



专 业: 无机化学,材料物理化学 研究方向: 材料电化学,纳米功能材料

邮 箱:hchchh@sina.com
办公室:新疆大学逸夫楼 219 室
电 话:+86 09918588209

1. 国家自然科学基金,21461024,多孔结构镍(氢)氧化物纳微米材料的调控合成及电容性能,主持;
2. 国家自然科学基金,21346012,基于新疆煤基多孔碳材料的制备及其电化学性能研究元,主持;
3. 教育部重点项目,210245,特殊结构电化学材料的控制合成及其性能研究, 主持;
4. 自治区杰出青年人才计划,2017Q001,多元过渡金属氧化物的结构调控及其电化学性能,主持;
5. 自治区高校科研计划重点项目,XJEDU2019I008,碳/过渡金属化合物材料的构筑及其电化学性能,主持
6. 自治区优秀创新青年人才计划,2014721006,多孔碳基材料的制备及超电容性能研究,主持;
7. 自治区自然科学基金,2015211c250,石墨烯类微纳米复合材料的制备及电化学性能,主持。

8. 自治区科技计划重点实验室课题,XJDX0902-2009-02,新疆煤基活性炭的制备及活化过程研究,主持
1. 2019 年获新疆维吾尔自治区教学成果奖一等奖
2. 2018 年获 2017 级新疆维吾尔自治区优秀硕士论文奖(指导老师)
2. 2017 年获新疆大学青年科研奖
3. 2018 年获新疆维吾尔自治区第十五届自然科学优秀论文奖三等奖
4. 2016 年获新疆维吾尔自治区第十四届自然科学优秀论文奖二等奖
5. 2014 年获新疆维吾尔自治区第十三届自然科学优秀论文奖二等奖
6. 2011 年获新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步一等奖
7. 2010 年获新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市科技进步一等奖


1. Xin Chen, Hui. Chai, Yali Cao, Wanyong Zhou, Yuanyuan Li, Yaxiu Yang, Hierarchical CoGa layered
double hydroxides grown on nickel foam as high energy density hybrid supercapacitor,
Chem. Eng. J. 2020,381,122620.
2. Yaxiu Yang , Xin Chen , Yali Cao , Wanyong Zhou , He Sun , Hui Chai , Synthesis of
homogeneous hollow Co3O4 microspheres for enhanced cycle life and electrochemical energy
storage performance,ChemElectroChem,2020, 7, 723-729.
3. Yuanyuan Li, He Sun, Yaxiu Yang, Yali Cao, Wanyong Zhou, Hui Chai, Controllable
fabrication of NiV2O6 nanosphere as a high-performance flexible all-solid-state electrode material
for supercapacitors.
J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 2020, 580, 298-307

4. Yuanyuan Li, Xin Chen, Yali Cao, Wanyong Zhou, Hui Chai , The ultralong cycle life of solid
flexible asymmetric supercapacitors based on nickel vanadium sulfide nanospheres,
CrystEngComm, 2020, 22, 5226-5236
5. He Sun, Xin Chen, Hui Chai, Yucheng Wang, Dianzeng Jia, Yali Cao, Anjie Liu. 3D porous hydrated
cobalt pyrovanadate microflowers with excellent cycling stability as cathode materials
for asymmetric supercapacitor. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2019, 469, 118-124.

6. He Sun, Yuanyuan Li, Hui Chai, Yali Cao, Wanyong Zhou, Facile synthesis of cobalt
doped nickel vanadate microspheres as battery-type electrode material for hybrid
supercapacitor. J. Alloy. Compd., 2019, 805, 388-395.
7. Xin Chen, Jiayu Xu, Hui Chai, Yucheng Wang, Dianzeng Jia, Wanyong Zhou. One-step
synthesis of hollow chain-like nitrogen doped carbon nanotubes/iron carbide as highly
efficient bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst. J. Electroanal. Chem., 2019, 838, 16-22.
8. Xin Chen, Hui Chai, Yali Cao, Dianzeng Jia, Anjie Liu, Wanyong Zhou, Excellent cycle life of
electrode materials based on hierarchical mesoporous CoGa2O4 microspheres, Chem. Eng. J, 2018, 354,
9. Maoping Wei, Hui Chai, Yali Cao, Dianzeng Jia, Sulfonated graphene oxide as an adsorbent for
removal of Pb2+ and methylene blue, J. Colloid. Interf. Sci., 2018, 524, 297-305.
10. Xuejia Ma , Hui Chai, Yali Cao, Jiayu Xu ,Yucheng Wang, Hong Dong, Dianzeng Jia ,
Wanyong Zhou, An effective bifunctional electrocatalysts: controlled growth of CoFe alloy
nanoparticles supported on N-doped carbon nanotubes, J. Colloid. Interf. Sci., 2018, 514, 656-663.
11. Hui Chai, Maoping Wei, Ying Su, Yucheng Wang, Dianzeng Jia, Zhipeng Sun, Wanyong Zhou, Facile
controlled growth of podetium-like MnO2 crystals and the catalytic effect of MnO2/N-doped graphene
on the oxygen reduction reaction, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2018, 11, 1315-1321.
12. Xiao Peng, Hui Chai, Yali Cao, Yucheng Wang, Hong Dong, Dianzeng Jia, Wanyong Zhou, Facile
synthesis of cost-effective Ni3(PO4)2·8H2O microstructures as a supercapattery electrode material,
Mater. Today Energy, 2018,7,129-135.
13. Hui Chai, Yucheng Wang, Yingchun Fang, Yan Lv, Hong Dong, Dianzeng Jia, Wanyong Zhou,Low- cost
synthesis of hierarchical Co3V2O8 microspheres as high-performance anode materials for lithium-ion
batteries, Chem. Eng. J., 2017,326,587-593.
14. Hui Chai, Hong Dong, Yucheng Wang, Jiayu Xu, Dianzeng Jia, Porous NiCo2S4-halloysite hybrid
self- assembled from nanosheets for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitor applications, Appl.
Surf. Sci., 2017, 401, 399-407.
15. Hui Chai, Jiayu Xu, Jingli Han, Ying Su, Zhipeng Sun, Dianzeng Jia, Wanyong Zhou, Facile
synthesis of Mn3O4-rGO hybrid materials for the high-performance electrocatalytic reduction of
oxygen, J. Colloid. Interf. Sci., 2017, 488, 251-257.

16. Hui Chai, Xiao Peng, Ting Liu, Xiaohui Su, Dianzeng Jia, Wanyong Zhou ,
High-performance supercapacitors based on conductive graphene combined with Ni(OH)2
nanoflakes, RSC Adv., 2017,7,36617-36622
17. Ting Liu, Hui Chai, Dianzeng Jia, Ying Su, Tao Wang, Wanyong Zhou, Rapid
microwave-assisted synthesis of mesoporous NiMoO4 nanorod/reduced graphene oxide composites
for high-performance supercapacitors, Electrochim. Acta, 2015, 180, 998-1006.
18. Ying Su, Hui Chai, Zhipeng Sun , Ting Liu , Dianzeng Jia , Wanyong Zhou,
High-performance manganese nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide for oxygen reduction
reaction. Catal. Lett., 2016, 146, 1019-1026.
19. Yucheng Wang, Hui Chai, Hong Dong, Jjiayu Xu, Dianzeng Jia, Wanyong Zhou, Superior
cycle stability performance of quasi-cuboidal CoV2O6 microstructures as electrode material for
supercapacitors, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 2016, 8 (40), 27291-27297.
20. 授权的中国发明专利:
柴卉、周美玲、刘婷、贾殿赠,一种氢氧化钙部分取代氢氧化钾制备活性炭的方法,2014.12,中国发明专利,专利号 ZL201410837854.5。

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