姓名 程志博
1988 年 10 月
性别 男 民族 汉族
学位 农学博士 职称 副教授
2009 年 9 月-2013 年 6 月,天水师范学院科学教育专业学习,获理学学士学位;
2013 年 9 月-2019 年 6 月,石河子大学作物栽培学与耕作学专业学习(硕博连读)获农学博士学位;2017 年 2 月-2019 年 2
月,在澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织水土所(CSIRO Land & Water)联合培养。2019 年 9
月至今,在石河子大学农学院农学系从事教学科研工作。主要围绕干旱区盐碱弃耕地生态恢复重建和养分高效利用等方面开展研究工作,目前已在国内外学术期刊上发表论文 16 篇,其中 SCI论文 11 篇。
1. Cheng, Z., Wang, J., William, J., Yang, H., Zhang, F. (2020). Soil aggregation and
aggregate-associated organic carbon under four typical halophyte communities in Northwest
China. Pedosphere. 30(2), 236-243
2. Cheng, Z., Chen, Y., Zhang, F. (2019). Effect of cropping systems after abandoned salinized
farmland reclamation on soil bacterial communities in arid northwest China. Soil & Tillage
Research, 187, 204-213.
3. Cheng, Z., Chen, Y., William, J.G., Zhang, F. (2019). Inorganic phosphorus
distribution in soil aggregates under different cropping patterns in northwest China. Journal of
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 19(1), 157–165.
4. Cheng, Z., Chen, Y., Zhang, F. (2018). Effect of reclamation of abandoned salinized farmland
on soil bacterial communities in arid northwest China. Science of the Total Environment, 630,
5. Cheng, Z., Zhang, F, Gale, W. J., Wang, W., Sang, W., Yang, H. (2017). Effects of reclamation
years on composition and diversity of soil bacterial communities in Northwest China.
Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 64(1), 28-40.
6. Chen, Y., Guerschman, J., Cheng, Z., Guo, L. (2019). Remote sensing for vegetation monitoring
in carbon capture storage regions: a review. Applied Energy. 240, 312-326.
7. Chen, Y., Xu, T.B., Shui, J.F., Liu, R., Wahid, S.H., Cheng, Z. (2018). Characterising
Spatiotemporal Variability of South Asia’s Climate Extremes in Past Decades. Climate
Research. 77, 249-265.
8. Yang, L., Tan, L., Zhang, F., Gale, W.J., Cheng, Z., Sang, W. (2017). Duration of continuous
cropping with straw return affects the composition and structure of soil bacterial
communities in cotton fields. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 64(3), 167-181.
9. Zhang, F., Yang, H., Gale, W.J., Cheng, Z., Yan, J. (2017). Temporal changes in soil organic
carbon and aggregate-associated organic carbon after reclamation of abandoned,
salinized farmland. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 155(2), 205-215.
10. Tian, X., Zhang, F., Li, J., Fan, H., Cheng, Z., Wang, K. (2016). Effects of Bio-organic
Fertilizer on Soil Microbiome against Verticillium dahlia. International Journal of
Agriculture & Biology, 18(5).
11. Yang, H., Zhang, F., Chen, Y., Xu, T., Cheng, Z., Liang, J. (2016). Assessment of Reclamation
Treatments of Abandoned Farmland in an Arid Region of China. Sustainability, 8(11), 1183.
12. 王巍琦, 杨磊, 程志博, 张凤华. 干旱区不同类型盐碱地土壤微生物碳源代谢活性研究.
干旱区资源与环境, 2019, 06: 158-166.
13. 程志博, 张凤华. 不同恢复模式对盐碱化弃耕地土壤无机磷组分及其有效性的影响[A].第十四届中国生态学大会论文摘要集[C]. 2015.
14. 程志博, 周晓琴, 费茂, 张凤华. 盐碱化弃耕地开垦前后土壤养分含量的变化. 新疆农垦科技, 2016, 04: 64-66.
1. 2019 年 6 月获石河子大学优秀博士学位论文
2. 2019 年 6 月获石河子大学优秀毕业研究生