吴冬玲 教授 博士 硕士生导师
姓 名:吴冬玲
职称/职务:教授 、 博士、博士生导师专 业:物理化学
联系方式:0991-8581183, 18999121108
邮 箱:wudl@xju.edu.cn办公室:逸夫楼 421
2019.12-, 新疆大学应用化学研究所,教授
1. 功能碳材料
2. 超级电容器电极材料
3. 电催化材料
吴冬玲 教授 博士 硕士生导师
1. 国家自然科学基金项目,多糖基多孔碳纳米材料的制备及其电化学性能研究 (21865035),2019.1- 2022.12,40 万元,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金项目, 氨基酸为氮( 硫) 源掺杂石墨烯材料的制备及其电化学性能研究
(21561029),2016.1-2019.12,50 万,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金项目,吡唑啉酮类光致变色化合物的量子化学研究 (21162029),2012.1-2015.12, 52 万,主持
4. 自治区重点实验室开放课题,氨基酸为前驱体的杂原子(N, S, P)掺杂多孔碳的制备及其电化学性能研究 (2018D04007),2018.6-2021.7,20 万,主持
5. 自治区自然科学基金,“Frustrated Lewis Pairs”活化氢反应的理论研究 (2010211B06),2010.5- 2012.12,5 万,主持
6. 自治区青年科技创新人才项目,光致变色吡唑啉酮衍生物的结构、光谱性质及反应机理研究
(2014731007),2014.10-2016.10,5 万,主持
1. 贾殿赠、王鲁香、郭继玺、吴冬玲,功能碳材料的可控制备及性能研究,2019 年度自治区科学技术奖自然科学一等奖,2020 年
2. 刘浪、郭继玺、吴冬玲、张丽、许贯诚、刘岸杰、贾殿赠,吡唑啉酮席夫碱类化合物的合成及光化学性能,2015 年度自治区科技进步奖一等奖,新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府,2016 年
3. 贾殿赠、刘浪、张丽、郭继玺、吴冬玲、柴卉、刘广飞、蔺何,吡唑啉酮类光致变色化合物的合成、结构与性质研究,2010 年度自治区科技进步奖一等奖,新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府,2011 年
4. 王涛、王鲁香、吴冬玲,Hydrothermal synthesis of nitrogen-doped graphene hydrogels using amino acids with
different acidities as doping agents,自治区第十四届自然科学优秀论文奖一等奖,新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府,2016 年
5. 吴冬玲、刘浪, Ab initio/DFT and AIM studies on dual hydrogen bonded complexes of 2 Hydroxy
pyridine/2-Pyridone tautomeris,自治区第十届自然科学优秀论文奖二等奖,新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府,2009 年
1. 2014 年获自治区青年博士科技创新人才
2. 2016 年获新疆大学第一届具有新疆特色“四好”教师荣誉称号
3. 2013 年获新疆大学第三届青年科研奖
吴冬玲 教授 博士 硕士生导师
1. Liu Yang, Dongling Wu*, Tao Wang, Dianzeng Jia*. B/N co-doped carbon nanosheets derived from
the self-assembly of chitosan-amino acids gels for greatly improved supercapacitor
performances. ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 2020, 12, 18692-18704.
2. Yan Ma, Dongling Wu*, Tao Wang, Dianzeng Jia*. Nitrogen, Phosphorus Co-doped
Carbon Obtained from Amino Acid Based Resin Xerogel as Efficient Electrode for Supercapacitor.
ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2020, 3, 957-969.
3. Huimin Liu, Xinning Huang, Zhenjie Lu, Tao Wang, Yaming Zhu, Junxia Cheng, Yue Wang, Dongling
Wu*, Zhenyu Sun*, Alex W. Robertson, Xingxing Chen*. Trace metals dramatically boost oxygen
electrocatalysis of N-doped coal- derived carbon for zinc–air batteries. Nanoscale 2020, 12,
4. Dongling Wu, Jinyan Cheng, Tao Wang*, Penggao Liu, Liu Yang, Dianzeng Jia*. A
Novel Porous N- and S?Self- Doped Carbon Derived from Chinese Rice Wine Lees as
High-Performance Electrode Materials in a Supercapacitor. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng., 2019, 7,
5. Dongling Wu, Tao Wang*, Luxiang Wang, Dianzeng Jia*. Hydrothermal synthesis of
nitrogen, sulfur co-doped graphene and its high performance in supercapacitor and oxygen
reduction reaction. Micropor. Mesopor. Mat. 2019, 290, 109556.
6. Jia Guo, Dongling Wu*, Tao Wang, Yan Ma. P-doped hierarchical porous carbon aerogels derived
from phenolic resins for high performance supercapacitor. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2019, 475, 56-66.
7. Yangyang Tan, Dongling Wu*, Tao Wang, Penggao Liu, Jia Guo, Dianzeng Jia*. Facile
synthesis of functionalized graphene hydrogel for high performance supercapacitor with high
volumetric capacitance and ultralong cycling stability. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2018, 455, 683-695.
8. Dongling Wu, Penggao Liu, Tao Wang, Xingxing Chen, Liu Yang, Dianzeng Jia*. Amino
acid-assisted synthesis of Fe2O3/nitrogen doped graphene hydrogels as high performance electrode
material. Electrochim. Acta. 2018, 283, 1858- 1870.
9. Penggao Liu, Dongling Wu*, Yang Gao, Tao Wang, Yangyang Tan, Dianzeng Jia*. Reduced graphene
oxide-coated mulberry-shaped α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles composite as high performance electrode material
for supercapacitors. J.Alloys Compd. 2018, 735, 109-116.
10. Yang Gao, Dongling Wu*, Tao Wang, Dianzeng Jia*, Wei Xia, Yan Lv, Yali Cao, Yangyang Tan,
Penggao Liu. One- step solvothermal synthesis of quasi-hexagonal Fe2O3 nanoplates/graphene
composite as high performance electrode material for supercapacitor. Electrochim. Acta 2016,
191(4), 275-283.