, Chang Z, Zhao RP, Wan WT, Zhang R, Wang W*, Li XY*. 2019. Chromosomal-level reference genome of Chinese peacock butterfly (Papilio bianor) based on third-generation DNA sequencing and Hi-C analysis. GigaScience. 8(11): giz128. (2019IF:5.993;5-IF:7.715)
4.Liu GC#, Chang Z#, Chen L#, He JW#, Dong ZW, Yang J, Lu SH, Zhao RP, Wan WT, Zhang R, Wang W*, Li XY*. 2020. Genome size variation in butterflies (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea): A thorough phylogenetic comparison. Systematic Entomology. 45(3): 571–582. (2019IF:3.909;5-IF:4.037)
5.Chen X#, Dong ZW#, Liu GC#, He JW, Zhao RP, Wang W*, Pen YQ*, Li XY*. 2019. Phylogenetic analysis provides insights into the evolution of Asian fireflies and adult bioluminescence. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 140: 106600. (2019IF:3.496;5-IF:3.883)
6.Zhang R#, He JW#, Dong ZWA#, Liu GC#, Yin Y#, Zhang XY#, Li Q#, Ren YD, Yang YZ, Liu W, Chen XQ, Xia WH, Duan K, Hao F, Lin ZS, Yang J, Chang Z, Zhao RP, Wan WT, Lu SH, Peng YQ, Ge SQ*, Wang W*, Li XY*. 2020. Genomic and experimental data provide new insights into luciferin biosynthesis and bioluminescence evolution in fireflies. Scientifc Reports. 10(1):15882. (2019IF:3.998;5-IF:3.788)
7.He JW#, Liu GC#, Dong PX#, Dong ZW, Zhao RP, Wang W*, Li XY*. Molecular cloning, characterization, and evolution analysis of the luciferase genes from three sympatric sibling fireflies (Lampyridae: Lampyrinae, Diaphanes). Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43630-021-00080-4 (2020IF: 3.982;2020-5-IF: 3.547)
8.Wan WT, Dong ZW, Ren YD, Yang J, Pan XY, He JW, Chang Z, Liu W, Liu GC, Zhao RP, Hu P, Mao CY, Li J, Wang W*, Li XY*. Chromatin accessibility profiling provides insights into larval cuticle color and adult longevity in butterflies. Zoological Research. 2021, 42(5): 614–619. (2020IF: 4.561;5-IF: NA )
9.常洲,董志巍,李学燕. 2021.彩云之南,蝴蝶王国.大自然(China Nature). (3): 04–08.
10.董志巍,常洲,李学燕. 2021.百花深处蝶飞舞.大自然(China Nature). (3): 48–53.
11.Dong ZW#, Li J#, He JW#, Liu GC, Mao CY, Zhao RP, Li XY*. 2021.The mitochondrial genome of a leaf insect Phyllium westwoodii (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae) in Southeast Asia. Mitochondrial DNA Part B:Resources. 6(3): 888–890.
12.Dong ZW#, Yiu Y#, Liu GC, He JW, Peng YQ, Zhao RP, Li XY*. 2021. Three new species of Lamprigera Motschulsky (Coleoptera, Lampyridae) from China, with notes on known species. Zootaxa. 4950 (3):441–468.
13.Liu GC#, Liu W#, Zhao RP#, He JW#, Dong ZW, Chen L, Wan WT, Chang Z, Wang W*, Li XY*. 2021. Genome-wide identification and gene-editing of pigment transporter genes in the swallowtail butterfly Papilio xuthus. BMC Genomics. 22: 120. (2019IF:3.594;5-IF:4.093)
14.Zhang R#, Li J#, Mao CY, Dong ZW, He JW, Liu GC, Zhao RP, Wang W*, Li XY*. 2021.The mitochondrial genome of one “twisted-wing parasite” Xenos cf. moutoni (Insecta, Strepsiptera, Xenidae) from Gaoligong Mountains, Southwest of China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B:Resources. 6(2): 512–514. (2019IF:0.885;5-IF:0.845)
15.Kusy D#, He JW#, Bybee S, MichaI M, Bi WX, Li XY*, Bocak L*. 2020. Phylogenomic relationships of bioluminescent elateroids define the “lampyroid clade” with clicking Sinopyrophoridae as its earliest member. Systematic Entomology. (2019IF:3.909;5-IF:4.037)
16.Liu GC#, Dong ZW#, Hou QB#, He JW, Zhao RP, Wang W, Li XY*. 2020. Second rhagophthalmid luciferase cloned from Chinese glow-worm Menghuoius giganteus (Rhagophthalmidae: Elateroidea). Photochemistry and Photobiology. 96(1): 46–54. (2019IF:2.721;5-IF:2.275)
17. Martin GJ*, Stanger-Hall KF, Branham MA, Da Silveira LFL, Lower SE, Hall DW, Li XY, Lemmon AR, Lemmon EM, Bybee SM. 2019. Higher-Level Phylogeny and Reclassification of Lampyridae (Coleoptera: Elateroidea). Insect Systematics and Diversity. 3(6): 11 (1–15).
18.Liu GC#, Zhang R#, Hou QB, He JW, Dong ZW, Zhao RP, Wang W*, Li XY*. 2019. Cloning and characterization of luciferase from the Chinese firefly Lamprigera yunnana. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 95(5):1186–1194. (2019IF:2.721;5-IF:2.275)
19.Bi WX#, He JW#, Chen CC, Kundrata R, Li XY*. 2019. Sinopyrophorinae, a new subfamily of Elateridae (Coleoptera, Elateroidea) with the first record of a luminous click beetle in Asia and evidence for multiple origins of bioluminescence in Elateridae. ZooKeys. (864): 79–97. (2019IF:1.137;5-IF:1.155)
20.He JW#, Bi WX#, Dong ZW, Liu GC, Zhao RP, Wang W*, Li XY*. 2019. The mitochondrial genome of the first luminous click-beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae) recorded in Asia. Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources. 4(1): 565–567. (2019IF:0.885;5-IF:0.845)
21.Liu GC, Dong ZW, He JW, Zhao RP, Wang W, Li XY*. 2017. Genome size of 14 species of fireflies (Insecta, Coleoptera, Lampyridae). Zoological Research. 38(6): 449–458. (SCI-E)
22.Li XY#, Liu GC#, Sheng WJ#, Dong ZW, Chen L, Zhao RP, Wang W*. 2017. Genome editing in the butterfly type-species Papilio machaon. Insect Science. 24(4): 708–711. (2017, IF=2.026, 5year-IF=2.129)
23.李学燕*,董志巍. 2015. 森林里有一道绿光-走近萤火虫.人与自然. 161(7):90-101
24.Li XY, Nakajima Y, Niwa K, Viviani VR, Ohmiya Y*. 2010. Enhanced red-emitting railroad worm luciferase for bioassays and bioimaging. Protein Sciences. 19(1): 26–33. (2010, IF= 2.798, 5year-IF= 3.018)
25.李学燕*,施晓春. 2009. 冬天赏萤. 大自然. (4): 65.
26.Li XY, Ohba N, Liang XC*. 2008. Two new species of Rhagophthalmus Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Rhagophthalmidae) from Yunnan, Southwest of China, with notes on known species. Entomological Science. 11(2): 255–263. (2008, IF=0.522, 5year-IF=NA)
27.Li XY, Liang XC*. 2008. A gigantic bioluminescent starworm (Coleoptera: Rhagophthalmidae) from northwest Yunnan, China. Entomological News. 119(2): 109–112&back cover. (SCI) (2008, IF=0.320, 5year-IF=0.414)
28.Li XY, Xie M, Dong PX, Liang XC*. 2008. Morphology of Pyrocoelia pygidialis Pic (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), with some note on its biological habits. 昆虫分类学报. 30(4): 300–308.
29.李学燕,解萌,梁醒财*. 2008. 凹眼萤——一类特殊的萤火虫. 昆虫知识. 45(3): 494–498.
30.Dong PX, Hou QB, Li XY, Liang XC*. 2008. Cloning, expression and sequence analysis of A luciferase gene from the Chinese firefly Pyrocoelia pygidialis. 动物学研究. 29(5): 477–484.
31.李学燕. 2008. 环境的指标动物——萤火虫. 大自然. 1: 78–79.
32.梁醒财*,李学燕,侯清柏. 2008. 萤火虫 —— 浪漫昆虫的生存困境. 中国国家地理. (3):102–109.
33.Li XY, Liang XC*. 2007. A new species of the genus Diaphanes Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) from Gaoligong Mountains of Yunnan, Southwest China. Zootaxa. (1533): 53–61. (SCI) (2007, IF=0.691, 5year-IF=NA)
34.Li XY#, Ogoh K#, Ohba N, Liang XC*, Ohmiya Y*. 2007. Mitochondrial genomes of two luminous beetles, Rhagophthalmus lufengensis and R. ohbai (Arthropoda, Coleoptera). Gene. 392(1-2): 196–205. (SCI) (2007, IF=2.671, 5year-IF=2.784)
35.Li XY, Yang S, M, Liang XC*. 2006. Phylogeny of fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) inferred from mitochondrial 16S ribosomal DNA, with references of morphological and ethological traits. Progress in Natural sciences. 16(8): 817–826. (SCI) (2006, IF=0.531, 5year-IF=NA)
36.Li XY, Yang S, Liang XC*. 2006. Phylogenetic relationship of the firefly, Diaphanes pectinealis (Insecta, Coleoptera, Lampyridae), based on DNA sequence and gene structure of luciferase. 动物学研究. 27(4): 367–374.
37.李学燕,梁醒财. 2006. 发光甲虫与生物荧光. 昆虫知识. 43(5): 736–741.


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