

新疆农业大学 免费考研网/2016-01-31

1996.06-1997.03: 日本北海道带广畜产大学畜产学部合作研究;
1997.04-1999.04: 日本北海道带广畜产大学畜产环境科学专业学习,农学硕士;
1999.03-2002.03: 日本岩手大学联合研究生院生物生产学专业学习,农学博士;
2008年12月 :聘任为教授
1.Okine Abdul Razak,Hanada Masaaki1,Aibibula Yimamu and Okamoto Meiji. Potential Water Retention Capacity as a Factor in Silage Effluent Control: Experiments with High Moisture By-product Feedstuffs. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci.2012,25( 4) : 471–478.
2.Aibibula Y. and M. Reshalaitihan.The cotton stalk and its utilization as ruminant feed resource in Xinjiang.The Japan-China -Korea Symposium on Grassland Agriculture and Animal Production, 2012, Nagoya, Japan. 40-41.
3.艾比布拉?伊马木,热沙来提汗?买买提,刘晨.绿汁发酵液添加对紫花苜蓿和苏丹草青贮发酵品质的影响. 草食家畜,2012(1):34-36
4.热沙来提汗.买买提,艾比布拉.伊马木,早热古丽.热合曼. 化学及高温发酵处理对棉花秸秆消化性的影响.新疆农业科学,2012(5):(待印刷)
5.艾比布拉.伊马木,玉山江.白克力,热沙来提汗.买买提,早热古丽.热合曼. 豆粕和棉粕蛋白质补充料对育肥肉牛增重效果比较试验.新疆畜牧业, 2011(6):30-31.
6.热娜古丽木沙,艾比布拉伊马木,大西正男. 鸡皮中功能性极性脂质成分的分析研究. 新疆农业科学 2010,47(3):583-586.
7.艾比布拉?伊马木,艾山江?吾守尔,热沙来提汗?买买提. .新疆几个典型牧区定居及饲草料生产现状分析.新疆畜牧业,2010,(9):7-9.
8.山本泰也、艾比布拉伊马木、依米提 鳥斯満、平岡啓司、乾 清人、竹田元治、横井大輔、苅田修一、後藤正和.各种氨基酸发酵副生废液添加对多年生黑麦草(Lolium multiflorum Lam.)青贮的发酵品质及饲料特性的改善效果[J]. 日本草地学会誌 2008,53(4): 289-294.
10.Maimaijiang. Z, Y. Aibibula, M. Hanada, M. Okamoto . Variations in conjugated linoleic acid concentrations in cows milk, depending on feeding systems in different seasons.Asian-Aust J.Anim.Sci.2008,21:1466-1471.
11.Aibibula, Y. , M. Hanada, M. Hirata, M.Renaguli, M. Goto. The fatty acid profile of traditional home-made kurut in Xinjiang pastoral regions. Proc. of the XXI internat. Grassl.Congr., 2008.Pp.1033
12.沖山垣明、艾比布拉伊马木、蒲生夕子、依米提 鳥斯満、竹田元治、横井大輔、高橋敏能、堀口健一、苅田修一、後藤正和谷氨酸发酵副生液添加对饲料水稻青贮的发酵品质和奶牛饲喂时全株及籽实消化性的影响. 日本草地学会誌 2008,54(1): 64-68.
13.中井朋一、艾比布拉伊马木、村田 暁、名倉泰三、佐藤 忠、佐渡谷裕郎、大谷昌之、花田正明、岡本明治.去势牛的十二指肠内蜜三糖(raffinose)投入对粪便pH及Bifidobacterium 和Lactobacillus 菌数的影响.日本畜産学会報2007,78(2):173-178.
14.平田昌弘、艾比布拉伊马木. 中国新疆维吾尔自治区中部地区的乳加工体系. 北海道民族学. 2007,3:1-9.
15.艾比布拉伊马木、福井昌弘、竹田元治、横井大輔、苅田修一、後藤正和氨基酸发酵副生废液添加对玉米青贮的发酵品质和好气性变败的影响. 日本草地学会誌2007,53:23-31.
16.平田昌弘、艾比布拉伊马木、吐尔逊娜依、安沙舟、朱进忠、花田正明、岡本明治、大久保正彦、風戸真理、本江昭夫. 中国新疆维吾尔自治区昌吉市阿西里乡牧民定住的牧业形态变化. 沙漠研究2007,17(3):69-78.
17.Okine, A., Y. Aibibula, M. Hanada, M. Izumita, M. Zunong and M. Okamoto. Ensiling characteristics of daikon (Raphanus sativus) by-product and its potential as an animal feed resource. Anim. Feed Sci.Technol. 2007,136:248-264.
18.Okine A., Y. Aibibula, M. Hanada and M. Okamoto. The use of fungal inoculants in the ensiling of potato pulp: Effect of temperature and duration of storage on silage fermentation characteristics. Asian-Aust J. Anim. Sci. 2007,20(2): 214-219.
19.Aibibula, Y., A. Okine, M. Hanada, S. Murata, M. Okamoto and M. Goto. Effect of replacing rolled corn with potato pulp silage in grass silage-based diets on nitrogen utilization by steers, Asian-Aust.J.Anim.Sci. 2007,20(8):1215-1221.
20.Aibibula Y., M. Hanada and M. Okamoto.Nitrogen digestion and amino acid flow to the small intestine of steers grazing temperate pasture. Acta Pratacultural Science 2006,15:127-129.
21.Aibibula Y., A. Okine, M. Hanada, M. Okamoto and M. Goto. Effect of addition of beet-pulp on silage fermentation quality of fish waste inoculated with or without lactic acid bacteria. XIth Asia-Australasian Animal Production, Animal Science Congress 2006, Busan, Korea.
22.Hanada M.,Y. Aibibula, A. Okine, S. Murata, K. Ikehata and M. Okamoto Ensiling potato pulp and its feeding value as an energy source for dairy cows grazing temperate pasture. Acta Pratacultural Science 2006,15:8-13.
24.Okine A., M. Hanada, Y. Aibibula and M.Okamoto. Ensiling of potato pulp with bacterial inoculants and its effect on fermentation quality, nutrient composition and nutritive value.Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 121:329-343, 2005.
25.Aibibula Y., M. Hanada and M. Okamoto.Ruminal and Intestinal variation of long chain fatty acid profiles in steers grazing temperate pasture.Proc. of the XX internat. Grassl. Congr.2005, Ireland. Pp412-413.
26.李慧全、花田正明、艾比布拉伊馬木、上杉幸子、渡辺正和、岡本明治、“水産加工残渣物的bacilli菌处理对瘤胃内蛋白质降解率及营养价的影响.北海道畜産学会報, 2004,46:45-51.
27.Effect of potato pulp silage supplementation on nitrogen utilization in rumen of steers fed grass silage. Grassland Science,50(special):418-419,2004.
28.Aibibula Y., M. Hanada and M. Okamoto.Effect of beet-pulp supplementation on nitrogen utilization in rumen and amino acid supply to duodenum in grazing steers, Grassland Science, 2004,49: 623-628.
29.Hanada M., Y. Aibibula and M. Okamoto.Effect of energy supplement for steers grazing temperate pasture on nitrogen flow to duodenum and amino acid composition of duodenal digesta. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 2003, 3:361-364.
30.Aibibula Y., M. Hanada and M. Okamoto.Effect of pre-grazing sward length and daily herbage allowance on nitrogen utilization in the rumen and supply to the duodenum of steers under rotational grazing. Grassland Science, 2002, 49:217-221.
31.Aibibula Y., M. Hanada and M. Okamoto. Nitrogen digestion in the rumen and small intestine of steers grazing orchardgrass and meadow fescue pastures. Grassland Science, 2002,48:332-339.
