Emory L. Ford Professor of Spanish
Director of PLAS
Office Phone
348 East Pyne and 331 Aaron Burr
Ph.D. from??University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
B.A. from?Buenos Aires University, Argentina
Gabriela Nouzeilles (B.A., Buenos Aires University; Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) is Emory L. Ford Professor of Spanish and Professor at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Before joining Princeton University, she taught at the University of Buenos Aires, Nottingham (UK), and Duke University. She was co-founder and executive editor of the interdisciplinary journal Nepantla Views from South (Duke U.P.). Her publications address a wide range of topics, including scientific and literary fictions of pathology, modern travel cultures, photography, and documentary film and memory. Her book Ficciones somáticas (Somatic Fictions, 2000) studies the interplay of medical, literary, and visual narratives of disease in late nineteenth-century Argentine culture. ? She is the editor of La naturaleza en disputa. Retóricas del cuerpo y el paisaje (2002) and co-editor of The Argentina Reader (2004) and the art catalogue The Itinerant Languages of Photography (Princeton and Yale U.P., 2013). Her most recent book, Of Other Places: Patagonia and the Production of Nature (Duke U.P., forthcoming), studies the modern production of natural spaces, and traces the textual and visual inventions of “Patagonia” as an alternative geography, outside modernity. She is currently working on a new book, The Afterlife of Images, on the relationship between photography and other media in the work of Latin American writers and artists such as Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Julio Cortázar, Salvador Elizondo, Diamela Eltit, and Frida Kahlo.International collaboration has been at the core of her professional career. In 2010, she co-directed with Professor Eduardo Cadava the international research project The Itinerant Languages of Photography, which studied the movement essential to photography—as a practice and as an ever-expanding archive—and its capacity to circulate across time and space as well as across other media, in collaboration with research institutions and archival collections in Spain, Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina. The project closed with a photography exhibition at the Princeton Art Museum (September 7, 2013-January 19, 2014), with photographic materials from the Instituto Moreira Salles and the Biblioteca Nacional (Rio, Brazil), SINAFO (Mexico), the private collection Foto Colectania (Barcelona, Spain), and private collections from the United States and Latin America.?
Service to Princeton
Director, Program in Latin American Studies, 2016-Department Chair, Spanish and Portuguese, 2008-2015
Director of Princeton in Argentina (summer study abroad program), 2013-present
Director of Graduate Studies, Spanish and Portuguese, 2004-2008
Council of the Humanities, Executive Committee, 2010-2012; 2013-2014.
PLAS Executive Committee, 2005-2008
Selected Publications
"La ciudad de los tísicos. Tuberculosis y autonomía"?Anales de la literatura espa?ola contemporánea, Vol. 23, No. 1/2 (1998), pp. 295-313?
"Patagonia as Borderland. Nature, culture, and the idea of the State"
"Postmemory Cinema and the Future of the Past in Albertina Carri's Los Rubios"??
"Asesinatos por sugestión: estética, histeria, and transgresión"?
"The Spiral of the Snail. Searching for the Documentary. An Interview with Joao Moreira Salles"
"Touching the Real. Alternative Travel and Landscape of Fear," in Writing Travel: the poetics and politics of the modern journey edited by John Zilcosky (Toronto, Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2008)
The Argentina Reader: History, Culture, Politics (Latin America in Translation) 082232914X
The Itinerant Languages of Photography 030017436