George C. Christolias, MD
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine at CUMCAssistant Professor of Rehabilitation & Regenerative Medicine
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clinical Rehabilitation Medicine
Assistant Attending Physician
This provider accepts new patients
Appointment Phone Number: (212) 305-3535
George Christolias, MD is double board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Interventional Pain Medicine. He also holds a certification by the American College of Sports Medicine. Dr. Christolias has continued a practice of life-long learning, beyond his years as a student and a trainee. His passion for medical education has led him to educate medical students, residents and physicians. He utilizes his multidisciplinary knowledge, along with state of the art equipment and cutting edge techniques to deliver expert care in his patients’ path to recovery. Dr. Christolias has been voted by his peers as an outstanding educator. Additionally, Dr. Christolias has been distinguished with the Patient’s Choice Award and Compassionate Doctor Recognition on
Board Certifications
Physical Medicine and RehabilitationPain Medicine
Areas of Expertise
Pain Medicine/ManagementAdolescent Sports Injuries
Arthritis of Spine
Arthritis of the Back
Arthritis of the Neck
Back Injuries
Back Pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Cervical Spinal Disorders
Cortisone Injection
Elbow Pain
Epidural Injection into Lumbar Spine
Exercise Medicine
Exercise Physiology
Golfer's Elbow
Hamstring Tendonitis/Injury
Hand & Wrist problems
Herniated Disc
Hip Bursitis
Hip Pain
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Impingement Syndrome
Interventional Pain Management
Interventional Spine Procedures
Joint Injections
Joint Injuries
Joint Pain
Kinetic Chain Approach
Knee & Shoulder Injury
Knee Arthritis
Knee Injuries
Knee Pain
Knee Problem
Ligament Disorders
Low Back & Neck Pain
Low Back and Neck Pain
Lumbar Herniated Disc
Lumbar Pain
Meniscus Tears
Muscle Injuries
Muscle Strain
Musculoskeletal Pain
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Neck Pain
Non-Surgical Approach to Back Pain
Overuse Injuries (Athletes)
Peripheral Neuropathy
Pinched Nerve
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Radiofrequency Ablation
Radiofrequency Treatment
Rotator Cuff Injury
Rotator Cuff Tear
Runner's Knee
Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Shin Splints
Shoulder/Knee Joint Problems
Shoulder Injury
Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Sprain
Soft Tissue Injury
Spinal Arthritis
Spinal Cord Stimulator
Spinal Injection
Spinal Injections
Spinal Stenosis
Spine & Nerve Blocks
Spine (all aspects)
Spine Pain
Spine Rehabilitation
Sports Injuries
Sports Injury
Sports Medicine
Sprains and Strains
Tennis Elbow
Trigger Finger Release
Trigger Point Injections
Wrist Problems
Languages Spoken
EnglishEducation and Training
Hospital of the University of PennsylvaniaB.S., 2004 Rutgers College
M.D., M.B.A., 2008 Chicago Medical School, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
2008 Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
Internship: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Residency: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Fellowship: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Fellowship: 2013 NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center
ColumbiaDoctors - Tarrytown
155 White Plains RoadW100
Tarrytown, NY 10591
Practices and Centers
ColumbiaDoctors TarrytownProvider Affiliations
NewYork-Presbyterian / Columbia University Irving Medical CenterNewYork-Presbyterian Westchester
Insurance Programs
Please contact the provider's office directly to verify that your particular insurance is accepted.AETNA [Aetna Signature Administrators, EPO, HMO, Medicare Managed Care, NYP Employee Plan, NY Signature, POS, PPO, Student Health]
Affinity Health Plan [Essential Plan, Medicaid Managed Care]
AgeWell [Medicare Managed Care, Special Needs]
Amida Care [Special Needs]
CIGNA [EPO, Great West (National), HMO, POS, PPO]
Emblem/GHI [Medicare Managed Care, PPO]
Emblem/HIP [ConnectiCare, EPO, Essential Plan, HMO, Medicaid Managed Care, Medicare Managed Care, POS, PPO, Select Care (Exchange), Vytra]
Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield [EPO, HMO, Medicare Managed Care, PPO]
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield HealthPlus [Child/Family Health Plus, Essential Plan, Medicaid Managed Care]
Fidelis Care [Child/Family Health Plus, Essential Plan, Medicaid Managed Care, Medicare Managed Care]
Healthfirst [Child/Family Health Plus, Leaf (Exchange), Medicaid Managed Care, Medicare Managed Care]
Local 1199 [Local 1199]
MagnaCare (National) [MagnaCare]
Medicare [Railroad, Traditional Medicare]
Multiplan [Multiplan]
MVP Health Care [Child/Family Health Plus, Essential Plan, HMO, Medicaid Managed Care]
Oxford Health Plans [Freedom, Liberty]
RiverSpring [Special Needs]
UnitedHealthcare [Compass (Exchange), Empire Plan, HMO, Medicaid (Community Plan), Medicare Managed Care, POS, PPO]
VNSNY CHOICE [Medicare Managed Care, SelectHealth, Special Needs]
WellCare [Medicaid Managed Care, Medicare Managed Care]
Past Positions
07/2012 –????????????? Columbia University Medical Center???? (New York, NY)06/2013??????????????????Post-doctoral Clinical Fellow???????????????????????????????????????
07/2013 –????????????? Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons? (New York, NY)
09/2014????????????????? Adjunct Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine
07/2013 –????????????? Weill Cornell Medical College????? (New York, NY)
07/2014????????????????? Instructor in RehabilitationMedicine???
07/2014 –????????????? Weill Cornell Medical College????? (New York, NY)
09/2014????????????????? Assistant Professor in Rehabilitation Medicine????
09/2014 –????????????? Weill Cornell Medical College????? (New York, NY)
present?????????????????? Adjunct Assistant Professor in Rehabilitation Medicine????
07/2014 –?????????????Columbia University Medical Center??? (New York, NY)
present?????????????????? Assistant Professor in Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine
8/12/2013 – Invited Lecture – H&D Physical Therapy, 17 East 82nd Street,, New York, NY. Differential Diagnosis of Low Back Pain9/19/2013 – Grand Rounds Presentation – Weill Cornell Medical College, Division of Rehabilitation Medicine. Epidural Blood Patch for the Treatment of Postdural Puncture Headache
10/15/2013 – Invited Lecture – Sports Physical Therapy of New York, 521 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY. Differential Diagnosis of Low Back Pain
12/2/2013 – Course Instructor – Columbia University School of Medicine, Advanced Tutorial: Musculoskeletal Exam Workshop.
12/10/2013 – Invited Lecture – Weill Cornell Medical Associates, 40 Worth Street, Suite 402 NYC 10013. Differential Diagnosis of Low Back Pain
12/18/2013 – Invited Lecture – Columbia University, Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Pain Medicine. ?Physical Examination of the Lumbar Spine
05/10/2014 – Invited Lecture –Weill Cornell Medical College, Conference in Multidisciplinary Evaluation and Management of Spine Pain. ?Physical Examination of the Lumbar Spine
05/10/2014 – Invited Lecture –Weill Cornell Medical College, Conference in Multidisciplinary Evaluation and Management of Spine Pain. ?Physical Examination of the Cervical Spine
05/10/2014 – Invited Lecture –Weill Cornell Medical College, Conference in Multidisciplinary Evaluation and Management of Spine Pain. ?Basics of Spinal interventions
Committees / Societies / Memberships
2008 – present?? Member, American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation2011 – present?? Member, American Academy of Pain Management
2012 – present?? Member, American Society of Anesthesiologists
2013 – present?? Member, International Spine Interventional Society