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1. 高山植物适应性进化的分子机制及基因资源发掘
招生专业 071001-植物学
工作简历 2021-05~现在,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,园主任2020-02~2021-05,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,党委书记2012-09~2020-02,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,党委书记、副所长、研究员2010-01~2012-09,中国科学院青藏高原研究所,副所长2006-12~2010-01,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,副所长、研究员2002-07~2010-07,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,副所长1999-07~2002-07,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,计划外事处处长1997-07~2006-12,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,副研究员1992-06~1997-08,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,助理研究员1989-07~1992-06,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,实习研究员
李晓莉,杨永平,李阳,韩利文,王思峰,刘可春,抗肿瘤药物组合物及其应用,申请号:6.7,公开号:CN A,授权公告号:CN B。
1. Qi Liu, Chiyu Zhang, Yongping Yang and Xiangyang Hu. 2010. Genome-wide and molecular evolution analyses of the phospholipase D gene family in poplar and grape. MBC Plant Biology 10:117-131.
2. 刘武青, 李晓莉, 王睿睿, 李阳, 杨柳萌, 杨永平, 郑永唐. 2010. 卵叶槲寄生化学成分体外抗HIV活性的初步研究, 中国新药杂志. 19:1017-1021+1025.
3. Ying Meng, Hang Sun, Yong-Ping Yang, Ze-Long Nie. 2010. Polyploidy and new chromosome counts in Anaphalis (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 48(1):58-64.
4. Yun Wang, Li-Hua Meng, Yong-Ping Yang* and Yuan-Wen Duan. 2010. Change in floral orientation in Anisodus luridus (Solanaceae) protects pollen grains and facilitates development of fertilized ovules. American Journal of Botany 97(10):1618-1624.
5. Caroline S. Weckerle, Yongping Yang, Franz K. Huber and Qiaohong Li. 2010. People, money and protected areas: the collection of the caterpillar mushroom Ophiocrodyceps sinensis in the Baima Xueshan Nature Reserve, Southwest China. Biodiversity and Conservation 19:2685-2698.
6. Yan-Li Zhao, Qiu-Xia He, Yang Li, Si-Feng Wang, Ke-Chun Liu, Yong-Ping Yang* and Xiao-Li Li. 2010. Chemical constituents of Excoecaria acerifolia and their bioactivities. Molecules 15:2178-2186.
7. Wansha Li, Yan Zhou, Yongping Yang and Xiangyang Hu. 2010. Permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 August 2009-30 September 2009 (Colocasia esculenta). Molecular Ecology Resources 10(1): 232-236.
8. Jia-Hui Chen, Hang Sun, Jun Wen and Yong-Ping Yang*. 2010. Molecular phylogeny of Salix L. (Salicaceae) inferred from three chloroplast datasets and its systematic implications. Taxon 59(1):29-37.
9. Bee F. Gunn, Mallikarjuna Aradhya, Jan Salick, Allison J. Miller, Yang Yongping, Liu Lin and Hai Xian. 2010. Genetic variation in walnuts (Juglans regia and J. Sigillata; Juglandaceae): species distribution, human impacts and the conservation of agrobiodiversity in Yunnan, China. American Journal of Botany 97(4):660-671.
10. Franz K. Huber, Robert Ineichen, Yongping Yang and Caroline S. Weckerle. 2010. Livelihood and conservation aspects of non-wood forest product collection in the Shaxi Valley, Southwest China. Economic Botany 64(3): 189-204.
11. De-Quan Zhang Lian-Ming Gao, Yong-Ping Yang*. 2010. Genetic diversity and structure of a traditional Chinese medicinal plant species, Fritillaria cirrhosa (Liliaceae) in southwest China and implications for its conservation, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 38:236-242.
12. Wang Yun, Hu Li-Juan, Duan Yuan-Wen and Yang Yong-Ping*. 2010. Altitudinal variation in reproductive allocation of Bergenia purprascens (Saxifragaceae) (岩白菜(虎耳草科)不同海拔居群的繁殖分配). Acta Botanica Yunnanica (云南植物研究) 32(2):270-280.
13. Guan Yan-Long, Li Wan-Sha, Yin Kui-De, Yang Yong-Ping and Hu Xiang-Yang. 2010. Constructing and phenotypic analyzing an activation-tagging Arabidopsis mutant pool (激活标签法构建拟南芥突变体库及其表型分析). Acta Botanica Yunnanica (云南植物研究) 32(1):53-59.
14. Yang Yongping. 2010. Strategies for survival of alpine plants in the Tibetan Plateau (青藏高原植物的“生存之道”). China Nature (大自然) 2010(2):10-14.
15. Georg Miehe, Kerstin Bach, Sabine Miehe, Jürgen Kluge, Yang Yongping, La Duo, Sonam Co and Karsten Wesche. 2011. Alpine steppe plant communities of the Tibetan highlands. Applied Vegetation Science 14(4): 547-560.
16. Bai Xuegui,Yang Liming,Yang Yunqiang,Ahmad Parvaiz,Yang Yongping,Hu Xiangyang.2011.Deciphering the Protective Role of Nitric Oxide against Salt Stress at the Physiological and Proteomic Levels in Maize.Journal of Proteome Research, 10:4349-4364.
17. Georg Miehe, Sabine Miehe, Kerstin Bach, Jürgen Kluge, Karsten Wesche, Yang Yongping and Liu Jianquan. 2011. Ecological stability during the LGM and the mid-Holocene in the Alpine Steppes of Tibet? Quaternary Research 76(2): 243-252.
18. Xuegui Bai, Liming Yang, Meihua Tian, Jinhui Chen, Jisen Shi, Yongping Yang and Xiangyang Hu. 2011. Nitric oxide enhances desiccation tolerance of recalcitrant Antiaris toxicaria seeds via protein S-nitrosylation and carbonylation. PLoS ONE 6(6): e20714. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.**.
19. Katie Konchar, Xiao-Li Li, Yong-Ping Yang and Eve Emshwiller. 2011. Phytochemical Variation in Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don (Chuan Bei Mu) in relation to plant reproductive stage and timing of harvest. Economic Botany 65(3): 283-294.
20. Georg Miehe, Sabine Miehe, Kerstin Bach, J. Nölling, J. Hanspach, C. Reudenbach, K. Kaiser, Karsten Wesche and Voker Mosbrugger, Yongping Yang and Yaoming Ma. 2011. Plant communities of central Tibetan pastures in the Alpine Steppe/Kobresia pygmaea ecotone, Journal of Arid Environment 75(8):711-723.
21. Yan-Li Zhao, Si-Feng Wang, Yang Li, Qiu-Xia He, Ke-Chun Liu, Yong-Ping Yang* and Xiao-Li Li. 2011. Isolation of chemical constituents from the aerial parts of Verbascum thapsus and their antiangiogenic and antiproliferative activities, Archieves of Pharmacal Research 34(5):703-707.
22. Yang Li, Yan-Li Zhao, Yong-Ping Yang and Xiao-Li Li. 2011. Chemical constituents of Viscum album var. meridianum, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 39: 849-852.
23. Chan Zhang, Rebecca E. Irwin, Yun Wang, Ya-Ping He, Yong-Ping Yang* and Yuan-Wen Duan. 2011. Selective seed abortion induced by nectar robbing in the selfing plant Comastoma pulmonarium. New Phytologist 192: 249–255.
24. Jia-Hui Chen, Yan Zhou and Yong-Ping Yang. 2011. Isolation and characterization of 20 new microsatellite loci in Coriaria nepalensis (Coriariaceae), American Journal of Botany e141–e143.
25. Jun Cao, Jinling Huang, Yongping Yang and Xiangyang Hu. 2011. Analyses of the oligopeptide transporter gene family in poplar and grape. BMC Genomics 12:465, 14 pages.
26. Zhonglei Lu, Wansha Li, Yongping Yang and Xiangyang Hu. 2011. Isolation and characterization of 19 new microsatellite loci in Colocasia esculenta (Araceae), American Journal of Botany 98(9): e239-e241.
27. Bharat H Desai, Krishna Prasad Oli, Yang Yongping, Nakul Chettri, Eklabya Sharma.2011. Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity: A retrospective analysis in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan countries, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, Nepal.
28. Jun He, Hai Yang, Ramni Jamnadass, Jianchu Xu and Yongping Yang. 2011. Decentralization of Tree Seedling Supply Systems for Afforestation in the West of Yunnan Province, China, Small-scale Forestry DOI 10.1007/s11842-011-9176-9.
29. Liu Ya-Hui, Meng Ying, Yang Yong-Hong and Yang Yong-Ping. 2011. Chromosome numbers and karyotypes of six Oxytropis species (Fabaceae) from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China (青藏高原六种棘豆属植物的染色体数目及核型报道). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报) 33 (4): 423 -431.
30. Zhang Chan, Hu Li-Juan, Wang Yun, Duan Yuan-Wen and Yang Yong-Ping. 2011. Effects of the position on floral traits and reproductive success of Comastoma pulmonarium (Gentianaceae) (位置效应对喉毛花( 龙胆科) 的花特征和繁殖成功的影响). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报) 33 (5): 495 -502.
31. Wang Lin-Lin, Zhao Ming-Fu, Wang Yun, Duan Yuan-Wen and Yang Yong-Ping. 2011. A Preliminary Study on Geographical Variations in Floral Traits of Halenia elliptica (Gentianaceae) Based on Herbaria (利用腊叶标本初探椭圆叶花锚( 龙胆科) 花特征的地理变异). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报) 33 (5): 503-508.
32. Chen Guang-Li, Zhou De-Qun, Yang Yong-Ping and Yang Xue-Fei. 2011. Fruiting pattern of Tricholoma matsutake and its relationship with meteorological factors in Yunnan, China (云南松茸产区出菇及其气象因子分析). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报) 33 (5): 547-555.
33. Li Wan-Sha, Liu De-Tuan, Yang Yong-Ping, Hu Xiang-Yang. 2011. Isolation and Analysis of Differential Expressed ESTs from Stem Trichomes of Lycopersicon esculentum ( Solanaceae) (番茄茎腺毛差异表达序列分离与分析). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报) 33 (6): 660-666.
34. Liu De-Tuan, Li Wan-Sha, Cha Hong-Guang, Yang Yong-Ping and Hu Xiang-Yang. 2011. Isolation and Analysis of Day-night Differential Expressed ESTs from Paraquilegia microphylla (拟耧斗菜昼夜差异表达ESTs 的分离与分析). Bulletin of Botanical Research (植物研究) 31 (4): 414-421.
35. Liu De-Tuan, Li Wan-Sha, Yang Yong-Ping and Hu Xiang-Yang. 2011. Isolation and Primary Analysis of High Temperature Responsive EST from Draba stenocarpa (狭果葶苈高温响应表达序列标签的分离与初步分析). Letters in Biotechnology (生物技术通讯) 31 (4): 414-421.
36. Fredrich Kahrl, Yufang Su, Timm Tennigkeit, Yongping Yang, Jianchu Xu.2012. Large or small? Rethinking China’s forest bioenergy policies, Biomass and Bioenergy. 1-8.
37. Xuegui Bai, Christopher D. Todd, Radhika Desikan, Yongping Yang and Xiangyang Hu. 2012.N-3-oxo-decanoyl-L-homoserine-lactone Activates Auxin-induced Adventitious Root Formation via H2O2- and Nitric oxide-dependent Cyclic GMP Signaling in Mung Bean. Plant Physiology 158(2): 725-736.
38. Xuefei Yang, Eike Luedeling, Guangli Chen, Kevin D. Hyde, Youji Yang, Dequn Zhou, Jianchu Xu, Yongping Yang. 2012. Climate change effects fruiting of the prize matsutake mushroom in China, Fungal Diversity. DOI 10.1007/s13225-012-0163-z
39. Shan Sun, Zhiqiang Zhang, Bo Zhang, Yongping Yang. 2012. Perspectives on plant–pollinator interactions from the evolution of cooperation, Biodiversity Science,20 (3): 250–263 (孙杉,张志强,张勃,杨永平. 2012. 从合作的进化探讨植物与传粉者的相互作用,生物多样性 20 (3):250–263)。
40. Chan Zhang, Shaoqin Zha, Yongping Yang, Yuanwen Duan. 2012. Effects of the yellow barbs of the staminodes on reproductive success of Delphinium caeruleum (Ranunculaceae), Biodiversity Science,20 (3):348–353 (张婵,查绍琴,杨永平,段元文. 2012. 蓝翠雀花退化雄蕊上的黄色髯毛对其繁殖成功的影响,生物多样性 20 (3):348–353)。
41. Xue-gui Bai, Jin-hui Chen, Xiang-xiang Kong, Christopher D. Todd, Yong-ping Yang, Xiang-yang Hu and De-zhu Li, 2012. Carbon monoxide enhances the chilling tolerance of recalcitrant Baccaurea ramiflora seeds via nitric-oxide-mediated glutathione homeostasis, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, ttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2012.05.042
42. Jun He, Yang Hai, Jamnadass Ramni, Xu Jianchu, Yang Yongping. 2012, Decentralization of Tree Seedling Supply Systems for Afforestation in the West of Yunnan Province, China. Small-Scale Forestry 11(2): 147-166.
43. Jinbo Xiong, Yongqin Liu, Xiangui Lin, Huayong Zhang, Jun Zeng, Juzhi Hou, Yongping Yang, Tandong Yao, Rob Knight, Haiyan Chu, 2012. Geographic distance and pH drive bacterial distribution in alkaline lake sediments across Tibetan Plateau.Environmental Microbiology, 14(9): 2457-2466.
44. Huang Ning, Yang Liu-Meng, Li Xiao-Li, Zheng Chang-Bo, Wang Rui-Rui, Yang Yong-Ping, Zheng Yong-Tang. 2012, Anti-HIV activities of extracts from Pu-erh tea. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicine. 10(5): 0347-0352.
45. Xiao-Li Li, Qiu-Xia He, Feng-Lei Zhang, Yan-Li Zhao, Ke-Chun Liu, Si-Ping Jiang. 2012. Chemical constituents from Munronia sinica and their bioactivities. Natural Products and Bioprospecting 2(2):76-80.
46. Ying Meng, Ze-Long Nie, Hang Sun, Yong-Ping Yang. 2012. Chromosome numbers and polyploidy in Leontopodium (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of S.W. China. Caryologia. 65(2):87–93.
47. Yao Fu, R. Edward Grumbine, Andreas Wilkes, Yun Wang, Jian-Chu Xu, Yong-Ping Yang. 2012. Climate Change Adaptation Among Tibetan Pastoralists: Challenges in Enhancing Local Adaptation Through Policy Support. Environmental Management. 50:607–621.
48. Shan Sun, Pierre-Olivier Cheptou.2012. Life-history traits evolution across distribution ranges: how the joint evolution of dispersal and mating system favor the evolutionary stability of range limits. Evolutionary Ecology. 26:771–778.
49. Yun-Qiang Yang, Jin-Hui Chen, Qi Liu, Ce?cile Ben, Christopher D. Todd, Ji-Sen Shi, Yong-Ping Yang, Xiang-Yang Hu. 2012. Comparative Proteomic Analysis of the Thermotolerant Plant Portulaca oleracea Acclimation to Combined High Temperature and Humidity Stress. Journal of Proteome Research. 11:3605-3623.
50. Wang Chun-Tao, Yang Yong-Ping, Chen Jia-Hui, Li Xin. 2012, Leaf Epidermal Microfeatures of 28 Salix Species under Scanning Electronic Microscope and Their Taxonomical Significances (28种柳属植物的叶表皮微形态特征及其分类学意义). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报). 34 (5): 430-442.
51. Yin Xian-Lun, Wang Chun-Tao, Kong Xiang-Xiang, Yang Yong-Ping, Hu Xiang-Yang.. 2012. Simplification of Entry Vector by TA Approach (利用TA克隆的方法简便构建入门克隆). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报). 34 (4):397-402.
52. Meng Li-Hua, Wang Yun, Luo Jian, Liu Chun-Yan, Yang Yong-Ping, Duan Yuan-Wen. 2012. Pollination ecology and its implication for conservation of an endangered perennial herb native to the East-Himalaya,Megacodon stylophorus (Gentianaceae). Plant Ecology and Evolution, 145(3):356-362.
53. Yaoming Ma, Lide Tian, Anming Duan, Yili Zhang, Zeyong Hu, Fan Zhang, Kun Yang, Yongping Yang. 2012. Study on the change of the Tibetan Plateau climate system and the mechanism of its impact on eastern Asia. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 14, EGU2012-1282.
54. Guang-Yan Wang, Ying Meng, Yong-Ping Yang. 2013, Karyological analyses of 33 species of the tribe Ophiopogoneae (Liliaceae) from Southwest China. Journal of Plant Research. DOI 10.1007/s10265-013-0557-3.
55. Da-Song Yang, You-Li Zhang, Wei-Bing Peng, Li-Yan Wang, Zi-Lei Li, Xue Wang, Ke-Chun Liu, Yong-Ping Yang, Hong-Lin Li, and Xiao-Li Li*. 2013, Jatropholane-Type Diterpenes from Euphorbia sikkimensis, Journal of Natural Products. 76, 265−269.
56. YANG Da-song, LI Zi-lei1, 2, WEI Jian-guo, YANG Yong-ping, LI Xiao-li. 2012, Chemical constituents of Euphorbia royleana(霸王鞭的化学成分研究). Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs (中草药). 44:2039-2043.
57. Chuntao Wang, Xianlun Yin, Xiangxiang Kong, Wansha Li, Lan Ma, Xudong Sun,Yanlong Guan, Christopher D. Todd, Yongping Yang, Xiangyang Hu.2013, A Series of TA-Based and Zero-Background Vectors for Plant Functional Genomics. PLoS ONE. 8:e59576.
58. Da-Song YANG, Wei-Bing PENG, Zi-Lei LI, Xue WANG, Jian-Guo WEI, Ke-Chun LIU,Yong-Ping YANG, Xiao-Li LIa. 2013, Chemical constituents from the aerial parts of Euphorbia sikkimensis and their bioactivities. Natural Products and Bioprospecting. DOI 10.1007/s13659-013-0006-y.
59. Wang Chun-Tao, Wu Jie, Yang Yong-Hong, Chen Jia-Hui, Yang Yong-Ping. 2013, Intraspecific Variation of Leaf Epidermal Cuticle Waxes under Scanning Electronic Microscope: Stipa purpurea and Oxytropis microphylla from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (叶表皮蜡质纹饰特征的种内变异:以青藏高原地区的紫花针茅和小叶棘豆为例). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报). 35 (3): 348-354.
60. Wang Guang-Yan, Meng Ying, Nie Ze-Long, Yang Yong-Ping. 2013, Karyotypes of Five Leontopodium Species from the Southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Southwest China (青藏高原东南缘五种火绒草属植物的核型). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报). 35 (3): 355-360.
61. Meng Ying, Yang Yong-Ping. 2013, Chromosome Atlas of Eight Asteraceae Species from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (青藏高原八种菊科植物染色体核型报道). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报). 35 (3): 361-366.
62. Li Xiong, Hu Xiang-Yang, Yang Yong-Ping. 2013, Research of Important Forage Kobresia pygmaea in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (青藏高原重要牧草高山嵩草的研究现状). 草业与畜. 206:30-39.
63. Bi Yun-Feng, Xu Jian-Chu, Li Qiao-Hong, Antoine Guisan, Wilfried Thuiller, Niklaus Zimmermann, Yang Yong-Ping, Yang Xue-Fei. 2013. Applying BioMod for Model-Ensemble in Species Distributions: a Case Study for Tsuga chinensis in China (应用BioMod 集成多种模型研究物种的空间分布:以铁杉在中国的潜在分布为例). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报).35 (5):647-655.
64. Fan, Deng-Mei; Chen, Jia-Hui; Meng, Ying; Wen, Jun; Huang, Jin-Ling; Yang, Yong-Ping. Molecular phylogeny of Koenigia L. (Polygonaceae: Persicarieae): Implications for classification, character evolution and biogeography. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,2013, 69(3): 1093-1100.
65. Kahrl, Fredrich; Su, Yufang; Tennigkeit, Timm; Yang, Yongping; Xu, Jianchu. Large or small? Rethinking China's forest bioenergy policies. Biomass & Bioenergy,2013. 59: 84-91.
66. Stewart, O. Michelle; Bushley, E. Kathryn; Yang, Yongping. Regarding the social-ecological dimensions of caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) in the Himalayas - Reply to Shrestha and Bawa. Biological Conservation,2013, 167: 446-447.
67. Yang Da-Song, Yang Yong-Ping, Yang Yong-Hong, Li Xiao-Li. Chemical Constituents of Bischofia jvanica (秋枫化学成分的研究). Natural Product Research and Development (,天然产物研究与开发),2013,25,1056-1059.
68. Yang Da-Song, Wei Jian-Guo, Yang Yong-Ping, Yang Yong-Hong, Li Xiao-Li. Chemical Constituents of Euphorbia sikkimensis (黄苞大戟化学成分研究). China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica (中国中药杂志),2013,38(23),4094-4098.
69. Shen, Miaogen; Tang, Yanhong; Chen, Jin; Yang, Xi; Wang, Cong; Cui, Xiaoyong; Yang, Yongping; Han, Lijian; Li, Le; Du, Jianhui; Zhang, Gengxin; Cong, Nan. Earlier-Season Vegetation Has Greater Temperature Sensitivity of Spring Phenology in Northern Hemisphere. PLoS ONE 9(2).
70. Michelle A. Haynes, King-Jau Samuel Kung, Jodi S. Brandt, Yang Yongping & Donald M. Waller. 2014. Accelerated climate change and its potential impact on Yak herding livelihoods in the eastern Tibetan plateau. Climatic Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-013-1043-6
71. ZHANG C, DUAN Y W, YANG Y P. Pollen sensitivity to ultraviolet-B (UV-B) suggests floral structure evolution in alpine plants. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4: 4520.
72. ZHANG C, ZHOU G Y, YANG Y P, et al. Better than nothing: Evolution of autonomous selfing under strong inbreeding depression in an alpine annual from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2014. (Online) DOI: 10.1111/jse.12082.
73. 蓝舵, 张婵, 赵明富, et al. 青藏高原特有植物露蕊乌头(毛茛科)从冰期避难所扩张后繁殖资源分配的变化 [J]. 植物分类与资源学报, 2014. (已接收)
74. Guo Wen, Wang Lin-Lin, Sun Shan, Yang Yang-Ping, Duan Yuan-Wen*. 2014. Sexual interference in two Chamerion species with contrasting modes of movement herkogamy. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 52 (3): 355–362.
75. Wang Guang-Yan, Meng Ying, Deng Tao, Yang Yong-Ping. 2014. Molecular Phylogeny of Faberia (Asteraceae: Cichorieae) based on nuclear and chloroplast sequences. Phytotaxa 167 (3): 223–234
76. Wang Guang-Yan, Meng Ying, Huang Jin-Ling, Yang Yong-Ping. 2014. Molecular Phylogeny of Ophiopogon (Asparagaceae) inferred from Nuclear and Plastid DNA Sequences. Systematic Botany. 39(3):776-784.
77. Da-Song Yang, Wei-Bing Peng, Zi-Lei Li, Xue Wang, Jian-Guo Wei, Qiu-Xia He, Yong-Ping Yang, Ke-Chun Liu, Xiao-Li Li, 2014. Chemical constituents from Euphorbia stracheyi and their biological activities. Fitoterapia 97:211-218.
78. Xiong Li, Yunqiang Yang, Lan Ma, Xudong Sun, Shihai Yang, Xiangxiang Kong, Xiangyang Hu, Yongping Yang. 2014. Comparative Proteomics Analyses of Kobresia pygmaea Adaptation to Environment along an Elevational Gradient on the Central Tibetan Plateau. PLoS ONE 9(6): e98410.
79. Yunqiang Yang, Xudong Sun, Shihai Yang, Xiong Li, Yongping Yang. 2014. Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel SK3-type dehydrin gene from Stipa purpurea, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 448:145–150.
80. Yunqiang Yang, Xiong Li, Xiangxiang Kong, Lan Ma, Xiangyang Hu, Yongping Yang*. Transcriptome analysis reveals diversified adaptation of Stipa purpurea along a drought gradient on the Tibetan Plateau. Functional & Integrative Genomics, 2014, 1-13.
81. Yanlong Guan, Huaming Lin, Lan Ma, Yongping Yang, Xiangyang Hu. 2014, Nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide are important signals mediating the allelopathic response of Arabidopsis to p-hydroxybenzoic acid. Physiologia Plantarum. doi: 10.1111/ppl.12164.
82. Yang Da-Song, He Qiu-Xia, Yang Yong-Ping, Liu Ke-Chun, Li Xiao-Li. 2014. Chemical constituents of Euphorbia tibetica and their biological activities. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 12(1): 0038−0042.
83. Xiangxiang Kong, Lan Ma, Liming Yang, Qian Chen, Nan Xiang, Yongping Yang, and Xiangyang Hu. Quantitative proteomics analysis reveals that the nuclear cap-binding complex proteins Arabidopsis CBP20 and CBP80 modulate the salt stress response. Journal of Proteome Research. 13 (5):2495–2510.
84. W. Babel, T. Biermann, H. Coners, E. Falge, E. Seeber, J. Ingrisch, P.-M. Schleuß, T. Gerken, J. Leonbacher, T. Leipold, S. Willinghöfer, K. Schützenmeister, O. Shibistova, L. Becker, S. Hafner, S. Spielvogel, X. Li, X. Xu, Y. Sun, L. Zhang, Y. Yang, Y. Ma, K. Wesche, H.-F. Graf, C. Leuschner, G. Guggenberger, Y. Kuzyakov, G. Miehe, T. Foken. 2014, Pasture degradation modifies the water and carbon cycles of the Tibetan highlands. Biogeosciences Discussion. 11:8861–8923.
85. Franz K. Huber, Yongping Yang, Caroline S. Weckerle, Klaus Seeland. 2014, Diversification of Livelihoods in a Society in Transition: A Case Study of Tibetan Communities in Southwest China. Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal, DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.901465.
86. Wei Jian-Guo, Yang Da-Song, Chen Wei-Yun, Wang Xi-Min, Liu Ke-Chun, Li Xiao-Li. Chemical constituents from Ampelopsis cantoniensis and their anti-angiogenic activities, 2014, Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs (中草药), 2014. 45(7):900-905
87. Zhi-Qiang Zhang, Xing-Fu Zhu, Hang Sun, Yong-Ping Yang and Spencer C. H. Barrett, 2014. Size-dependent gender modification in Lilium apertum (Liliaceae): does this species exhibit gender diphasy? Annals of Botany (2014) 114 (3): 441-453.
88. Xiong Li, Yunqiang Yang, Xudong Sun, Huaming Lin, Jinhui Chen, Jian Ren, Xiangyang Hu, Yongping Yang.2014,Comparative Physiological and Proteomic Analyses of Poplar (Populus yunnanensis) Plantlets Exposed to High Temperature and Drought, PLoS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.010760
89. Lan Ma, Xudong Sun, Xiangxiang Kong, Jose Valero Galvan, Xiong Li, Shihai Yang, Yunqiang Yang, Yongping Yang, Xiangyang Hu. 2014, Physiological, biochemical and proteomics analysis reveals the adaptation strategies of the alpine plant Potentilla saundersiana at altitude gradient of the Northwestern Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Protoemics doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2014.08.009
90. Chan Zhang, Lin-Lin Wang, Duo Lan, Yong-Ping Yang, Yuan-Wen Duan. 2014, Pollination Ecology of Arnebia szechenyi (Boraginaceae), a Chinese endemic perennial characterized by distyly and heteromorphic self-incompatibility. Ann. Bot. Fennici 51:297-304
91. Da-Song Yang, Wei-Bing Peng, Zi-Lei Li, Xue Wang, Jian-Guo Wei, Qiu-Xia He, Yong-Ping Yang, Ke-Chun Liu, Xiao-Li Li, 2014.Cytotoxic prenylated bibenzyls andflavonoids from Macaranga kurzii. Fitoterapia 99:261–266.
92. Wei Jian-Guo, Yang Da-Song, Yang Yong-Ping, Wang Yun-Yue, Li Xiao-Li. Chemical Constituents of Macaranga henryi (草鞋木的化学成分研究), Natural Products Research and Development (天然产物研究与开发), 2014.26: 1789-1792.
93. Shihai Yang, Xiong Li, Yushou Ma, Xudong Sun, Yunqiang Yang*, Yongping Yang*. Proteome response of wild wheat relative Kengyilia thoroldiana to drought stress. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2014 (ja). (并列通讯作者)
94. Xiong Li, Yunqiang Yang, Lan Ma, Xudong Sun, Shihai Yang, Xiangxiang Kong, Xiangyang Hu, Yongping Yang*. Comparative proteomics analyses of Kobresia pygmaea adaptation to environment along an elevational gradient on the central Tibetan Plateau. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(6): e98410.
95. Shihai Yang, Xiong Li, Yunqiang Yang, Xin Yin, Yongping Yang* Comparing the relationship between seed germination and temperature for Stipa species on the Tibetan Plateau. Botany 2014, 92(12): 895-900.
96. Li Xiong, Yin Xin, Xi Hou-Cheng, Zhou Xin-Mao, Yang Yong-Ping. Investigation and analysis of impact from high frost on vascular plants in the Kunming Botanic Garden (霜冻对昆明植物园维管植物危害的调查分析). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报). 2014, 36(5):639-652.
97. Li Xiong, Yin Xin, Yang Shi-Hai, Yang Yun-Qiang, Hu Xiang-Yang, Yang Yong-Ping. Effect of Temperatures on seed germination characteristics of alpine plant Stipa Purpurea (Poaceae) (温度对高山植物紫花针茅种子萌发特性的影响). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报). 2014, 36(6):698-706.
98. Li-Hua Meng, Yun Wang, Jian Luo, Yong-Ping Yang, Yuan-Wen Duan. The trade-off and altitudinal variations in seed wight-number in Sinopodophyllum hexandrum (Berberdiaceae) population from the Hengduan Mountains. Polish Journal of Ecology. 2014, 62: 413–419
99. Meng Ying, Yang Yong-Ping, Sun Hang, Deng Tao, Nie Ze-Long. Chromosome numbers, karyotypes and polyploidy evolution of Anaphalis species (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from the Hengduan Mountains, SW China. Caryologia. 2014, 67(3):238-249.
100. Cao Jun, Han Xi, Zhang Ticao, Yang Yongping, Huang Jinling, Hu Xiangyang. Genome-wide and molecular analysis of the subtilase gene family in vitis vinifera. BMC Genomics. 2014,15:1116.
101. Hu Xiangyang, Kong Xiangxiang, Wang Chuntao, Ma Lan, Zhao Jinjie, Wei Jingjing, Zhang Xiaoming, Loake Gary J, Zhang Ticao, Huang Jinling. Proteasome-mediated degradation of FRIGIDA modulates flowering time in Arabidopsis during vernaliztion. Plant Cell. 26: 4763–4781
102. Yang Da-Song, Li Zi-Lie, Wang Xue, Yang Yong-Ping, Peng Wei-Bing, Liu Ke-Chun, Li Xiao-Li. Chemical constituents from roots of Campanumoea javanica and their antiangiogeneic activities (土党参的化学成分及其抗血管生成活性研究). Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs (中草药) , 2015, 46(4), 470-475.
103. Da-Song Yang, Shuang-Mei Wang, Wei-Bing Peng, Yong-Ping Yang, Ke-Chun Liu, Xiao-Li Li, Wei-Lie Xiao. 2015. Minor prenylated flavonoids from the twigs of Macaranga adenantha and their cytotoxic activity. Natural Products and Bioprospecting, DOI 10.1007/s13659-015-0059-1
104. Da-Song Yang, Zi-Lei Li, Xue Wang, Hui Yan, Yong-Ping Yang, Huai-Rong Luo, Ke-Chun Liu, Wei-Lie Xiao, and Xiao-Li Li* Denticulatains A and B: unique stilbene–diterpene heterodimers from Macaranga denticulate. RSC Advances. DOI: 10.1039/c0xx00000x
105. Yunqiang Yang, Chao Dong, Shihai Yang, Xiong Li, Xudong Sun*, Yongping Yang*. Physiological and proteomic adaptation of the alpine Grass Stipa purpurea to a drought gradient, PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(2): e**.
106. Xudong Sun, Nan Xiang, Chongde Wang, Shihai Yang, Xiong Li, Yunqiang Yang*, Yongping Yang*. Isolation and Functional Analysis of SpWOX13 from Stipa purpurea. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2015, 1-10.
107. Xiong Li, Houcheng Xi, Xudong Sun, Yunqiang Yang, Shihai Yang, Yanli Zhou, Xinmao Zhou, Yongping Yang*. Comparative proteomics exploring the molecular mechanism of eutrophic water purification using water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 1-16
108. Lan Ma, Xudong Sun, Xiangxiang Kong, Jose Valero Galvan, Xiong Li, Shihai Yang, Yunqiang Yang, Yongping Yang*, Xiangyang Hu*. Physiological, biochemical and proteomics analysis reveals the adaptation strategies of the alpine plant Potentilla saundersiana at altitude gradient of the Northwestern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Proteomics, 2015, 112(1): 63-82.
109. Jie Wu, Tommi Nyman, Dong-Chao Wang, George W Argus, Yong-Ping Yang, and Jia-Hui Chen. Phylogeny ofSalixsubgenusSalixs.l. (Salicaceae): 3 delimitation, biogeography, and reticulate evolution. BMC Evolutionary Biology Doi: 10.1186/s12862-015-0311-7.
110. Wu Jie, Wang Dong-Chao, Yang Yong-Ping, Chen Jia-Hui. Homoploid Hybridization between native Salix cavaleriei and exotic Salix matsudana (Salicaceae) (本地种云南柳与外来种旱柳 ( 杨柳科) 的同倍体自然杂交). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报).2015, 37(1):1-10.
111. Li Xiong, Yin Xin, Yang Shi-Hai, Yang Yun-Qiang, Hu Xiang-Yang, Yang Yong-Ping. Effect of Temperatures on seed germination characteristics of alpine plant Stipa Purpurea (Poaceae) (温度对高山植物紫花针茅种子萌发特性的影响). Plant Diversity and Resources (植物分类与资源学报). 2014, 36(6):698-706.
112. Li Xiong, Yang Yun-Qiang, Yang Shi-Hai, Ma Lan, Kong Xiang-Xiang, Yang Yong-Ping, Protein level analysis of Kobresia pygmaea (Cyperaceae) response to diurnal environment on the Tibetan Plateau. 2015, Plant Diversity and Resources. 2015 (2):145-156.
113. Da-Song Yang, Zi-Lei Li, Wei-Bing Peng, Yong-Ping Yang, Xue Wang, Ke-Chun Liu, Xiao-Li Li, Wei-Lie Xiao. 2015. Three new prenylatedflavonoids fromMacaranga denticulate and their anticancer effects. Fitoterapia 103 (2015) 165–170.
114. Xiangyang Hu, Xiangxiang Kong, Chuntao Wang, Lan Ma, Jinjie Zhao, Jingjing Wei, Xiaoming Zhang, Gary J. Loake, Ticao Zhang, Jinling Huang and Yongping Yang. 2015. Proteasome-mediated degradation of FRIGIDA modulates flowering time in Arabidopsis during vernalization. Plant Cell. doi/10.1105/tpc.114.132738.
115. Xiong Li, Yanli Zhou, Yunqiang Yang, Xudong Sun, Yongping Yang. 2015. Physiological and proteomics analyses reveal the mechanism of Eichhornia crassipes tolerance to high-concentration cadmium stress compared with Pistia stratiotes. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**.
116. Chan Zhang, Lin-Lin Wang, Yong-Ping Yang& Yuan-Wen Duan. 2015. Flower evolution of alpine forbs in the open top chambers (OTCs) from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Scientific Reports. doi: 10.1038/srep10254
117. Lihua Meng, Gang Chen, Zhonghu Li, Yongping Yang, Zhengkun Wang& Liuyang Wang. 2015. Refugial isolation and range expansions drive the genetic structure of Oxyria sinensis (Polygonaceae) in the Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains. Scientific Reports. doi: 10.1038/srep10396.
张绍云、李巧宏等 拉祜族民间特色药用植物,云南民族出版社,昆明,2010
陈家辉 杨勇,羌塘草地植物识别手册,云南科技出版社,昆明,2010
序号 项目名称 下达部门 级别 时间 经费 本人排名
1 羌塘高原及雅鲁藏布江上中游地区特殊生境植物种质资源调查 科技部 2007-2013年 83.5万元 主持人
2 横断山民族聚居区坡耕地植物篱建设与特色生物资源开发及示范 科技部 2008-2011年 560万元 主持人
3 典型区域气候变化与植物多样性关系的研究 科技部 2010-2014年 80万元 主持人
4 藏东南地区重要工业原料植物调查 科技部 2012-2016年 107万元 主持人
5 植被多样性与植物群落调查 科技部 国家级 2012-2016年 97万元 主持人
6 藏药材“索罗玛布”正品及其代用品的DNA条形码通用序列筛选与鉴定研究 科技部 2013 -2014年 60万元 主持人
7 三个北温带广布种的染色体倍性变化及其对形态和繁殖特征的影响 国家自然科学基金委员会 2013-2016年 80万元 主持人
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